Friday Q&A 2013-05-17: Let's Build stringWithFormat:

 3 years ago
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Let's Build stringWithFormat:
mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?
Friday Q&A 2013-05-17: Let's Build stringWithFormat:
by Mike Ash  
This article is also available in Romanian (translation by Petry Krontory).

Our long effort to rebuild Cocoa piece by piece continues. For today, reader Nate Heagy has suggested building NSString's stringWithFormat: method.

String Formatting
It's hard to get very far in Cocoa without knowing about format strings, but just in case, here's a recap.

stringWithFormat:, as well as other calls like NSLog, take strings that can use special format specifiers of the form %x. The % indicates that it's a format specifier, which reads an additional argument and adds it to the string. The character after it specifies what kind of data to display. For example:

    [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Hello, %@: %d %f", @"world", 42, 1.0]

This produces the string:

    Hello, world: 42 1.0

This is useful for all sorts of things, from creating user-visible text, to making dictionary keys, to printing debug logs.

Variable Arguments
This method takes variable arguments, which is an odd corner of C. For more extensive coverage of how to write such methods, see my article on vararg macros and functions. Here's a quick recap.

You declare the function or method to take variable arguments by putting ... at the end of the parameter list. For a method, this ends up being slightly odd syntax:

    + (id)stringWithFormat: (NSString *)format, ...;

That , ... thing at the end is actually legal Objective-C.

Once in the method, declare a variable of type va_list to represent the variable argument list. The va_start and va_args macros initialize and clean it up. The va_arg macro will extract one argument from the list and return it.

As usual, I have posted the code on GitHub. You can view the repository here:


This code supports an extremely limited subset of the full NSString formatting functionality. NSString supports a huge number of specifiers, as well as options such as field width, precision, and out-of-order arguments. My reimplementation sticks to a basic set that's enough to illustrate what's going on. In particular, it supports:

  • %d - int
  • %ld - long
  • %lld - long long
  • %u, %lu, and %llu, for the unsigned variants of the above.
  • %f - float
  • %s - C strings
  • %@ - Objective-C objects
  • %% - Output a single % character.

Furthermore, no options are supported.

For my reimplementation, I wrote a function called MAStringWithFormat that does the same thing as [NSString stringWithFormat:]. However, I wrapped the meat of the implementation in a class to organize the various bits of state needed. That function just makes a va_list for the arguments, instantiates a formatter, and asks it to do the work:

    NSString *MAStringWithFormat(NSString *format, ...)
        va_list arguments;
        va_start(arguments, format);

        MAStringFormatter *formatter = [[MAStringFormatter alloc] init];
        NSString *result = [formatter format: format arguments: arguments];


        return result;

The MAStringFormatter class essentially carries out two tasks in parallel. First, it reads through the format string character-by-character, and secondly, it writes the resulting string. Accordingly, it has two groups of instance variables. The first group deals with reading through the format string:

    CFStringInlineBuffer _formatBuffer;
    NSUInteger _formatLength;
    NSUInteger _cursor;

CFStringInlineBuffer is a little-known API in CFString that allows for efficiently iterating through the individual characters of a string. Making a function or method call for each character is slow, so CFStringInlineBuffer allows fetching them in bulk for greater efficiency. The length of the format string is stored to avoid running off the end, and the current position within the format string is stored in _cursor.

The second group deals with collecting the output of the formatting operation. It consists of a buffer of characters, the current location within that buffer, and its total size:

    unichar *_outputBuffer;
    NSUInteger _outputBufferCursor;
    NSUInteger _outputBufferLength;

This could be implemented using an NSMutableData or NSMutableString, but this is much more efficient. While this code isn't intended to be particularly fast in general, I just couldn't stand the thought of making each character run through a call to a string object.

MAStringFormatter has a read method which fetches the next character from _formatBuffer, and returns -1 once it reaches the end of the string. There isn't a whole lot to this, just an if check and a call to CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer:

    - (int)read
        if(_cursor < _formatLength)
            return CFStringGetCharacterFromInlineBuffer(&_formatBuffer, _cursor++);
            return -1;

Writing is a little more complex, because the size of the output string isn't known ahead of time. First, there's a doubleOutputBuffer method that increases the size of the output buffer. If the buffer is completely empty, it allocates it to hold 64 characters. If it's already allocated, it doubles the size:

    - (void)doubleOutputBuffer
        if(_outputBufferLength == 0)
            _outputBufferLength = 64;
            _outputBufferLength *= 2;

Once the new buffer length is computed, a simple call to realloc allocates or reallocates the buffer:

        _outputBuffer = realloc(_outputBuffer, _outputBufferLength * sizeof(*_outputBuffer));

Next, there's a write: method, which takes a single unichar and appends it to the buffer. If the write cursor is already at the end of the buffer, it first increases the size of the buffer:

    - (void)write: (unichar)c
        if(_outputBufferCursor >= _outputBufferLength)
            [self doubleOutputBuffer];

Once sufficient storage is assured, it places c at the current cursor position, and advances the cursor:

        _outputBuffer[_outputBufferCursor] = c;

The format:arguments: method is the entry point to where the real work gets done. The first thing it does is fill out the format string instance variables using the format argument:

    - (NSString *)format: (NSString *)format arguments: (va_list)arguments
        _formatLength = [format length];
        CFStringInitInlineBuffer((__bridge CFStringRef)format, &_formatBuffer, CFRangeMake(0, _formatLength));
        _cursor = 0;

It also initializes the output variables. This isn't necessary, strictly speaking, but leaves open the possibility of reusing a single formatter object:

        _outputBuffer = NULL;
        _outputBufferCursor = 0;
        _outputBufferLength = 0;

After that, it loops through the format string until it runs off the end:

        int c;
        while((c = [self read]) >= 0)

All format specifiers begin with the '%' character. If c is not a '%', then just write the character directly to the output:

            if(c != '%')
                [self write: c];

This comparison uses the character literal '%' despite the fact that read deals in unichar. This works because the first 128 Unicode code points map directly to the 128 ASCII characters. When a unichar contains a %, it contains the same value as the ASCII '%', and the same is true for any other ASCII character. This is terribly convenient when working with ASCII data in NSStrings.

If c is a '%' character, then there's a format specifier to come. What happens at this point depends on what the next character is:

                int next = [self read];

If the format specifier is a 'd', then it reads an int from the arguments and passes it to the writeLongLong: method, which handles the actual work of formatting the value into the output. All signed integers pass through that method. Since long long is the largest signed data type handled, a single method that prints those will work for all signed types:

                if(next == 'd')
                    int value = va_arg(arguments, int);
                    [self writeLongLong: value];

If the format specifier is 'u', then it does the same thing as above, but with unsigned, and calling through to the writeUnsignedLongLong: method:

                else if(next == 'u')
                    unsigned value = va_arg(arguments, unsigned);
                    [self writeUnsignedLongLong: value];

Note that int and unsigned are the smallest integer types handled here. There is no code to handle char or short. This is because of C promotion rules for functions that take variable arguments. When passed as a variable arguments, values of type char or short are promoted to int, and likewise the unsigned variants are promoted to unsigned int. This means that the code for int handles the smaller data types as well, without any additional work.

If the next character is 'l', then we need to keep reading to figure out what to do:

                else if(next == 'l')
                    next = [self read];

If the character following the 'l' is 'd', then the argument is a long. Follow the same basic procedure as before:

                    if(next == 'd')
                        long value = va_arg(arguments, long);
                        [self writeLongLong: value];

Likewise, if the next character is 'u', it's an unsigned long:

                    else if(next == 'u')
                        unsigned long value = va_arg(arguments, unsigned long);
                        [self writeUnsignedLongLong: value];

If the next character is 'l' again, then we need to read one character further

                    else if(next == 'l')
                        next = [self read];

Here, 'd' indicates a long long, and 'u' indicates an unsigned long long. These are handle in the same fashion as before:

                        if(next == 'd')
                            long long value = va_arg(arguments, long long);
                            [self writeLongLong: value];
                        else if(next == 'u')
                            unsigned long long value = va_arg(arguments, unsigned long long);
                            [self writeUnsignedLongLong: value];

That's it for the deep sequence of 'l' variants. Next comes a check for 'f'. In that case, the argument is a `double', and gets passed off to a method built to handle that:

                else if(next == 'f')
                    double value = va_arg(arguments, double);
                    [self writeDouble: value];

Once again, promotion rules simplify things a bit. When a float is passed as a variable argument, it's promoted to a double, so no extra code is needed to handle float.

If the format specifier is an 's', then the argument is a C string:

                else if(next == 's')
                    const char *value = va_arg(arguments, const char *);

This is simple enough not to need a helper method. It iterates through the string until it reaches the terminating 0, writing each character as it goes. This assumes the string contains only ASCII:

                        [self write: *value++];

If the format specifier is a '@', then the argument is an Objective-C object:

                else if(next == '@')
                    id value = va_arg(arguments, id);

To find out what to output, ask the value for its description:

                    NSString *description = [value description];

The length of the description is also handy:

                    NSUInteger length = [description length];

Now, copy the contents of description into the output buffer. I decided to get a bit fancy here. A simple loop could suffice, perhaps using CFStringInlineBuffer for speed, but I wanted something nicer. An NSString can put its contents into an arbitrary buffer, so why not ask description to put its contents directly into the output buffer? To do that, the output buffer must first be made large enough to contain length characters:

                    while(length > _outputBufferLength - _outputBufferCursor)
                        [self doubleOutputBuffer];

Doing this in a while loop is mildly inefficient if description is larger than the buffer is already. However, that's an uncommon case, and the code is nicer by being able to share doubleOutputBuffer, so I decided to use this approach.

Now that the output buffer is sufficiently large, use getCharacters:range: to dump the contents of description into it, putting it at the location of the output cursor:

                    [description getCharacters: _outputBuffer + _outputBufferCursor range: NSMakeRange(0, length)];

Finally, move the cursor past the newly written data:

                    _outputBufferCursor += length;

We're nearly to the end. If the character following the '%' is another '%', that's the siganl to write a literal '%' character:

                else if(next == '%')
                    [self write: '%'];

That's the last case handled by this miniature implementation. Once the loop terminates, the resulting unichars are located in _outputBuffer, with _outputBufferCursor indicating the number of unichars in the buffer. Create an NSString from it and return the new string:

        NSString *output = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharactersNoCopy: _outputBuffer length: _outputBufferCursor freeWhenDone: YES];
        return output;

Using the NoCopy variant makes this potentially more efficient, and removes the need to manually free the buffer.

That's the basic shell of the formatting code. To complete it, we need the code to print signed and unsigned long longs, and code to print doubles.

unsigned long long
Let's start with the most fundamental helper method, writeUnsignedLongLong:. The others ultimately rely on this one for much of their work.

The algorithm is simple: divide by successive powers of ten, produing a single digit each time. Convert the digit to a unichar and write it.

We'll store the power of ten in a variable called cursor and start it at 1:

    - (void)writeUnsignedLongLong: (unsigned long long)value
        unsigned long long cursor = 1;

However, what we really want is the power of ten with as many digits as the input number. For example, for 42, we want 10. For 123456, we want 100000. To obtain this, we just keep multiplying cursor by ten until it has the same number of digits as value, which is easily tested by seeing if value is less than ten times larger than cursor:

        while(value / cursor >= 10)
            cursor *= 10;

Now we just loop, dividing cursor by ten each time, until we run out of cursor:

        while(cursor > 0)

The current digit is obtained by dividing value by cursor:

            int digit = value / cursor;

To compute the unichar that corresponds with digit, just add the literal '0' character. ASCII (and therefore Unicode) lays out digits sequentially starting with '0', making this easy:

            [self write: '0' + digit];

With the digit written, we remove it from value, then move cursor down:

            value -= digit * cursor;
            cursor /= 10;

And just like that, the value flows into the output. This code even correctly handles zero, due to ensuring that cursor is always at least 1.

long long
The writeLongLong: method is simple. If the number is less than zero, write a '-' and negate the number. For positive numbers, do nothing special. Pass the final non-negative number to writeUnsignedLongLong:.

    - (void)writeLongLong: (long long)value
        unsigned long long unsignedValue = value;
        if(value < 0)
            [self write: '-'];
            unsignedValue = -unsignedValue;
        [self writeUnsignedLongLong: unsignedValue];

There's an odd corner case in here. Due to the nature of the two's complement representation of signed integers, the magnitude of the smallest representable long long is one greater than the magnitude of the largest representable long long on systems we're likely to encounter.

A long long on a typical system can hold numbers all the way down to -9223372036854775808, but only up to 9223372036854775807. This means you can't negate the smallest possible negative number and get a positive number, because the data type can't hold the appropriate positive number. If you try to negate -9223372036854775808, you get an overflow and undefined behavior, although the result is usually just -9223372036854775808 again.

However, negation is well defined on all unsigned values, and it has the same bitwise result as negation on the bitwise-equivalent signed values. In other words, -signedLongLong produces the same bits as -(unsigned long long)signedLongLong. It also works on the bits that make up -9223372036854775808, and produces 9223372036854775808. By moving value into unsignedValue and then negating that, the above code works around the problem of undefined behavior when negating the smallest representable long long.

Now it's time for the really fun one. Due to the nature of floating-point arithmetic, figuring out how to properly and accurately print the value of a double was pretty tough. I did some research, even dove into an open-source implementation of printf to see how they did it, but it was so crazy and incomprehensible that I didn't get too far. I finally settled on a technique which works fairly well, and I think is as accurate as the data type allows, although the output tends to have more digits than it strictly needs.

The first step in solving the problem is to break it into two pieces. I split the double into the integer part and the fractional part, then deal with each one separately. Print each part in base 10, separate the two with a dot, and done.

The trick, then, is how to print the integer and fractional parts in base 10. I didn't want to use the same technique of successive division that I used for unsigned long long, because I was concerned that it would lose accuracy. There are integers that can be represented in a double, but where the result of dividing the integer by ten can't be exactly represented in a double. Similarly, I was afraid that the equivalent successive multiplication by ten for the fractional part would lose precision.

However, dividing or multiplying a double by two to move is always safe, unless it pushes it beyond the limits of what can be represented. If you only do this to push it closer to 1.0, then it will never lose precision. Furthermore, it's possible to chop off the fractional part of a double without losing precision in the integer part, and vice versa. Put together, these operations allow extracting information from a double bit by bit, which is enough to compute an integer representation of its integer and fractional parts. With those in hand, the existing writeUnsignedLongLong: method can be used to print the digits.

With this in mind, I set off. The first step is to check for negative values. If value is negative, write a '-', and negate it:

    - (void)writeDouble: (double)value
        if(value < 0.0)
            [self write: '-'];
            value = -value;

Unlike the long long case, there are no double values less than 0.0 that can't be safely and correctly negated, so no shenanigans are needed here.

Next, check for infinity and NaN, and short circuit the whole attempt for them:

        if(isinf(value) || isnan(value))
            const char *str = isinf(value) ? "INFINITY" : "NaN";
                [self write: *str++];

If the number is an actual number, extract the integer and fractional parts.

        double intpart = trunc(value);
        double fracpart = value - intpart;

With those in hand, call out to helper methods to write those two parts, separated by a dot:

        [self writeDoubleIntPart: intpart];
        [self write: '.'];
        [self writeDoubleFracPart: fracpart];

Integer Part
Writing the integer part is the simpler of the two, conceptually. The strategy is to shift the double value one bit to the right until the value becomes zero. Each bit that's extracted is added to an unsigned long long accumulator. Once the double becomes zero, the accumulator contains its integer value.

The one tricky part is how to handle the case where the double contains a value that's larger than an unsigned long long can contain. To handle this, whenever the value of the current bit extracted from the double threatens to overflow, the accumulator is divided by ten to shift it rightwards and allow more room. The total number of shifts is recorded, and the appropriate number of extra zeroes are printed at the end of the number. Dividing the accumulator by ten loses precision, but the 64 bits of an unsigned long long exceeds the 53 bits of precision in a double, so the lost precision should not actually result in incorrect output. At the least, while the output may not precisely match the integer value stored in the double, it will be closer to that value than to any other representable double value, which I'm calling close enough.

In order to know when the accumulator threatens to overflow, the code needs to know the largest power of ten that can be represented in an unsigned long long. This method computes it by just computing successive powers of ten until it gets close to ULLONG_MAX:

    - (unsigned long long)ullongMaxPowerOf10
        unsigned long long result = 1;
        while(ULLONG_MAX / result >= 10)
            result *= 10;
        return result;

The writeDoubleIntPart: method starts off by initializing a total variable to zero:

    - (void)writeDoubleIntPart: (double)intpart
        unsigned long long total = 0;

This is the accumulator that will hold the total computed value so far. It also keeps track of the value of the current bit:

        unsigned long long currentBit = 1;

This is multiplied by two each time a bit is extracted from the double, and represents the value of that bit.

The maximum value that can be stored in total before overflow threatens is cached:

        unsigned long long maxValue = [self ullongMaxPowerOf10] / 10;

This is one digit less than the maximum representable power of ten, in order to make sure that it can never overflow the accumulator. There is a surplus of 11 bits of precision in the accumulator, so losing one digit doesn't hurt too much.

The number of times that total and currentBit have been shifted to the right is recorded so that the appropriate number of trailing zeroes can be output later:

        unsigned surplusZeroes = 0;

Setup is complete, now it's time to loop until intpart is exhausted:


A bit is extracted from intpart by dividing it by two:

            intpart /= 2;

Because intpart contains an integer, dividing it by two produces a number with a fractional part that is either .0 or .5. The .5 case represents a one bit that needs to be added to total. The presence of .5 is checked by using the fmod function, which computes the remainder when dividing by a number. Using fmod with 1.0 as the second argument just produces the fractional part of the number:

            if(fmod(intpart, 1.0))

If the bit is set, then currentBit is added to total, and the .5 is sliced off of intpart using the trunc function:

                total += currentBit;
                intpart = trunc(intpart);

Next, currentBit is multiplied by two so that it holds the right value for the next bit to be extracted:

            currentBit *= 2;

If currentBit exceeds maxValue, then both currentBit and total get divided by ten, and surplusZeroes is incremented. Both are rounded when dividing by adding 5 to them first, to aid in preserving as much precision as possible:

            if(currentBit > maxValue)
                total = (total + 5) / 10;
                currentBit = (currentBit + 5) / 10;

Once intpart is exhausted, total contains an approximation of its original value, and surplusZeroes indicates how many times it got shifted over. First, it prints total:

        [self writeUnsignedLongLong: total];

Finally, it prints the appropriate number of trailing zeroes:

        for(unsigned i = 0; i < surplusZeroes; i++)
            [self write: '0'];

Fractional Part
The basic idea for printing the fractional part is similar to printing the integer part. The difference is that the accumulator can't directly represent the fractional value, because unsigned long long doesn't do fractions. Instead, it holds the fractional value, scaled up by some large power of ten. For example, 100 might represent 1.0, in which case the value of the first bit in the fractional part of a double is 50, the second bit is 25, and so forth. The actual numbers used contain a lot more zeroes at the end.

The accumulator for the integer part can overflow, while the accumulator for the fractional part can underflow. If the double contains an extremely small value, the accumulator will end up containing zero, which is no good. A similar strategy is used to deal with this problem, but in the opposite direction: whenever the accumulator and current bit become too small, they are multiplied by ten, and an extra leading zero is output.

The method starts off with its accumulator initialized to zero:

    - (void)writeDoubleFracPart: (double)fracpart
        unsigned long long total = 0;

The value of the current bit is started at the largest power of ten that will fit into an unsigned long long. This represents 1.0, and will be divided by 2 right away to properly represent 0.5 for the first bit extracted from the double:

        unsigned long long currentBit = [self ullongMaxPowerOf10];

The threshold for when the numbers become too small is the maximum representable power of ten, divided by ten. When this value is reached, there's a conceptual leading zero, and it's time to shift everything over:

        unsigned long long shiftThreshold = [self ullongMaxPowerOf10] / 10;

Now it's time for the loop. Keep extracting bits from fracpart until there's nothing left:


fracpart is shifted to the left by one bit, while currentBit is simultaneously shifted to the right:

            currentBit /= 2;
            fracpart *= 2;

The integer part of the resulting number will be either 1 or 0. If it's 1, the corresponding bit is 1, so add currentBit to total, and chop the 1 off fracpart:

            if(fracpart >= 1.0)
                total += currentBit;
                fracpart -= 1.0;

If both the accumulator and currentBit are below shiftThreshold, it's time to shift everything over, and write a leading zero. Note that the number of shifts doesn't need to be tracked like it did in the previous method, because the leading zeroes can be written out immediately:

            if(currentBit <= shiftThreshold && total <= shiftThreshold)
                [self write: '0'];
                currentBit *= 10;
                total *= 10;

Once the loop exits, there's one more task to be done. total now contains an integer representation of the decimal representation of the fractional part that was passed into the method (whew!), but with potentially a large number of redundant trailing zeroes. For example, if fracpart contained 0.5, then total now contains 5000000000000000000, but those trailing zeroes shouldn't be printed in the output. They're removed by just dividing total by ten repeatedly to get rid of trailing zeroes:

        while(total != 0 && total % 10 == 0)
            total /= 10;

Once that's done, total is ready to print, so it's passed to writeUnsignedLongLong:

        [self writeUnsignedLongLong: total];

That's the end of the adventure of printing a double.

stringWithFormat: is an extremely useful method that is, at its heart, a straightforward function that takes variable arguments. There are a ton of subtleties in how to output all of the various data formats, such as the adventure in printing a double above. There are further complications in supporting all of the various options available in format strings, which the above code doesn't even address. However, it's ultimately a big loop that looks for '%' format specifiers, and uses va_arg to extract the arguments passed in by the caller. Although stringWithFormat: is considerably more complex, you now have a basic idea of how it's put together.

That's it for today. Come back next time for more bitwise adventures. Friday Q&A is driven by reader suggesions, so until the next time, please keep sending in your ideas for topics.

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Great article.

All of the various implementations of printing out different types is fun, but if you actually wanted to write your own stringWithFormat:, wouldn't you just handle instances of "%@" and then wrap sprintf?
Ari: Unfortunately, no. A real -stringWithFormat implementation has to handle, among other things, positional parameters and a wide array of options in each format specifier. There's no support in C for modifying the contents of a va_list on the fly, which would be required for correctly supporting positional parameters when wrapping the existing printf-style functions. The options are 1) using something other than % as your custom specifier character, or 2) reimplementing sprintf from the ground up. Apple did the latter in Core Foundation; look at the function __CFStringAppendFormatCore() in http://opensource.apple.com/source/CF/CF-744.18/CFString.c for an incredibly complicated example :).
Bug report: writeDouble will print negative infinity as "INFINITY", even though it's distinct from positive infinity.
Thank you for pointing that out, I've fixed it by moving the negative check to the top, and updated the article.
  If you're interested in accurate printing/decoding of floating point numbers you should check out Bruce Dawson's blog: Random Ascii - http://randomascii.wordpress.com/category/floating-point/

It's worthing noting that almost all vendor implementations of printf- functionality deviate from the ISO spec in some minor ways, which can create issues with cross-platform code (same inputs != same outputs).
Why not use David Gay's dtoa() function? It is a well tested standard conversion function. Any homegrown replacement is likely to reinvent many long since fixed bugs, or at least will have inferior rounding.

See http://www.exploringbinary.com/java-hangs-when-converting-2-2250738585072012e-308/ for examples of conversion bugs. The articles on this site also give some suggestions on tricky values to test on.

Technically it is easy to print floats -- I published some straightforward code here:

This code can easily be extended to doubles. However making the code efficient without breaking it is very hard. Adding rounding is left as an exercise for the reader.
Why not use a pre-made function? Because this is Let's Build, not Let's Find Some Existing Code and Call It. Otherwise the post could be reduced down to a single sentence that says, "Just call sprintf."
I can't argue with the "Let's Build" ethos.

Just beware of the significant challenges in trying to make printing of doubles and floats both efficient and correctly rounded. For my "Let's Build" code for printing floats I decided to ignore both of these, which allowed for much simpler code (and better elucidation) but clearly made my code less generally useful.
Yep, I totally agree, and I'm definitely grateful for the additional information.

This code is definitely not intended for real-world use. After all, Apple already provides a better built-in implementation, so just use theirs....
 Very interesting. I am a new reader of your blog and to iOS. I am still trying to build up a appreciation of when to use what approach, hence the following questions..

I am sure that you know that to get the lowest bit you can do intpart & 1 and then shift one place use intpart >>= 1 Since you are "talking" about bits this would be more explicit, was there a reason you did not do this ?

With the writeUnsignedLongLong why did you not just divide by 10, put the results in a temp buffer and place the reverse of the temp buffer in the output?

thanks for your help.
else if(next == '@') {
                id value = va_arg(arguments, id);
results into EXC_BAD_ACCESS see https://screencast.com/t/74BIGsOq2m can you suggest a fix?

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