Question - Delivery dates! | Page 15 | XDA Forums
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/delivery-dates.4349851/page-15#post-85831717
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P6P black 128 from at&t. Shipped 10/22 and FedEx is showing it 20 miles away scheduled for delivery 10/23.I am impressed considering every Pixel phone has been a disaster disappointment.Zero reviews.
No one is concerned that Google didn't want any reviews of their phone?Apparently somewhat good news guys & gals. Checked my order this morning and the cancel button to cancel my order is no longer there. According to Google that means the phone has gone to the warehouse for packing. Expected delivery date is still Oct. 26-27.
Looks like they may have gotten the ball rolling...Fedex now has information on my tracking. "Estimated delivery date: Wednesday, 10/27/2021". Also coming from CAROL STREAM, IL.
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