Setup a Magento 2 Development Environment with Docker Course -
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Setup a Magento 2 Development Environment with Docker
The easiest way to install, manage, configure & standardize Magento development environments across your team.
It can be very difficult to get a Magento 2 development environment setup quickly & easily. With this screencast, you'll understand the basics of configuring and managing a development environment in no time.
At the end of this course you'll have an extremely performant development environment setup that is easy to use, one which you can setup to your exact specifications, and a config you can actually manage yourself. I'll also walk you through setting up Xdebug within PHPStorm, so you can set & debug breakpoints like the master PHP developer you are.
You do not need to understand Docker to use this setup, as simple helper scripts abstract away the complexity and allow you to administer your Magento instance without hassle.
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