About this site
JOYK (www.joyk.com) is a non-profit website that aggregates technology-related information. We strive to provide useful information to our visitors while also being friendly to search engines. Many entrepreneurs in the technology industry both domestically and internationally favor JOYK as an information distribution platform.
To ensure that external websites remain open, we retain text content on our site, which is not displayed by default. However, statistics show that 99% of our users go to the source website via the link to view the content. If you would like us to remove a link to your website, please send us an email, and we will reply and delete it within a week of reading the email. Please note that while we will do our best to ensure that your website does not appear again in the future, we cannot guarantee it.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards malicious smears, rumors, and pornographic content, regardless of whether the content belongs to you or not. We will promptly delete any such content upon receiving feedback.
Finally, please note that all external links on JOYK do not necessarily represent the views and positions of our site.
How to post a link
- 1. register https://www.joyk.com/register
- 2. post a link for free https://www.joyk.com/dig/add
- 1.Let your content get more exposure, from the users of this site, and the clicks brought by the high ranking of search engines.
- 2. Let your website get higher authority. more external links
- 3. Let your website get more clicks, 99% of users who visit this site will visit the source website through a link, and this site also encourages users to do so.
Email: [email protected]
The author who provided the content for this website owns the copyright of the materials. If you intend to reproduce any of the content, please include the original source link. For commercial use or secondary modification, please seek permission from the original author.
Updated Logs
Date | Detail |
2017-04 | cost $15000 to buy joyk.com domain |
2017-08-24 | first version |
2017-08-29 | finished basic function,register,login,add a post, mark |
2017-10 | add dig category |
2018-01 | hide topic |
2022-02 | updated content of about this site |