Amazon Managed Service for Grafana

 3 years ago
source link: https://aws.amazon.com/grafana/
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Fully Managed Grafana Data Visualization

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Amazon Managed Service for Grafana is a fully managed rich, interactive data visualization service that is scalable, secure, and highly available. Using Amazon Managed Service for Grafana, you can analyze, monitor, and alarm on metrics, logs, and traces across multiple data sources, including AWS, third-party ISVs, databases, and other resources across your IT portfolio. Amazon Managed Service for Grafana offloads the operational management of Grafana by automatically scaling compute and database infrastructure as usage demands increase, with automated version updates and security patching. Amazon Managed Service for Grafana also integrates with AWS Single Sign-On to ensure that your corporate directory users can seamlessly access the dashboards and data sources for which they have permissions. Amazon Managed Service for Grafana natively integrates with AWS services to ensure that you can securely add, query, visualize, and analyze your AWS data across multiple accounts and Regions with a few clicks in the AWS Console.


How it works

How Amazon Managed Service for Grafana works

Use cases

Troubleshoot operational issues collaboratively

Teams and users can view and edit dashboards in real time, track dashboard version changes, and share dashboards with related teams or executive stakeholders to ensure that everyone is viewing the same data while troubleshooting operational issues. Amazon Managed Service for Grafana allows flexible dashboard sharing, from creating snapshots that can be shared publicly, to inviting team members to a shared dashboard.

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