Cursor or While on Transaction Notification

 5 months ago
source link: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-q-a/cursor-or-while-on-transaction-notification/qaq-p/13602649
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Cursor or While on Transaction Notification

Hi Everyone...

About use cursor or while loops inside transaction notification... what the experts recommend???


Wagner +55 81 998866977 (Whatsapp)

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Product and Topic Expert

43 seconds ago

Hi  WagnerBezerra,

The use of advanced database objects such as stored procedures and triggers in the SAP Business One databases are not allowed.
Except the SAP provided stored procedure SBO_SP_TransactionNotification modifying and/or creating as well as executing any SAP or non-SAP stored procedures are not allowed as they

  • may cause conflicts with SAP Business One processes
  • are not portable between different database systems
  • cause possible problems during upgrading and/or patching the SAP Business One databases
    ▪ Using DI API or DI Server instead guarantees backward compatibility for
    an Add-On running on a customer system.
  • Therefore the usage of stored procedures in the SAP Business One databases will not
    be accepted regardless of their purpose as to write and/or extract data.
    Similarly as they may get erased during upgrades and conflict with SAP Business One
    processes, triggers are also not allowed in SAP Business One databases.

Kind regards,


SAP Business One Support

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