Top 20 Most Beautiful Canal Cities Around The World (That Aren’t Venice)

 3 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2020/12/10/top-20-most-beautiful-canal-cities-around-the-world-that-arent-venice/
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Top 20 Most Beautiful Canal Cities Around The World (That Aren’t Venice)


Waterways play a crucial role in transportation throughout history. Still today, the cities like Venice, Bruges, and Amsterdam is globally known for their stunning canal system. Sure, there is only one real Venice, but there are dozens of other beautiful and romantic canal cities that offer plenty of charms of their own.

Here are 10 of the world’s most beautiful canal cities worth a visit (That Aren’t Venice).

  1. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Hamburg, Germany
  3. Amiens, France
  4. Bruges, Belgium
  5. Tigre, Argentina
  6. Alappuzha (Allepphy), Kerala, India
  7. Birmingham, United Kingdom
  8. Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
  9. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  10. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
  11. Delft, Netherlands
  12. St. Petersburg, Russia
  13. Xochimilco, Mexico
  14. Stockholm, Sweden
  15. Bangkok, Thailand
  16. Can Tho, Vietnam
  17. Giethoorn, Netherlands
  18. El Gouna, Egypt
  19. Nan Madol, Micronesia
  20. Utrecht, The Netherlands

December 10, 2020

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