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    ### Introduction If you're a Mac user who wants to take your terminal experience to the next level, this guide is for you. We'll cover everything from installing essential packages to configuring iTerm 2 and Zsh, as well as recommending some must-ha...

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    《有赞SaaS工作手册》暨 SaaS创业十年的一些教训和经验总结​​🌟中国的SaaS行业有着行业阶段早、基础人才不足等特点,可参考的资料较少。有赞侥幸作为这个行业的先行者积累了一些经验和教训,本文档起于2022年10月,由有赞参谋部负责编辑,以“方法论”视角为主(不包...

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    Best Aria2 iOS App NeoAria2

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    To get effective analyzing and communicating results, you may sift through lots of data for your jobs. When you manage multiple sources of data, it can get overwhelming and may make you frustrating. You'd better know wh...

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    背景 去年 5 月曾经写了一篇文章介绍了下 Lex Fridman 大佬的日常生活安排,后续我也根据他的方法对自己的日常生活做了一系列规范和改进。这一年整体实行下来,效果还是非常显著的,本文的最后...


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