Create YOLOv3 using PyTorch from scratch (Part-5)

 1 year ago
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Create YOLOv3 using PyTorch from scratch (Part-5)

1 Overview

This is Part-5 of the series on building a YOLOv3 model from scratch.

Here is an overview of the series:

  1. Understanding the YOLO model.
  2. Building the model backbone.
  3. Load pre-trained weights
  4. Get the tools ready.
  5. Training data preparation: this post.

    This part will write some pre-processing codes to load the COCO detection dataset, including the images and annotation labels. It is also a good chance to test out the IoU, NMS and mAP utility functions we created in the last part.

  6. Train the model.

2 Get the COCO data

I used this bash script from the Github repo of darknet to download the 2014 COCO detection dataset.

It is generally a good practice to examine the bash script before executing it. So download the script file, have a look, put it somewhere and execute it. It will download the 2014 COCO training and validation datasets, as well labels. The entire unzipped dataset is about 23 GB in size, so make sure your disk has enough of space.

Once it is done, we should have a folder structure like this:


I’ve omitted other files and folders. We will be focusing on the images and labels folders alone.

It might be a good idea to symlink this coco folder into the data sub-folder under the YOLOv3_pytorch project folder. For a structure of the folder, refer back to the Create the Darknet-53 model section of part-2.

Also note that we will need to map the class names to ids and back. So also put this coco.names_.txt file into the coco folder as well.

3 Create dataset and dataloader objects

I’m going to put the relevant code in a loader.py script in the YOLOv3_pytorch project folder. You can put these anywhere you like.

3.1 The COCODataset class

Here is the definition of the COCODataset class:

class COCODataset(Dataset):
    '''Create Dataset for COCO data

        base_folder (str): base folder for the coco data. Should contain sub-folders
            of "images" and "labels".
    Keyword Args:
        train (bool): if True, load training data. Otherwise load valication data.
        transform (torchvision.transforms or None): transform to perform on loaded images.
            If None, will do a ToTensor() transform by default.
        max_size (int or None): if not None, select only the first <max_size> samples.
    def __init__(self, base_folder, train=True, transform=None, max_size=None):

        self.base_folder = base_folder
        self.train = train

        if transform is not None:
            self.transform = transform
            self.transform = transforms.ToTensor()

        # class2id and id2class dicts
        self.cls_name_file = os.path.join(base_folder, 'coco.names_.txt')
        self.class2id, self.id2class = read_coco_names(self.cls_name_file)

        if train:
            self.image_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'images', 'train2014')
            self.label_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'labels', 'train2014')
            self.image_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'images', 'val2014')
            self.label_folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'labels', 'val2014')

        self.image_files = os.listdir(self.image_folder)
        self.label_files = os.listdir(self.label_folder)

        if max_size is not None:
            self.image_files = self.image_files[:max_size]
            self.label_files = self.label_files[:max_size]

        self.image_files = [os.path.join(self.image_folder, ii) for ii in self.image_files]
        self.label_files = [os.path.join(self.label_folder, ii) for ii in self.label_files]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.image_files)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):

        idx = idx % len(self.image_files)

        # get image
        image_file = self.image_files[idx]
        image = Image.open(image_file).convert('RGB')
        image = self.transform(image)

        # prepare label
        label_file = self.label_files[idx]
        labels = np.loadtxt(label_file)  # cls, x, y, w, h
        labels = np.atleast_2d(labels)
        labels = np.roll(labels, -1, axis=1)  # x, y, w, h, cls

        labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).float()

        return image, labels

Some points to note:

  • If the input argument train is True, we load the training data from coco/images/train2014. Otherwise, we load validation data from coco/images/val2014.
  • The input transform argument can be used to do data augmentation. Just be careful that the transformations should be label-preserving. Remember, we are dealing with bounding box coordinates, so make sure the labels are changed in a consistent way.
  • We add an optional max_size argument to select only a subset of the dataset. This could be helpful when doing small trivial to make sure that the model is capable of overfitting a small dataset.
  • For each image file, e.g. coco/images/train2014/COCO_train2014_000000000089.jpg, there is a corresponding label file, e.g. coco/labels/train2014/COCO_train2014_000000000089.txt The content of the label file looks like this:

        43 0.805492 0.357625 0.040359 0.275792 
        43 0.760125 0.376135 0.030812 0.221062 
        43 0.846930 0.350510 0.041359 0.287271 
        43 0.884539 0.354979 0.032609 0.289542 
        43 0.917523 0.349990 0.042141 0.297479 
        69 0.478883 0.703823 0.525328 0.563062 
        68 0.092344 0.241927 0.184688 0.301896 
        73 0.815477 0.727354 0.141328 0.063250 
        73 0.865914 0.795917 0.178203 0.070208 
        73 0.900883 0.891187 0.198234 0.104417 

    The 5 columns are:

    1. class index, from 0 to 79.
    2. xcenter of bounding box.
    3. ycenter of bounding box.
    4. width of bounding box.
    5. height of bounding box.

    All coordinates are fractional offsets with respect to the top-left corner of the image, and width/height sizes are fractions of the image size.

    When outputting the label, we change the columns to a layout of: [xcenter, ycenter, w, h, cls]. This is done using these 2 lines:

      labels = np.atleast_2d(labels)
      labels = np.roll(labels, -1, axis=1)  # x, y, w, h, cls

3.2 The dataloader object

I created a create_loader() function to return an instance of COCODataset, and an instance of DataLoader:

def create_loader(data_folder, config, shuffle=True):
    '''Create a Dataset and a DataLoader obj

        data_folder (str): base folder of the coco dataset.
        config (dict): config dict. Loaded from config/load_config.py
    Keyword Args:
        shuffle (bool): whether to shuffle the batch in DataLoader.
        dataset (torch.utils.data.Dataset): coco dataset.
        dataloader (torch.utils.data.DataLoader): dataloader obj.

    is_train = config['is_train']
    max_data_size = config['max_data_size']
    batch_size = config['batch_size']

    trans = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Resize([config['width'], config['height']]),

    dataset = COCODataset(data_folder, is_train, trans, max_data_size)
    dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, shuffle=shuffle, batch_size=batch_size,

    return dataset, dataloader

The input argument config is a dict containing some model setup parameters.

We also need a collate_fn function to pass to the DataLoader initializer. This is because the number of objects in different images are not the same, and DataLoader needs a way to properly handle non-uniform sizes when preparing a batch. Besides, we also need to label the images in a batch with indices, to keep track of which predictions are for which images.

Here is the collate_fn() function:

def collate_fn(batch):

    samples = []
    targets = []
    for ii, (sii, tii) in enumerate(batch):
        samples.append(sii) # image

        # add batch idx to label
        tii = torch.cat([torch.full([len(tii), 1], ii).float(), tii], dim=1)

    samples = torch.stack(samples, 0)
    targets = torch.cat(targets, 0)

    return samples, targets

Note that after passing through the collate_fn, the labels have 6 columns:

[batch_idx, x_center, y_center, w, h, cls]

4 Test drive

Let’s test out the above shown codes. It might also be a good place to test out the codes of IoU, NMS and mAP computations, introduced in the previous part.

Create a new evaluate.py script in the YOLOv3_pytorch project folder, with the following content:

import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision import transforms

from config import load_config
from model import Darknet53
from utils import batch_NMS, compute_mAP, draw_predictions
from loader import create_loader

if __name__=='__main__':

    #--------------------Load model config--------------------
    CONFIG_FILE = './config/yolov3.cfg'
    net_config, module_list = load_config.parse_config(CONFIG_FILE)
    config = {'net': net_config}
    config['module_list'] = module_list
    config['width'] = 416
    config['height'] = 416
    config['n_classes'] = 80
    config['max_data_size'] = 10
    config['batch_size'] = 4
    config['is_train'] = False
    config['conf_thres'] = 0.3
    config['nms_iou_thres'] = 0.5
    config['map_iou_thres'] = 0.5
    DATA_FOLDER = './data/coco'
    WEIGHT_PATH = './yolov3.weights'

    #-------------------Create model-------------------
    model = Darknet53(config)

    #-------------------Load weights-------------------

    #----------------Turn on eval model----------------

    #--------------Get dataset and dataloader--------------
    dataset, dataloader = create_loader(DATA_FOLDER, config, shuffle=False)
    id2class = dataset.id2class

    #-----------------Start prediction-----------------
    preds = []
    labels = []

    for imgii, labelii in dataloader:

        with torch.no_grad():
            yii = model(imgii)

        labelii = labelii.cpu().numpy()
        yii = yii.detach().cpu().numpy()

        # filter by NMS
        yii = batch_NMS(yii, config['conf_thres'], config['nms_iou_thres'])

        # convert to fractional coordinates and sizes, to match with labels
        yii[:, [1,3]] /= config['width']
        yii[:, [2,4]] /= config['height']

        print('## yii.shape:', yii.shape)
        print('## labelii.shape:', labelii.shape)

        # draw predictions
        if len(yii) > 0:
            # loop through images in batch
            for jj in range(len(imgii)):
                imgjj = imgii[jj]           # get image from batch
                imgjj = transforms.ToPILImage()(imgjj)   # transform image to PIL image
                yjj = yii[yii[:, 0] == jj][:, 1:]        # get predictions from batch
                yjj[:, [0, 2]] *= config['width']        # scale back to pixel units
                yjj[:, [1, 3]] *= config['height']

                fig, ax = draw_predictions(imgjj, model.width, model.height, yjj, id2class)

                #----------------- Save plot------------
                plot_save_name = 'pred_result_%d-%d' %(len(preds), jj)
                print('\n# <predict_pretrained>: Save figure to', plot_save_name)
                fig.savefig(plot_save_name, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')

    preds = np.vstack(preds)
    labels = np.vstack(labels)

    mAP = compute_mAP(preds, labels, 0, config['map_iou_thres'])
    print('[email protected] =', mAP)

Some points to note:

  • We use many building blocks created in earlier parts:

    from config import load_config
    from model import Darknet53
    from utils import batch_NMS, compute_mAP, draw_predictions

    So if you haven’t got these ready, please go back to previous parts of the series first.

  • We call the newly created create_loader() function to get the dataset and dataloader. For test purposes, I’m reading in only 10 images, with a batch size of 4:

        config['max_data_size'] = 10
        config['batch_size'] = 4
  • When iterating through the dataloader, imgii is a 4D tensor with shape [B, 3, 416, 416], where B is the batch size. labelii is a 2D tensor of shape [n, 6], where n is the number of labeled objects in this batch.
  • There are some back-n-forth coordinate transformations.

      yii[:, [1,3]] /= config['width']
      yii[:, [2,4]] /= config['height']

    This is converting the model predicted bounding box coordinates to fractional units, because the labels are using fractions, and we need them to be consistent to compute the mAP.

    When creating the plot using draw_predictions(), we convert from fractions back to pixel units again:

      imgjj = transforms.ToPILImage()(imgjj)   # transform image to PIL image
      yjj = yii[yii[:, 0] == jj][:, 1:]        # get predictions from batch
      yjj[:, [0, 2]] *= config['width']        # scale back to pixel units
      yjj[:, [1, 3]] *= config['height']
  • To compute the mAP score, we collect all predictions in the preds list, and all labels in the labels list, convert them to np.ndarray, and call our compute_mAP() function created in the previous post.

Below are some sample image outputs. Note that the NMS process has eliminated duplicate predictions. But when there are many objects relatively packed together, they are also all preserved.

Figure 1: Sample image with detection results.

Figure 2: Sample image with detection results.

Figure 3: Sample image with detection results.

Figure 4: Sample image with detection results.

The final [email protected] score is 0.53. The validation sample size is too small (we only used 10 images), but it is comparable with the reported offical value.

5 Summary

In this post we created Dataset and DataLoader classes to read and load COCO 2014 detection data, then tested out the IoU, NMS and mAP computation functions.

We have got everything ready to start training a YOLOv3 model from scratch, or do fine-tuning with pre-trained weights. We will get into the model training part in the next post.

Author: guangzhi

Created: 2022-06-17 Fri 23:51


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