Friday Q&A 2013-02-08: Let's Build Key-Value Coding

 3 years ago
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Let's Build Key-Value Coding
mikeash.com: just this guy, you know?
Friday Q&A 2013-02-08: Let's Build Key-Value Coding
by Mike Ash  

Last time, I showed how to build the basic functionality of NSObject. I left out key-value coding, because the implementation of valueForKey: and setValue:forKey: is complex enough to need its own article. This is that article.

Key-value coding (KVC) is an API that allows string-based access to object properties. NSObject implements the methods to look up accessor methods or instance variables based on the key name, and fetch or set the value using those.

There are two basic methods that form the basis of KVC.

The valueForKey: method searches for a getter method with the same name as the key. If found, it calls the method and returns its return value. If none is found, it searches for an instance variable with the same name as the key. Failing those, it looks for an instance variable with the same name as the key, but prefixed with an underscore. If an instance variable is found, it returns the value it currently holds.

The setValue:forKey: method performs the same search, except that it searches for a setter method rather than a getter. It then either calls the setter or sets the instance variable directly.

An interesting feature of both of these methods is that they work with primitive values by automatically boxing and unboxing them into instances of NSNumber or NSValue. You can use valueForKey: to invoke a method that returns int, and the result will be an NSNumber object containing the return value. Likewise, you can use setValue:forKey: to invoke a method that takes int, pass it an NSNumber, and it will automatically extract the integer value.

KVC also has the concept of key paths, which are sequences of keys put together with periods, like:


There are corresponding methods to work with key paths: valueForKeyPath: and setValue:forKeyPath:. These simply call the more primitive methods recursively.

There are a bunch of other KVC features for managing collections, but these are less interesting and I'm going to skip over them here.

Today's code is available on GitHub as part of the MAObject project:


Let's get to it.

The first thing that valueForKey: does is check for a getter method with the same name as the key.

    - (id)valueForKey: (NSString *)key
        SEL getterSEL = NSSelectorFromString(key);
        if([self respondsToSelector: getterSEL])

If the object responds to that selector, it will use the accessor to get the value. Exactly how that's done will depend on the accessor's return type. To get ready, it fetches the return type and IMP for the method:

            NSMethodSignature *sig = [self methodSignatureForSelector: getterSEL];
            char type = [sig methodReturnType][0];
            IMP imp = [self methodForSelector: getterSEL];

If the return type is an object or a class, then the code is simple: cast the IMP to the right function pointer type, call it, and return what it returns:

            if(type == @encode(id)[0] || type == @encode(Class)[0])
                return ((id (*)(id, SEL))imp)(self, getterSEL);

Otherwise, the method returns a primitive, which is where things get interesting.

There is no convenient way to take a function pointer with an arbitrary type, call it, and box up the result. We have to do things the brute-force way, by enumerating all of the possibilities one by one and writing code to handle each possible type. I created a small macro to help with this:

                #define CASE(ctype, selectorpart) \
                    if(type == @encode(ctype)[0]) \
                        return [NSNumber numberWith ## selectorpart: ((ctype (*)(id, SEL))imp)(self, getterSEL)];

The idea is that each type gets a single line. You pass the type name as one parameter, and a selector part that fits in with [NSNumber numberWithType:] as the other parameter. The macro uses these to construct code that checks for the type and calls the IMP with the right function pointer type if it matches. With this macro, it's just a matter of writing out every supported primitive type:

                CASE(char, Char);
                CASE(unsigned char, UnsignedChar);
                CASE(short, Short);
                CASE(unsigned short, UnsignedShort);
                CASE(int, Int);
                CASE(unsigned int, UnsignedInt);
                CASE(long, Long);
                CASE(unsigned long, UnsignedLong);
                CASE(long long, LongLong);
                CASE(unsigned long long, UnsignedLongLong);
                CASE(float, Float);
                CASE(double, Double);

Let's not forget to undefine the CASE macro so we can reuse the name later:

                #undef CASE

If a matching case was found, then the method returned immediately. If the method is still running at this point, then the type isn't known. Rather than try to handle this gracefully somehow, the method just throws an exception to complain:

                [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Class %@ key %@ don't know how to interpret method return type from getter, signature is %@", [isa description], key, sig];

That was the code to handle the case where a getter method exists. If no getter exists, then KVC falls back to instance variables. First, it tries to get an instance variable with the same name as the key:

        Ivar ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(isa, [key UTF8String]);

If that fails, it tries again with a leading underscore:

            ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(isa, [[@"_" stringByAppendingString: key] UTF8String]);

If either of those found an instance variable, it proceeds to actually fetching its value. In order to fetch the contents of the variable, we need to know where it's stored. This is done by getting the variable's offset, and adding it to the value of self:

            ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
            char *ptr = (char *)self;
            ptr += offset;

self is cast to char * first, because the offset is in bytes, and operating on a char * ensures that the += operation does what we need.

We also need to know the type of the variable:

            const char *type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar);

If the type is an object or class, then it just extracts the value directly and returns it:

            const char *type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar);
            if(type[0] == @encode(id)[0] || type[0] == @encode(Class)[0])
                return *(id *)ptr;

Otherwise, it falls back to special cases again. This code uses a slightly different CASE macro. This one checks the type and then extracts the value from ptr if there's a match:

                #define CASE(ctype, selectorpart) \
                    if(strcmp(type, @encode(ctype)) == 0) \
                        return [NSNumber numberWith ## selectorpart: *(ctype *)ptr];

Once again, there's a long list of supported types:

                CASE(char, Char);
                CASE(unsigned char, UnsignedChar);
                CASE(short, Short);
                CASE(unsigned short, UnsignedShort);
                CASE(int, Int);
                CASE(unsigned int, UnsignedInt);
                CASE(long, Long);
                CASE(unsigned long, UnsignedLong);
                CASE(long long, LongLong);
                CASE(unsigned long long, UnsignedLongLong);
                CASE(float, Float);
                CASE(double, Double);

Followed by macro cleanup:

                #undef CASE

This code falls back to creating a generic NSValue with the contents of ptr if there's no match. Because the data is already laid out in memory, it's trivial to have a fallback here, rather than just throwing an exception like the getter code above does:

                return [NSValue valueWithBytes: ptr objCType: type];

Finally, if no getter or instance variable was found, the method throws an exception. The dummy return statement at the end is just to ensure that the compiler doesn't complain about not returning a value:

        [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Class %@ is not key-value compliant for key %@", [isa description], key];
        return nil;

That takes care of valueForKey:.

The setValue:forKey: method works similarly, but there are some differences due to the fact that it has to set values rather than retrieve them.

The first thing it does is construct the name of the setter method to search for. valueForKey: can simply translate the key directly to a selector, but this method needs to do a bit of work. The setter method is generated by capitalizing the first letter of the key, then adding "set" to the beginning, and a colon at the end:

    - (void)setValue: (id)value forKey: (NSString *)key
        NSString *setterName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"set%@:", [key capitalizedString]];

It then turns that into a selector and checks to see if the object responds:

        SEL setterSEL = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);
        if([self respondsToSelector: setterSEL])

If it does, it fetches the method's argument type and IMP much like the getter code above:

            NSMethodSignature *sig = [self methodSignatureForSelector: setterSEL];
            char type = [sig getArgumentTypeAtIndex: 2][0];
            IMP imp = [self methodForSelector: setterSEL];

If the type is an object or class, it simply calls the setter, passing value, and returns:

            if(type == @encode(id)[0] || type == @encode(Class)[0])
                ((void (*)(id, SEL, id))imp)(self, setterSEL, value);

Otherwise, it's once again time for a CASE macro. This one calls the IMP, passing [value typeValue] as the parameter, when a match is found:

                #define CASE(ctype, selectorpart) \
                    if(type == @encode(ctype)[0]) { \
                        ((void (*)(id, SEL, ctype))imp)(self, setterSEL, [value selectorpart ## Value]); \
                        return; \

Here is the big list of cases:

                CASE(char, char);
                CASE(unsigned char, unsignedChar);
                CASE(short, short);
                CASE(unsigned short, unsignedShort);
                CASE(int, int);
                CASE(unsigned int, unsignedInt);
                CASE(long, long);
                CASE(unsigned long, unsignedLong);
                CASE(long long, longLong);
                CASE(unsigned long long, unsignedLongLong);
                CASE(float, float);
                CASE(double, double);

Followed by macro cleanup:

                #undef CASE

Last, if the type is unknown, it throws an exception:

                [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Class %@ key %@ set from incompatible object %@", [isa description], key, value];

If no setter method is found, then it searches for instance variables. No string manipulation is needed, since the instance variable's name doesn't change the way the setter's name does. This code does the same check for instance variables with a leading underscore:

        Ivar ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(isa, [key UTF8String]);
            ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(isa, [[@"_" stringByAppendingString: key] UTF8String]);

If the instance variable exists, it creates a pointer to it and gets its type just like valueForKey: does:

            ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar);
            char *ptr = (char *)self;
            ptr += offset;

            const char *type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar);

If the variable is an object or class pointer, the code can set it directly. Well, nearly directly. There's a minor retain release dance to be done in order to ensure that memory management is correct:

            if(type[0] == @encode(id)[0] || type[0] == @encode(Class)[0])
                value = [value retain];
                [*(id *)ptr release];
                *(id *)ptr = value;

Otherwise, value is boxed, and the primitive value needs to be extracted. If value is an NSValue with the exact same type as the instance variable, the getValue: method can be used to simply copy the value over directly:

            else if(strcmp([value objCType], type) == 0)
                [value getValue: ptr];

If that doesn't work, it's time to fall back to the last long list of cases. This version of the CASE macro sets the value at ptr, appropriately cast, to [value typeValue]:

                #define CASE(ctype, selectorpart) \
                    if(strcmp(type, @encode(ctype)) == 0) { \
                        *(ctype *)ptr = [value selectorpart ## Value]; \
                        return; \

The traditional exhaustive enumeration of primitive types follows:

                CASE(char, char);
                CASE(unsigned char, unsignedChar);
                CASE(short, short);
                CASE(unsigned short, unsignedShort);
                CASE(int, int);
                CASE(unsigned int, unsignedInt);
                CASE(long, long);
                CASE(unsigned long, unsignedLong);
                CASE(long long, longLong);
                CASE(unsigned long long, unsignedLongLong);
                CASE(float, float);
                CASE(double, double);

Macro cleanup:

                #undef CASE

Finally, if none of the cases were hit, throw an exception:

                [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Class %@ key %@ set from incompatible object %@", [isa description], key, value];

If neither setter method nor instance variable was found, throw an exception to complain:

        [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Class %@ is not key-value compliant for key %@", [isa description], key];

Key Paths
To round out the implementation of KVC, I'll implement valueForKeyPath: and setValue:forKeyPath: as well.

The first thing that valueForKeyPath: does is look for a . in the key path. If it doesn't exist, then it's treated as a plain key and passed to valueForKey:

    - (id)valueForKeyPath: (NSString *)keyPath
        NSRange range = [keyPath rangeOfString: @"."];
        if(range.location == NSNotFound)
            return [self valueForKey: keyPath];

Otherwise, the key is split into two pieces. The piece up to the . is the local key, and the following piece is the remainder of the key path:

        NSString *key = [keyPath substringToIndex: range.location];
        NSString *rest = [keyPath substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange(range)];

The key is passed to valueForKey:

        id next = [self valueForKey: key];

Then valueForKeyPath: is sent recursively to the next object:

        return [next valueForKeyPath: rest];

Its implementation will decompose rest further until every . is consumed. The result is a chain of valueForKey: calls, returning the result of the very last call.

setValue:forKeyPath: works similarly. If there's no . in the key path, call setValue:forKey: and return:

    - (void)setValue: (id)value forKeyPath: (NSString *)keyPath
        NSRange range = [keyPath rangeOfString: @"."];
        if(range.location == NSNotFound)
            [self setValue: value forKey: keyPath];

Otherwise, extract the key and remainder:

        NSString *key = [keyPath substringToIndex: range.location];
        NSString *rest = [keyPath substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange(range)];

Grab the next object using valueForKey:

        id next = [self valueForKey: key];

Then recursively send setValue:forKeyPath: to next, passing rest as the key path:

        [next setValue: value forKeyPath: rest];

The result is a chain of valueForKey: calls, culminating in a call to setValue:forKey: on the last object in the chain.

You can now see how key-value coding works on the inside. There isn't anything particularly complicated. It's largely just a long list of different things to try. Cocoa's implementation is a bit smarter, and can leverage things like NSInvocation for more comprehensive coverage, but that's the basic idea. A large part of NSInvocation is simply baked-in knowledge of all the different cases that need to be handled as well.

That's it for today. May you code your keys and values in peace. Until next time, since Friday Q&A is driven by reader suggestions, please send in your ideas for topics!

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Great article! I have a book of yours that's full of them =P

I have a question (it may not be related to the subject of the article, sorry if that's the case) regarding dot syntax.

I wrote a small piece of code that, given an XML file with a certain format, dynamically creates a class for the object type described by it.

It works ok, but I was wondering why is it that, when using the debugger to query the properties, neither o.property nor [o property] works, but [o valueForKey:@"property"] does indeed work (this article helped me understand that it is because of the property->ivar->underscored ivar fallback).

When creating the class, I'm adding both ivars and properties for it.

I tried adding getter methods (just getters for now) in some sort of generic way but I can't seem to understand how to retrieve ivar values without going through the ivar list every time.

Any pointers on how I may enable such feature for my dynamically-generated classes? I know it may not be possible at all to use dot syntax, but I'm curious about the sending the getter message to the object.

Sorry if this is either too long, too offtopic or plainly too twisted to read!
I think your setValue:forKey: code has a tiny mistake: [@"helloYou" capitalizedString] gives @"Helloyou", not @"HelloYou", so you won’t find the desired setter method…
@Nico: The reason the debugger doesn't see it as a selector is that the debugger only knows about things that were available to it at compile-time. I believe if there were another object that had the same selector present at compile time, it *might* work. But AFAIK, the debugger's expression parser won't dig into the Objective-C runtime at expression-parse time. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

A way to prove this to yourself would be to do this: po objc_msgSend(o, NSSelectorFromString(@"property"))

If it works, that would show that the selector is definitively present, but that the debugger doesn't know about it.
@Nico: It occured to me... there is a mechanism to make LLDB aware of things 'after the fact'. You can set an 'expression parser prefix header' like this:

(llbd) set set target.expr-prefix /tmp/myheader.h

You could make it so that when your app generates these dynamic classes, it also writes a header file to some known location. Then you can tell LLDB to read this header from that location using the above command.

After doing that, I would expect that you would be able to call your dynamic class's methods from the LLDB expression parser without resorting to valueForKey: or any other tricks.
It would be nice to mention how collections implement valueForKeyPath: and setValue:forKeyPath: to deal with collection and object operators (@sum, @avg, etc.).

Great article nonetheless.
Some experience around KVC:

GRMustache (https://github.com/groue/GRMustache) is a template engine based to valueForKey:

1. The Mustache (http://mustache.github.com/mustache.5.html) language has a "context stack" where a simple tag such as {{ name }} can send the valueForKey: message to many objects, until one returns a non-nil value, that gets rendered.

Unfortunately, developers don't like NSUndefinedKeyException to stop their debugger when valueForKey: raises an exception. Those exceptions are properly caught and processed, yet developers were thinking some problem did happen. This was an annoyance I had to fix. I had to avoid as much of valueForKey: exceptions as I could.

Swizzling NSObject and NSManagedOject implementations of valueForUndefinedKey:, so that those methods return nil if the receiver is in the set of "quiet" objects for the current thread, was a good enough solution. Mike Ash, I don't know if you remember, but you sent me on the right track on this topic. Thank you for that.

2. NSArray, NSSet and NSOrderedSet have a funny implementation of valueForKey: they return another collection built from the invocation of valueForKey: on their elements. This behavior led to several problems in GRMustache, including the fact that it prevents the simple key "count" to return the number of elements in NSArray, NSSet, etc.

The solution was to detect those class very specifically, and to use the objc_msgSendSuper function. It allows to shunt the implementation of a given selector to the class you provide, particularly to NSObject. And suddenly NSArray has a value for key "count", so does NSSet, etc :-)

As a conclusion:

KeyValueCoding is a strange beast, that is not so badly done: taming it does not require much inner knownledge. I know many developers that try to do a better key-value-Observing. However key-value-Coding does not get much interest: maybe it is just really well done.
Great article. One thing that seems to be missing are @properties with a custom getter, e.g.
@propert (assign, getter=isEnabled) BOOL enabled;
Any insight how does work with KVC?
Mike, i'm wondering... did you work at Apple, or actually have a friend inside?. I'm amazed by the simplicity of your implementations... and i was just being curious about... if you wrote the actual thing!
Great article !!

Always impressed the way you put down things in simple but in precise.
I found KVC is great for passing values between UIViewControllers, especially for segues. It's much simple than Delegate, which i am still confused although learnt the concept a few months ago.

BTW, really great tutorial. I need to spend some time to fully digest the content.
This is indeed an amazing tutorial on explaining one of the most important concepts in iOS programming. Looking forward to more posts like this one in future.
What's the best way to pass values to different video controllers, KVC, Delegate or something else?
Hi Mike, thank you for your great articles, carry on writing please!

I've found a mistake in the article. Actually, the property searching algorithm looking at underscored ivars before then non-underscored ones. Moreover, it checks ivars started with is, thus the complete search path is: setter/getter -> _<Key> -> _is<Key> -> <Key> -> is<Key>.

Actually there is many of other interesting things about searching algorithms in KVC, all of them are describet here http://apple.co/1KSAh1t

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