Twitch is raising the price of Turbo, its monthly subscription that removes ads

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/25/23737655/twitch-turbo-price-increase-subscription
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Twitch is raising the price of Turbo, its monthly subscription that removes ads


Twitch Turbo is going from $8.99 per month to $11.99 per month in the US.

By Jay Peters, a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. He’s submitted several accepted emoji proposals to the Unicode Consortium.

May 25, 2023, 6:17 PM UTC|

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An illustration of the Twitch logo.
Illustration by Nick Barclay / The Verge

Twitch is raising the monthly price of Twitch Turbo, its monthly subscription that lets you pay to remove most ads, gives you additional emoticons, and more, in the US and many countries. In the US, it’s jumping from $8.99 to $11.99, and you can see prices for other countries in a support article on Twitch’s website. There are no feature changes to accompany the price changes.

Users were notified about the pricing changes in emails sent on Thursday. Current subscribers will have their current rates locked in for three additional months, and they’ll have to choose to opt in to the new prices. “If you don’t renew within the next three months, your Turbo subscription will stop renewing on August 31st, though your benefits may extend into September depending on your sub renewal date,” Twitch wrote in the email.

Many subscribers aren’t happy about the price increase. A thread on the r/Twitch subreddit is already filled with complaints, and some users outside the US are seeing significant price jumps. I’m also seeing some unhappy posts on Twitter — though some are resigned to continue paying.

The price hike comes on the heels of Twitch getting a new CEO and cutting jobs amidst broader layoffs at Amazon, and it seems that Twitch sees an opportunity to make more money by making Turbo more expensive. While Twitch didn’t introduce new features on Thursday, it sounds like Turbo will be getting improvements in the future. “There are more updates on the way for Turbo to make it even better and more relevant to our community, and we can’t wait to share them in the coming months,” Twitch wrote.

For some, the price of Turbo has decreased. If you live in a place where that’s the case, to take advantage of the lower price, you’ll have to cancel your subscription and then resubscribe, Twitch wrote in the email.

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