Artsy Action-Adventure Platformer Aspire: Ina’s Tale Arrives in December
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A playable demo will be available on Steam on October 1
Aspire: Ina’s Tale is an upcoming indie action-adventure platformer that promises to offer a charming experience. Despite the fact that the game looks gorgeous, developer Wondernaut Studio does warn us about the twisting nature of their project.
As the name suggest, you play as Ina, a young girl trapped in perpetual slumber inside the cruel Tower that feeds off the dreams of its victims. You are lost inside the Tower’s inner chambers and must find a way out.
Gameplay-wise, Aspire: Ina’s Tale is a 2D platformer featuring intuitive puzzles. Along the way, players will meet enigmatic characters and solve platforming sequences as she comes closer to her goal, yet farther from innocence.
Aspire: Ina’s Tale shapes up to be a beautiful side-scrolling adventure, as players will traverse gorgeous landscapes, each with their own distinct feel. Furthermore, every region in the game presents its own peculiarities to unravel, so there seem to be a little bit of metroidvania elements too.
Aside from the platforming elements and artsy visuals, Aspire: Ina’s Tale promises a compelling story, as Ina's dreams shape reality while the Tower feeds. As players explore the Tower, they will learn about the other denizens that inhabit the mysterious building. To find the way out and save yourself, you might need to uncover their pasts, their memories, and, ultimately, set them free.
Additionally, Ina will be using special powers that resonate with the spirits that inhabit the Tower. She can use them to manipulate objects, solve puzzles, reveal hidden passages, and navigate the environment in her quest for freedom.
Aspire: Ina’s Tale is set for release on PC (via Steam), Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in December. Until then, fans of the genre can check out the playable demo, which will be available for free on Steam starting October 1.
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