TikTok to abandon its live broadcast project in Europe & the US

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.gizchina.com/2022/07/06/tiktok-to-abandon-its-live-broadcast-project-in-europe-the-us/
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TikTok to abandon its live broadcast project in Europe & the US

TikTok India relaunch

Due to the unsuccessful early test, popular short video platform TikTok is preparing to abandon the project of expanding live broadcast and delivery in the US and European markets. According to reports, TikTok has been testing live streaming in the UK market since late last year, launching a multi-brand campaign called “On Trend” in December last year. However, these live streaming events did not attract a large number of viewers. In addition, it did not bring many sales for the corresponding products. Furthermore, some anchors who participated in TikTok’s early live streaming projects have completely withdrawn.


Previously, TikTok had been planning to launch live streaming in European markets such as Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, and hoped to launch live streaming in the U.S. market later this year. However, the company says it is currently only focusing on promotion in the U.K. market.

TikTok’s live delivery model is more mature in several markets in Asia. Live streaming, led by video creators and influencers, is a huge business for TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance. Douyin, a short-video platform owned by ByteDance, has witnessed how live-streaming delivery has generated a lot of business for retailers, video creators and platforms alike.

TikTok live streaming – a success in some regions

But so far, this online e-commerce model has not worked for all markets. QVC and home TV shopping have achieved great success in the U.S. market, and more users are buying products through Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Nevertheless, many platforms have not been successful in testing the live streaming function. However, as the social shopping model continues to evolve, platforms are competing fiercely to become the shopping destination for consumers.

Regarding TikTok, there are a large number of users who spend time and money on the platform. There is no doubt about the idea of ​​investing heavily in live streaming. The company has been developing and testing various shopping experience features for over a year. It is currently testing the TikTok shopping feature in the app in Indonesia. If there’s one company that can successfully implement live-streamed social shopping outside of Asia, it’s probably TikTok.

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