Quick Tip - Copy The Output Of The Last PowerShell Command To Clipboard
source link: https://thomasrayner.ca/quick-tip-copy-the-output-of-the-last-powershell-command-to-clipboard/
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Quick Tip - Copy The Output Of The Last PowerShell Command To Clipboard
I recently found myself poking around in PowerShell and going “oh, good now I want to copy and paste that output into an email/dialog box/tweet/notepad/another script/complaint box” and either trying to copy and paste it out of PowerShell or hitting the up arrow and piping whatever the last command was into Set-Clipboard. What a hassle.
So, I threw this small function into my profile.
function cc { r | scb }
You’ll need PowerShell 5.0 for this one (for Set-Clipboard). This just looks like gibberish though, what’s going on?
Well, clearly I’m defining a function named cc which is not a properly named PowerShell function but I’m being lazy. What does it do? Well it does r | scb.
r is an alias for Invoke-History which re-runs the last command you typed. Try it yourself.
PS G:\> write-output "hah!"
PS G:\> r
write-output "hah!"
PS G:\> r
write-output "hah!"
scb is an alias for Set-Clipboard which means whatever came out of the last command will be the new contents of your clipboard.
The cool thing about this is it doesn’t just have to be text. Check out my other post about all the things Set-Clipboard can do.
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