[上海/北京] NVIDIA 招聘 Deep Learning Performance Architect

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.v2ex.com/t/943073
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Q1 财报不错,所以又来招人啦。这次继续是 NV Compute Arch 组的招聘,算是我司核心中的核心了。需要深度学习和 C/C++ 背景。实际工作内容和待遇网上都能搜得到,就不展开了。

申请链接: https://nvidia.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/NVIDIAExternalCareerSite/job/Deep-Learning-Performance-Architect_JR1966554

Deep Learning Performance Architect

What you’ll be doing:

  • Develop production-quality software that ships as part of NVIDIA's AI software stack.
  • Analyze the performance of important workloads, tune our current software, and propose improvements for future software.
  • Work with cross-collaborative teams of deep learning software engineers and GPU architects to innovate across applications like autonomous driving, NLP, computer vision, and recommender systems.
  • Adapt to the constantly evolving AI industry by being agile and excited to contribute across the codebase, including API design, software architecture, testing, and GPU kernel development.
  • Mentoring junior engineers on the team.

What we need to see:

  • M.S. Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering (or similar), or equivalent experience.
  • 2+ years of relevant work or research experience.
  • Strong programming skills in C/C++ development and familiarity with Python.
  • Experience designing high-level software architecture.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, including applications of algorithms and data structures.
  • Experience with performance analysis, profiling, and code optimization.
  • Basic understanding of machine learning.
  • Ability to work independently, define project goals and scope, and lead your own development effort.

Ways to stand out from the crowd:

  • GPU programming and optimization expertise (e.g. CUDA or OpenCL).
  • Practical experience with machine learning, especially deep learning.
  • Experience with data science, statistical analysis, and visualization.
  • Previous work on large complex codebases with many other developers, especially libraries, compilers, or system software.
  • Track record of identifying new technologies and incorporating them into software development flows.
  • Excellent understanding of linear algebra and calculus.



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