Friday Q&A 2013-01-25: Let's Build NSObject

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Friday Q&A 2013-01-25
mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?
Friday Q&A 2013-01-25: Let's Build NSObject
by Mike Ash  

The NSObject class lies at the root of (almost) all classes we build and use as part of Cocoa programming. What does it actually do, though, and how does it do it? Today, I'm going to rebuild NSObject from scratch, as suggested by friend of the blog and occasional guest author Gwynne Raskind.

Components of a Root Class
What exactly does a root class do? In terms of Objective-C itself, there is precisely one requirement: the root class's first instance variable must be isa, which is a pointer to the object's class. The isa is used to figure out what class an object is when dispatching messages. That's all there has to be, from a strict language standpoint.

A root class that only provides that wouldn't be very useful, of course. NSObject provides a lot more. The functionality it provides can be broken down into three categories:

  1. Memory management: standard memory management methods like retain and release are implemented in NSObject. The alloc method is also implemented there.
  2. Introspection: NSObject provides a bunch of methods that are essentially wrappers around Objective-C runtime functionality, such as class, respondsToSelector:, and isKindOfClass:.
  3. Default implementations of miscellaneous methods: there are a bunch of methods that we count on every object implementing, such as isEqual: and description. In order to ensure that every object has an implementation, NSObject provides a default implementation that every subclass gets if it doesn't bring its own.

I'll be reimplementing NSObject functionality as MAObject. I've posted the full code for this article on GitHub:


Note that this code is built without ARC. Although ARC is great and should be used whenever possible, it really gets in the way when implementing a root class, because a root class needs to implement memory management and ARC prefers that you leave memory management up to the compiler.

Instance Variables
MAObject has two instance variables. The first is the isa pointer. The second is the object's reference count:

    @implementation MAObject {
        Class isa;
        volatile int32_t retainCount;

The reference count will be managed using functions from OSAtomic.h to ensure thread safety, which is why it has a somewhat unusual definition rather than just using NSUInteger or similar.

NSObject actually holds reference counts externally. There's a global table which maps an object's address to its reference count. This saves memory, because the table represents the common reference count of 1 by not having an entry in the table at all. However, this technique is complex and a bit slow, so I opted not to follow it for my own version.

Memory Management
The first thing that MAObject needs to be able to do is to create instances. This is done by implementing the +alloc method. (I'm skipping the deprecated and rarely used +allocWithZone:, which these days does the same thing and ignores its parameter anyway.)

Subclasses rarely override +alloc, and rely on the root class to allocate memory for them. That means that MAObject needs to be able to allocate instances not only of MAObject, but of any subclass. This is done by taking advantage of the fact that the value of self in a class method is the class the message was actually sent to. If code does [SomeSubclass alloc], then self holds a pointer to SomeSubclass. That class can then be used to query the runtime to figure out how much memory to allocate, and to set the isa pointer correctly. The retain count is also initialized to 1, as suits a newly allocated object:

    + (id)alloc
        MAObject *obj = calloc(1, class_getInstanceSize(self));
        obj->isa = self;
        obj->retainCount = 1;
        return obj;

The retain method simply uses OSAtomicIncrement32 to bump up the retain count, and returns self:

    - (id)retain
        return self;

The release method does a bit more. It first decrements the retain count. If the retain count was decremented to 0, then the object needs to be destroyed, so the code calls dealloc:

    - (oneway void)release
        uint32_t newCount = OSAtomicDecrement32(&retainCount);
        if(newCount == 0)
            [self dealloc];

The implementation of autorelease calls NSAutoreleasePool to add self to the current autorelease pool. Autorelease pools are part of the runtime these days, so this is a somewhat indirect route, but the autorelease APIs in the runtime are private, so this is the best we can do for now:

    - (id)autorelease
        [NSAutoreleasePool addObject: self];
        return self;

The retainCount method simply returns the value held in the ivar:

    - (NSUInteger)retainCount
        return retainCount;

Finally, there's the dealloc method. In normal classes, dealloc needs to clean up any instance variables and then call super. The root class has to actually dispose of the memory occupied by the object itself. In this case, it's just a simple call to free:

    - (void)dealloc

There are a couple of helper methods as well. NSObject provides a do-nothing init method for consistency, so that subclasses can always call [super init]:

    - (id)init
        return self;

There's also a new method, which is just a wrapper around alloc and init:

    + (id)new
        return [[self alloc] init];

There's also an empty finalize method. NSObject implements this as part of its garbage collection support. MAObject doesn't support garbage collection in the first place, but I included this just because NSObject has it:

    - (void)finalize

Many of the introspection methods are just wrappers around runtime functions. Since that's not too interesting, I'll give a brief discussion of what the runtime function is doing behind the scenes as well.

The simplest introspection method is class, which just returns the value of isa:

    - (Class)class
        return isa;

Technically, this method will fail on tagged pointers. A proper implementation should call object_getClass, which behaves correctly for tagged pointers, and extracts the isa from a normal pointer.

The superclass instance method is equivalent to just invoking the superclass class method on the object's class, so that's exactly what the method does:

    - (Class)superclass
        return [[self class] superclass];

There are also class methods for these. The +class method just returns self, which is the class object. This is a little weird, but it's how NSObject does things. [obj class] returns the object's class, but [MyClass class] just returns a pointer to MyClass itself. It's not consistent, as MyClass also has a class, which is the MyClass metaclass, but it's how things are done:

    + (Class)class
        return self;

The +superclass method does what it says. This is implemented by calling class_getSuperclass, which just grovels around inside the class structure maintained by the runtime and pulls out the pointer to the superclass.

    + (Class)superclass
        return class_getSuperclass(self);

There are also methods for querying whether an object's class matches a particular class. The simple one is isMemberOfClass:, which does a strict check, ignoring subclasses. Its implementation is simple:

    - (BOOL)isMemberOfClass: (Class)aClass
        return isa == aClass;

The isKindOfClass: method checks subclasses too, so that [subclassInstance isKindOfClass: [Superclass class]] returns YES. The output of this method is essentially the same as that of the class method isSubclassOfClass:, so it just calls through:

    - (BOOL)isKindOfClass: (Class)aClass
        return [isa isSubclassOfClass: aClass];

That method gets a bit more interesting. Starting from self, it walks up the class hierarchy, comparing with the target class at each level. If it finds a match, it returns YES. If it runs off the top of the class hierarchy without ever finding a match, it returns NO:

    + (BOOL)isSubclassOfClass: (Class)aClass
        for(Class candidate = self; candidate != nil; candidate = [candidate superclass])
            if (candidate == aClass)
                return YES;

        return NO;

It's interesting to note that this check is not particularly efficient. If you call this method on a class that's deep in the class hierarchy, it can take a lot of loop iterations before it returns NO. Because of that, isKindOfClass: checks can be quite a lot slower than message sends, and can actually be substantial bottlenecks in certain cases. Just one more reason to avoid them when possible.

The respondsToSelector: method just calls through to the runtime function class_respondsToSelector. That, in turn, looks up the selector in the class's method table to see if it has an entry:

    - (BOOL)respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return class_respondsToSelector(isa, aSelector);

There's a class method, instancesRespondToSelector:, which is nearly identical. The only difference is passing self, which is the class in this context, rather than isa, which would be the metaclass here:

    + (BOOL)instancesRespondToSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return class_respondsToSelector(self, aSelector);

There are also two conformsToProtocol: methods, one for instances and one for classes. These also just wrap a runtime function, which in this case just consults a table of every protocol that the class conforms to in order to see if the given protocol is present:

    - (BOOL)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)aProtocol
        return class_conformsToProtocol(isa, aProtocol);

    + (BOOL)conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *)protocol
        return class_conformsToProtocol(self, protocol);

Next is methodForSelector:, and its classy cousin instanceMethodForSelector:. These both call through to class_getMethodImplementation, which looks up the selector in the class's method table and returns the corresponding IMP:

    - (IMP)methodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return class_getMethodImplementation(isa, aSelector);

    + (IMP)instanceMethodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return class_getMethodImplementation(self, aSelector);

An interesting aspect of these methods is that class_getMethodImplementation always returns an IMP, even for unknown selectors. When the class doesn't actually implement a method, it returns a special forwarding IMP which wraps up the message arguments starts down the path to invoking forwardInvocation:.

The methodSignatureForSelector: method just wraps the equivalent class method:

    - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return [isa instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: aSelector];

The class method in turn wraps some runtime calls. It first fetches the Method for the given selector. If it can't be found, then the class doesn't implement that method, and this code returns nil. Otherwise, it extracts the C string representing the method's types, and wraps the in an NSMethodSignature object:

    + (NSMethodSignature *)instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(self, aSelector);
            return nil;

        const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding(method);
        return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: types];

Finally, there's performSelector:, and the two withObject: variants that take arguments. These aren't strictly introspection, but they fall in the same general category of wrapping lower-level runtime functionality. They simply retrieve the IMP for the given selector, cast it to the appropriate function pointer type, and call it:

    - (id)performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        IMP imp = [self methodForSelector: aSelector];
        return ((id (*)(id, SEL))imp)(self, aSelector);

    - (id)performSelector: (SEL)aSelector withObject: (id)object
        IMP imp = [self methodForSelector: aSelector];
        return ((id (*)(id, SEL, id))imp)(self, aSelector, object);

    - (id)performSelector: (SEL)aSelector withObject: (id)object1 withObject: (id)object2
        IMP imp = [self methodForSelector: aSelector];
        return ((id (*)(id, SEL, id, id))imp)(self, aSelector, object1, object2);

Default Implementations
MAObject provides default implementations of a bunch of methods. We'll start off with default implementations of isEqual: and hash, which just use the object's pointer for identity purposes:

    - (BOOL)isEqual: (id)object
        return self == object;

    - (NSUInteger)hash
        return (NSUInteger)self;

Any subclasses with a more expansive notion of equality will have to override these methods, but any subclass where an object is only ever equal to itself can just use these implementations.

The description method is another handy one to have a default implementation. This implementation just generates a string of the form <MAObject: 0xdeadbeef>, containing the object's class and pointer value.

    - (NSString *)description
        return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@: %p>", [self class], self];

The standard for classes is to just return the class name from their own description, so there's a class method as well that fetches that name from the runtime and returns it:

    + (NSString *)description
        return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: class_getName(self)];

doesNotRecognizeSelector: is a lesser-known utility method. It throws an exception to make it look like the object doesn't actually respond to the given selector. This is useful for things like creating override points where subclasses have to implement a particular method:

    - (void)subclassesMustOverride
        // pretend we don't actually implement this here
        [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];

The code is fairly simple. The only really tricky bit is formatting the method name. We want to display something like -[Class method], but class methods need a + at the front, as in +[Class classMethod]. To figure out which context it's in, the code checks to see whether isa is a metaclass. If it is, then self is a class, and the + variant should be used. Otherwise, self is an instance, and the - variant is used. The rest of the code just raises the appropriate NSException:

    - (void)doesNotRecognizeSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        char *methodTypeString = class_isMetaClass(isa) ? "+" : "-";
        [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"%s[%@ %@]: unrecognized selector sent to instance %p", methodTypeString, [[self class] description], NSStringFromSelector(aSelector), self];

Finally, there are a bunch of little methods that either provide obvious answers to obvious questions (e.g. the self method), exist to let subclasses always safely call super (e.g. the empty +initialize method), or exist as override points (e.g. the copy implementation that throws an exception). None of these are particularly interesting, but I include them for completeness:

    - (id)self
        return self;

    - (BOOL)isProxy
        return NO;

    + (void)load

    + (void)initialize

    - (id)copy
        [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];
        return nil;

    - (id)mutableCopy
        [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];
        return nil;

    - (id)forwardingTargetForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
        return nil;

    - (void)forwardInvocation: (NSInvocation *)anInvocation
        [self doesNotRecognizeSelector: [anInvocation selector]];

    + (BOOL)resolveClassMethod:(SEL)sel
        return NO;

    + (BOOL)resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)sel
        return NO;

NSObject is a big bundle of different functionality, but nothing too strange. Its main function is to handle memory allocation and management so that you can actually create objects. It also provides a bunch of handy override points for methods that every object is expected to support, and wraps a bunch of runtime functions in a nicer API.

I've skipped over a big piece of functionality provided by NSObject: key-value coding. This is complex enough that it deserves its own article, so I will come back to that another time.

That's it for today. Friday Q&A is driven by reader ideas, in case you somehow didn't already know, so please send in your topic suggestions. Until next time, don't code anything I wouldn't code.

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Don't you actually need to define 'self' somewhere? I'm a little fuzzy on this, but isn't 'self' part of NSObject, rather than being part of the Objective-C language?
Your `retainCount` method is buggy. It should be:

- (NSUInteger)retainCount
        return rand();

Thank you for this interesting post.

A question regarding the alloc method: Couldn't calloc failure (due to an out of memory condition) be handled gracefully like this:

    + (id)alloc
        MAObject *obj = calloc(1, class_getInstanceSize(self));
        if (obj)
            obj->isa = self;
            obj->retainCount = 1;
        return obj;

Or would it blow up anyway when returning NULL from alloc?
I don't see why you should try to "gracefully" handle a failed memory allocation. Probably nothing is going to work right by the time that happens.
How would you implement objc_msgSend?
@Iain Delaney: It is part of the Objective-C language. self and _cmd are implicit parameters to every method in Objective-C.
@bbum: I am tired of this FUD about retainCount. NSObject's implementation of retainCount is perfectly deterministic, and is equal to 1 + the number of retains - the number of releases on that object. (Subclasses of course might have overridden these methods to do other things.) Period.

Yes, the number is *not useful* to the user. But that does not mean that it is random.
@bob If you are implementing your own base class and control all implementations below it, retainCount is accurate as long as you don't have any concurrency and treat autorelease as a transitional state.

Beyond that, though, the value returned by retainCount is not useful exactly because it is both non-deterministic and, of course, the value may be completely "weird" due to implementation details of the system frameworks.

Even in the example you sight, the value you claim to be precise is not so precise. Claiming that "it is equal to 1" is specious exactly because that value may change immediately upon retrieval due to thread execution (and may effectively be in a transitional state due to autorelease).

In a concurrent environment, the only way to guarantee that retainCount's return value is stable and accurate is if you also put a lock/unlock around it that prevents any changes to the value (which means no retain/release until unlock).

@Colin Handling allocation errors across small allocations is a waste of time. If a program can't allocate 16 bytes, it is exceedingly likely that some other unhandled allocation failure has already left the app in a non-deterministic state. And, of course, most handlers would end up trying to allocate memory and failing.

(Handling *very large allocation* failures is definitely worth expending some thought on 32 bit systems. On 64 bit systems, the symptom will happily hand you back a many GB of address space only to let you page to death as you touch the allocation.)
And, yes, the `rand()` thing was an admittedly snarky joke. It isn't random (though it effectively was under GC, btw, as retainCount was short circuited to `return self;`).
@bbum: I didn't say that the value returned by retainCount was stable -- only that it reflects the number of retains and releases at that point (which may be inaccurate by the time it returns to you; but was accurate at some point).

The thing about autorelease is what confuses people about retainCount, but it does not affect what I said -- retainCount reflects the number of retains and releases, but autoreleases are not releases (they cause a release later), so if you retain and then autorelease, of course retainCount will be higher.

What I am trying to say is that retainCount "makes sense" if you knew all the retains and releases that happened to the object. So the problem with using retainCount is not with retainCount per se, but with the fact that you don't know all the retains and releases that various functions do (also concurrency is another problem). But a lot of times people treat retainCount it as if it's some completely arbitrary thing, that does not match retains and releases; and that's false.
@bob Fair enough and I agree; retainCount is very precise, but the value is, in practice, useless exactly because it lacks context.

And by the time you get the context -- the full history of retain/release/autorelease events, their thread, and their backtrace -- the value of the absolute retain count becomes redundant.
Why was retainCount ever made part of the interface?

The only client that can make any use of it would be `self`, and it only cares that it's nonzero. It screams "No User-Serviceable Parts Inside"
@bob "retainCount reflects the number of retains and releases"

Unless this is a tagged pointer, a literal constant (@"string"), a cached NSMachPort returned with a retain count indefinite from -(id)initWirhPort:, a cached CFNumberRef, ….

So, yes this method may be useful for very specific case where you get the full control of the object implementation, and the object is not shared among thread, but I think all these exceptions are enough to call it non-deterministic, and unreliable.
"Why was retainCount ever made part of the interface?"

A pessimist might suggest that you have to go back to NeXT and start rounding up engineers if you want to find the guilty party for that decision. The snarky answer would be "It was the 90's. It seemed like a good idea at the time, just like the fashions did."
performSelector:withObject: should handle the case where the parameter is primitive type by unwrap NSNumber or NSValue and pass it to the actual implementation
@chrisd NSObject was moved into the runtime because a number of system types well below Foundation (CF, really, as CF has a lot of stuff implemented in ObjC) are now instantiated as Objective-C objects in an opaque, but compatible with ARC, fashion.

SInce these types -- XPC and GCD related objects -- are in libSystem, the ObjC runtime now vends the required pieces directly such that libSystem can exploit these features without depending on CF or above.


Hey, thanks for sharing. It's super simple, and i got a clean understanding of what's going under the hood.

It'd be great to complement this with the ObjC's runtime code, though.

Perhaps there's hope yet of fusing `id` and `<NSObject>`…
generates a string of the form ,
You need some lt and gt encoding action inside that code element.
The perils of writing your own blog software. The <> is encoded in there, but for reasons as yet unknown to me, it needs to be double-encoded (e.g. &lt;). I extra encoding until I can figure out what's going on there. Thanks for the tip.
Mike, you write that +allocWithZone: is deprecated but as far as I know for backward compatibility +alloc and -copy all call the allocWithZone: and copyWithZone:
I use the -retainCount to see the memory leaks in objects with many levels of hierarchy for instance
What is a oneway in the -release name ?
oneway is a modifier used for Distributed Objects. It says that the caller doesn't need to wait for the method to complete before proceeding, as it has no callee-visible side effects. It's an optimization, and one that doesn't make much difference these days, as DO isn't much used, and especially not in places where the latency of waiting for a call like this to complete would make a difference.
The is one of the best posts on the very basic of iPhone programming. Initially, I have no ideal on what NSObject does, but now I have a rough impression. Thanks for the great write up

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