Françoise Nielly

 2 years ago
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Françoise Nielly

Featured, Fine Art, French Artist, Oil Paintings, Paintings, Palette Knife

Françoise Nielly lives in a world of images. She has explored the different facets of “image” all her life, through painting, photography, roughs, illustrations and virtual, computer generated animated graphics. It is clear now that painting is her direction and her passion.

She gets her sense of space and construction from her father, who was an architect. Growing up in the South of France where she lived between Cannes and Saint-Tropez, is never far from the light, the color sense and the atmosphere that permeates the South of France.

This is coupled with her studies with her studies at the Beaux arts and Decorative Arts, and her sense of humor and of celebration.

Françoise Nielly’s painting is expressive, exhibiting a brute force, a fascinating vital energy. Oil and knife combine to sculpt her images from a material that is, at the same time, biting and incisive, charnel and sensual.

Whether she paints the human body or portraits, the artist takes a risk: her painting is sexual, her colors free, exuberant, surprising, and even explosive, the cut of her knife incisive, her color pallet dazzling.

Françoise Nielly is a passionate woman who loves life, wide open spaces, sushi, blue lagoons, the Internet, humor, books, Paris, New York and Vancouver.

Resolutely inscribed in her epoch, she is an accomplished artist; 20 years of artistic expression explain the maturity of her work and the perfect mastery of her art.

She lives and paints in Paris near Montmartre; shows and sells her work in Europe, in Canada and in the United States.

Françoise Nielly Inspiration

Being a passionate woman, Francoise Nielly finds her inspiration in the surrounding world. She loves life, architecture, blue lagoons, Internet, open spaces, chocolate at night, love, Paris, and much more… Faces are the special attraction and passion of the artist.

Human faces often work like triggers for her, launching the imagination and the process of producing art. Raised in the atmosphere of the Mediterranean Sea cost, Francoise has a subtle perception of deep colors, strong contrasts, and intense light, which are so clearly reflected in her paintings.


Francoise Nielly is a well-established artist with mature painting technique. In order to create her masterpieces, Francoise uses mainly knives and oil paints. Working on portraits, she usually takes black-and-white photos of her models, which are later used as the references for paintings.

She never draws preliminary sketches with a pencil, just a few general outlines to create some fixed reference points. Francoise works with very thick layers of oil paint, thus most of her masterpieces are formed with multiple layers, put on the canvas one by one by a skillful hand of the artist with no chance for a mistake.

Francoise Nielly loves colors and contrasts. That is why her paintings contain the entire palette of colors and shades. Sometimes, she chooses one particular color, such as yellow or orange, to dominate on the painting.

French Artist Françoise Nielly Painting

French Artist Françoise Nielly Painting

Françoise Nielly Paintings

Francoise Nielly website

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