Kafka 源码解析之 Consumer 如何加入一个 Group(六) | Matt's Blog

 6 years ago
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Kafka 源码解析之 Consumer 如何加入一个 Group(六)


距离上一篇博客(2017-09-10),到现在已经过去一个多月了,理论上这篇文章在上个月就应该写完,无奈拖延症又犯了,一直以这部分过于复杂为借口拖了好久,这两天逼了自己一把,先整理出其中的一篇,后续要加把劲,要不然今年的年度计划(年底前把这个系列写完)就完不成了,废话到此为止,下面步入正文。在 Kafka 中,Consumer 的复杂度要比 producer 高出很多,对于 Producer 而言,没有 producer 组的概念的、也不需要 care offset 等问题,而 Consumer 就不一样了,它需要关注的内容很多,需要考虑分布式消费(Consumer Group),为了防止重复消费或者部分数据未消费需要考虑 offset,这些都对 Consumer 的设计以及 Server 对其处理提出了很高的要求。本来计划是先进行综述,然后再分别介绍各个模块,现在打算反过来,先介绍各个模块,最后再进行综述,本篇为 Consumer 源码分析开篇,先从一个 Consumer 实例如何加入一个 Consumer Group 讲起。

这里的分析是以 0.10.2 为准,在 0.10.2 版的 KafkaConsumer 中,相比于老版的 KafkaConsumer(0.9以前的),新版从0.9开始做了很大改进,总结起来,其优势有以下两点:

  • 实现了 High Level 与 Simple Level Consumer API 的统一,极大地简化了实现的复杂度;
  • 增加了 GroupCoordinator 角色,它作用是:GroupCoordinator handles general group membership and offset management


  1. GroupCoordinator 简单介绍;
  2. Consumer poll 模型:join-group 是 poll 模型的第一步,其他部分后续再讲;
  3. Consumer join-group 的详细过程以及在这个过程中 group 状态的变化。

GroupCoordinator 简介

这里先简单介绍一下 GroupCoordinator 这个角色,后续有一篇文章进行专门讲述,GroupCoordinator 是运行在 Kafka Broker 上的一个服务,每台 Broker 在运行时都会启动一个这样的服务,但一个 consumer 具体与哪个 Broker 上这个服务交互,就需要先介绍一下 __consumer_offsets 这个 topic。

__consumer_offsets topic

__consumer_offsets 是 Kafka 内部使用的一个 topic,专门用来存储 group 消费的情况,默认情况下有50个 partition,每个 partition 三副本,如下图所示(只列出了30 个 partition):

__consumer_offsets topic


GroupCoordinator 是负责 consumer group member 管理以及 offset 管理。

每个 Consumer Group 都有其对应的 GroupCoordinator,但具体是由哪个 GroupCoordinator 负责与 group.id 的 hash 值有关,通过这个 abs(GroupId.hashCode()) % NumPartitions 来计算出一个值(其中,NumPartitions 是 __consumer_offsets 的 partition 数,默认是50个),这个值代表了 __consumer_offsets 的一个 partition,而这个 partition 的 leader 即为这个 Group 要交互的 GroupCoordinator 所在的节点。

Consumer poll 模型

Consumer poll 方法的真正实现是在 pollOnce() 方法中,这里直接看下其源码:

* Do one round of polling. In addition to checking for new data, this does any needed offset commits
* (if auto-commit is enabled), and offset resets (if an offset reset policy is defined).
* @param timeout The maximum time to block in the underlying call to {@link ConsumerNetworkClient#poll(long)}.
* @return The fetched records (may be empty)
// note: 一次 poll 过程,包括检查新的数据、做一些必要的 commit 以及 offset 重置操作
private Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> pollOnce(long timeout) {
// note: 1. 获取 GroupCoordinator 并连接、加入 Group、sync Group, 期间 group 会进行 rebalance 并获取
// assignment

// fetch positions if we have partitions we're subscribed to that we
// don't know the offset for
// note: 2. 更新要拉取 partition 的 offset(如果需要更新的话)
if (!subscriptions.hasAllFetchPositions())

// if data is available already, return it immediately
// note: 3. 获取 fetcher 已经拉取到的数据
Map<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerRecord<K, V>>> records = fetcher.fetchedRecords();
if (!records.isEmpty())
return records;
// note: 说明上次 fetch 到是的数据已经全部拉取了,需要再次发送 fetch 请求,从 broker 拉取数据

// send any new fetches (won't resend pending fetches)
// note: 4. 向订阅的所有 partition 发送 fetch 请求,会从多个 partition 拉取数据

long now = time.milliseconds();
long pollTimeout = Math.min(coordinator.timeToNextPoll(now), timeout);

//note: 5. 调用 poll 方法发送数据
client.poll(pollTimeout, now, new PollCondition() {
public boolean shouldBlock() {
// since a fetch might be completed by the background thread, we need this poll condition
// to ensure that we do not block unnecessarily in poll()
return !fetcher.hasCompletedFetches();

// after the long poll, we should check whether the group needs to rebalance
// prior to returning data so that the group can stabilize faster
//note: 6. 如果 group 需要 rebalance, 直接返回空数据,这样更快地让 group 进行稳定状态
if (coordinator.needRejoin())
return Collections.emptyMap();

return fetcher.fetchedRecords();

在这里,我们把一个 pollOnce 模型分为6个部分,这里简单介绍一下:

  1. 连接 GroupCoordinator,并发送 join-group、sync-group 请求,加入 group 成功,并获取其分配的 tp 列表;
  2. 更新这些分配的 tp 列表的 the last committed offset(没有的话,根据其设置进行获取 offset);
  3. 调用 Fetcher 获取拉取的数据,如果有数据,立马返回,没有的话就进行下面的操作;
  4. 调用 Fetcher 发送 fetch 请求(只是加入队列,并未真正发送);
  5. 调用 poll() 方法发送请求;
  6. 如果 group 之前是需要 rebalacne 的,直接返回空集合,这样可以便于 group 尽快达到一个稳定的状态。

一个 Consumer 实例消费数据的前提是能够加入一个 group 成功,并获取其要订阅的 tp(topic-partition)列表,这都是在第一步中完成的,如果这个 group 是一个新的 group,那么 group 的状态将会由 Empty –> PreparingRebalance –> AwaitSync –> Stable 的变化过程,下面将会详细介绍。

Consumer join-group 详解

通过上面,我们知道,poll 模型的第一步是在 ConsumerCoordinator.poll() 中实现的,其整体过程如下所示。

Consumer 加入一个 group 的整体流程

其实,主要观察图中左边的部分即可,也就是 ConsumerCoordinator 和 AbstractCoordinator 中的方法。

对于一个 Consumer Group,其状态变化图下图所示(后面会讲到)。

Group 状态变化图


先看一下 ConsumerCoordinator.poll() 的具体实现

// note: 它确保了这个 group 的 coordinator 是已知的,并且这个 consumer 是已经加入到了 group 中,也用于 offset 周期性的 commit
public void poll(long now) {
invokeCompletedOffsetCommitCallbacks();// note: 用于测试

// note: Step1 通过 subscribe() 方法订阅 topic,并且 coordinator 未知,初始化 Consumer Coordinator
if (subscriptions.partitionsAutoAssigned() && coordinatorUnknown()) {
// note: 获取 GroupCoordinator 地址,并且建立连接
now = time.milliseconds();

// note: Step2 判断是否需要重新加入 group,如果订阅的 partition 变化或则分配的 partition 变化时,需要 rejoin
if (needRejoin()) {
// due to a race condition between the initial metadata fetch and the initial rebalance,
// we need to ensure that the metadata is fresh before joining initially. This ensures
// that we have matched the pattern against the cluster's topics at least once before joining.
// note: rejoin group 之前先刷新一下 metadata(对于 AUTO_PATTERN 而言)
if (subscriptions.hasPatternSubscription())

// note: 确保 group 是 active; 加入 group; 分配订阅的 partition
now = time.milliseconds();

// note: Step3 检查心跳线程运行是否正常,如果心跳线程失败,则抛出异常,反之更新 poll 调用的时间
// note: Step4 自动 commit 时,当定时达到时,进行自动 commit

在 poll 方法中,具体实现,可以分为以下三步:

  1. 通过 subscribe() 方法订阅 topic, 并且 coordinator 未知,就初始化 Consumer Coordinator(在 ensureCoordinatorReady() 中实现,主要的作用是发送 GroupCoordinator 请求,并建立连接);
  2. 判断是否需要重新加入 group,如果订阅的 partition 变化或则分配的 partition 变化时,需要 rejoin,通过 ensureActiveGroup() 发送 join-group、sync-group 请求,加入 group 并获取其 assign 的 tp list;
  3. 检测心跳线程运行是否正常(需要定时向 GroupCoordinator 发送心跳线程,长时间未发送的话 group就会认为该实例已经挂了);
  4. 如果设置的是自动 commit,如果定时达到自动 commit。

这其中,有两个地方需要详细介绍,那就是第一步中的 ensureCoordinatorReady() 方法和第二步中的 ensureActiveGroup() 方法。


这个方法的作用是:选择一个连接数最小的 broker,向其发送 GroupCoordinator 请求,并建立相应的 TCP 连接。

  • 其方法的调用如前面的流程图所示:ensureCoordinatorReady() –> lookupCoordinator() –> sendGroupCoordinatorRequest()。
  • 如果 client 获取到 Server response,那么就会与 GroupCoordinator 建立连接;
// note: 确保 coordinator 已经 ready(已经连接,并可以发送请求)
// note: 如果 coordinator 已经 ready 返回 true,否则返回 flase。
protected synchronized boolean ensureCoordinatorReady(long startTimeMs, long timeoutMs) {
long remainingMs = timeoutMs;

while (coordinatorUnknown()) {
// note: 获取 GroupCoordinator,并建立连接
RequestFuture<Void> future = lookupCoordinator();
client.poll(future, remainingMs);

if (future.failed()) {// note: 如果获取的过程中失败了
if (future.isRetriable()) {
remainingMs = timeoutMs - (time.milliseconds() - startTimeMs);
if (remainingMs <= 0)

log.debug("Coordinator discovery failed for group {}, refreshing metadata", groupId);
} else
throw future.exception();
} else if (coordinator != null && client.connectionFailed(coordinator)) {
// we found the coordinator, but the connection has failed, so mark
// it dead and backoff before retrying discovery

remainingMs = timeoutMs - (time.milliseconds() - startTimeMs);
if (remainingMs <= 0)

return !coordinatorUnknown();

// note: 选择一个连接最小的节点,发送 groupCoordinator 请求
protected synchronized RequestFuture<Void> lookupCoordinator() {
if (findCoordinatorFuture == null) {
// find a node to ask about the coordinator
Node node = this.client.leastLoadedNode();//NOTE: 找一个节点,发送 groupCoordinator 的请求
if (node == null) {
// TODO: If there are no brokers left, perhaps we should use the bootstrap set
// from configuration?
log.debug("No broker available to send GroupCoordinator request for group {}", groupId);
return RequestFuture.noBrokersAvailable();
} else
findCoordinatorFuture = sendGroupCoordinatorRequest(node);//NOTE: 发送请求,并对 response 进行处理
return findCoordinatorFuture;

//NOTE: 发送 GroupCoordinator 的请求
private RequestFuture<Void> sendGroupCoordinatorRequest(Node node) {
// initiate the group metadata request
log.debug("Sending GroupCoordinator request for group {} to broker {}", groupId, node);
GroupCoordinatorRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
new GroupCoordinatorRequest.Builder(this.groupId);
return client.send(node, requestBuilder)
.compose(new GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler());
//NOTE: compose 的作用是将 GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler 类转换为 RequestFuture
//NOTE: 实际上就是为返回的 Future 类重置 onSuccess() 和 onFailure() 方法

//NOTE: 对 GroupCoordinator 的 response 进行处理,回调
private class GroupCoordinatorResponseHandler extends RequestFutureAdapter<ClientResponse, Void> {

public void onSuccess(ClientResponse resp, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
log.debug("Received GroupCoordinator response {} for group {}", resp, groupId);

GroupCoordinatorResponse groupCoordinatorResponse = (GroupCoordinatorResponse) resp.responseBody();
// use MAX_VALUE - node.id as the coordinator id to mimic separate connections
// for the coordinator in the underlying network client layer
// TODO: this needs to be better handled in KAFKA-1935
Errors error = Errors.forCode(groupCoordinatorResponse.errorCode());
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
// note: 如果正确获取 GroupCoordinator 时, 建立连接,并更新心跳时间
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
AbstractCoordinator.this.coordinator = new Node(
Integer.MAX_VALUE - groupCoordinatorResponse.node().id(),
log.info("Discovered coordinator {} for group {}.", coordinator, groupId);
client.tryConnect(coordinator);//note: 初始化 tcp 连接
heartbeat.resetTimeouts(time.milliseconds());//note: 更新心跳时间
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
future.raise(new GroupAuthorizationException(groupId));
} else {
log.debug("Group coordinator lookup for group {} failed: {}", groupId, error.message());

public void onFailure(RuntimeException e, RequestFuture<Void> future) {
super.onFailure(e, future);


这个方法的作用是:向 GroupCoordinator 发送 join-group、sync-group 请求,获取 assign 的 tp list。

  • 如前面图中所示,ensureActiveGroup 方法的调用过程:ensureActiveGroup() –> ensureCoordinatorReady() –> startHeartbeatThreadIfNeeded() –> joinGroupIfNeeded();
  • joinGroupIfNeeded() 方法中最重要的方法是 initiateJoinGroup(),其方法的调用过程为:initiateJoinGroup() –> sendJoinGroupRequest() –> JoinGroupResponseHandler.handle().succeed –> onJoinLeader()/onJoinFollower() –> sendSyncGroupRequest() –> SyncGroupResponseHandler。
//NOTE: 确保 Group 是 active,并且加入该 group
public void ensureActiveGroup() {
// always ensure that the coordinator is ready because we may have been disconnected
// when sending heartbeats and does not necessarily require us to rejoin the group.
ensureCoordinatorReady();//NOTE: 确保 GroupCoordinator 已经连接
startHeartbeatThreadIfNeeded();//NOTE: 启动心跳发送线程(并不一定发送心跳,满足条件后才会发送心跳)
joinGroupIfNeeded();//NOTE: 发送 JoinGroup 请求,并对返回的信息进行处理

join-group 的请求是在 joinGroupIfNeeded() 中实现的。

// note: join group
public void joinGroupIfNeeded() {
while (needRejoin() || rejoinIncomplete()) {
// call onJoinPrepare if needed. We set a flag to make sure that we do not call it a second
// time if the client is woken up before a pending rebalance completes. This must be called
// on each iteration of the loop because an event requiring a rebalance (such as a metadata
// refresh which changes the matched subscription set) can occur while another rebalance is
// still in progress.
//note: 触发 onJoinPrepare, 包括 offset commit 和 rebalance listener
if (needsJoinPrepare) {
onJoinPrepare(generation.generationId, generation.memberId);
needsJoinPrepare = false;

// note: 初始化 JoinGroup 请求,并发送该请求
RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future = initiateJoinGroup();
resetJoinGroupFuture();//NOTE: 重置 joinFuture 为空

if (future.succeeded()) {//note: join succeed,这一步时,时间上 sync-group 已经成功了
needsJoinPrepare = true;
onJoinComplete(generation.generationId, generation.memberId, generation.protocol, future.value());
} else {
RuntimeException exception = future.exception();
if (exception instanceof UnknownMemberIdException ||
exception instanceof RebalanceInProgressException ||
exception instanceof IllegalGenerationException)
else if (!future.isRetriable())
throw exception;

sendJoinGroupRequest() 方法是由 initiateJoinGroup() 方法来调用的。

//NOTE: 发送 JoinGroup 的请求, 并添加 listener
private synchronized RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> initiateJoinGroup() {
// we store the join future in case we are woken up by the user after beginning the
// rebalance in the call to poll below. This ensures that we do not mistakenly attempt
// to rejoin before the pending rebalance has completed.
if (joinFuture == null) {
// fence off the heartbeat thread explicitly so that it cannot interfere with the join group.
// Note that this must come after the call to onJoinPrepare since we must be able to continue
// sending heartbeats if that callback takes some time.
// note: rebalance 期间,心跳线程停止

state = MemberState.REBALANCING;//NOTE: 标记为 rebalance
joinFuture = sendJoinGroupRequest();//NOTE: 发送 JoinGroup 请求
joinFuture.addListener(new RequestFutureListener<ByteBuffer>() {
public void onSuccess(ByteBuffer value) {
// handle join completion in the callback so that the callback will be invoked
// even if the consumer is woken up before finishing the rebalance
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
log.info("Successfully joined group {} with generation {}", groupId, generation.generationId);
state = MemberState.STABLE;//NOTE: 标记 Consumer 为 stable

if (heartbeatThread != null)

public void onFailure(RuntimeException e) {
// we handle failures below after the request finishes. if the join completes
// after having been woken up, the exception is ignored and we will rejoin
synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
state = MemberState.UNJOINED;//NOTE: 标记 Consumer 为 Unjoined
return joinFuture;

sendJoinGroupRequest() 及其处理如下所示。

* Join the group and return the assignment for the next generation. This function handles both
* JoinGroup and SyncGroup, delegating to {@link #performAssignment(String, String, Map)} if
* elected leader by the coordinator.
* @return A request future which wraps the assignment returned from the group leader
//NOTE: 发送 JoinGroup 请求并返回 the assignment for the next generation(这个是在 JoinGroupResponseHandler 中做的)
private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendJoinGroupRequest() {
if (coordinatorUnknown())
return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable();

// send a join group request to the coordinator
log.info("(Re-)joining group {}", groupId);
JoinGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder = new JoinGroupRequest.Builder(

log.debug("Sending JoinGroup ({}) to coordinator {}", requestBuilder, this.coordinator);
return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
.compose(new JoinGroupResponseHandler());

//NOTE: 处理 JoinGroup response 的 handler(同步 group 信息)
private class JoinGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<JoinGroupResponse, ByteBuffer> {
public void handle(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse, RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
Errors error = Errors.forCode(joinResponse.errorCode());
if (error == Errors.NONE) {
log.debug("Received successful JoinGroup response for group {}: {}", groupId, joinResponse);

synchronized (AbstractCoordinator.this) {
if (state != MemberState.REBALANCING) {//NOTE: 如果此时 Consumer 的状态不是 rebalacing,就引起异常
// if the consumer was woken up before a rebalance completes, we may have already left
// the group. In this case, we do not want to continue with the sync group.
future.raise(new UnjoinedGroupException());
} else {
AbstractCoordinator.this.generation = new Generation(joinResponse.generationId(),
joinResponse.memberId(), joinResponse.groupProtocol());
AbstractCoordinator.this.rejoinNeeded = false;
//NOTE: join group 成功,下面需要进行 sync-group,获取分配的 tp 列表。
if (joinResponse.isLeader()) {
} else {
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS) {
log.debug("Attempt to join group {} rejected since coordinator {} is loading the group.", groupId,
// backoff and retry
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID) {
// reset the member id and retry immediately
log.debug("Attempt to join group {} failed due to unknown member id.", groupId);
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
|| error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR_FOR_GROUP) {
// re-discover the coordinator and retry with backoff
log.debug("Attempt to join group {} failed due to obsolete coordinator information: {}", groupId, error.message());
} else if (error == Errors.INCONSISTENT_GROUP_PROTOCOL
|| error == Errors.INVALID_GROUP_ID) {
// log the error and re-throw the exception
log.error("Attempt to join group {} failed due to fatal error: {}", groupId, error.message());
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) {
future.raise(new GroupAuthorizationException(groupId));
} else {
// unexpected error, throw the exception
future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error in join group response: " + error.message()));

sendJoinGroupRequest():向 GroupCoordinator 发送 join-group 请求

  1. 如果 group 是新的 group.id,那么此时 group 初始化的状态为 Empty
  2. 当 GroupCoordinator 接收到 consumer 的 join-group 请求后,由于此时这个 group 的 member 列表还是空(group 是新建的,每个 consumer 实例被称为这个 group 的一个 member),第一个加入的 member 将被选为 leader,也就是说,对于一个新的 consumer group 而言,当第一个 consumer 实例加入后将会被选为 leader;
  3. 如果 GroupCoordinator 接收到 leader 发送 join-group 请求,将会触发 rebalance,group 的状态变为 PreparingRebalance
  4. 此时,GroupCoordinator 将会等待一定的时间,如果在一定时间内,接收到 join-group 请求的 consumer 将被认为是依然存活的,此时 group 会变为 AwaitSync 状态,并且 GroupCoordinator 会向这个 group 的所有 member 返回其 response;
  5. consumer 在接收到 GroupCoordinator 的 response 后,如果这个 consumer 是 group 的 leader,那么这个 consumer 将会负责为整个 group assign partition 订阅安排(默认是按 range 的策略,目前也可选 roundrobin),然后 leader 将分配后的信息以 sendSyncGroupRequest() 请求的方式发给 GroupCoordinator,而作为 follower 的 consumer 实例会发送一个空列表;
  6. GroupCoordinator 在接收到 leader 发来的请求后,会将 assign 的结果返回给所有已经发送 sync-group 请求的 consumer 实例,并且 group 的状态将会转变为 Stable,如果后续再收到 sync-group 请求,由于 group 的状态已经是 Stable,将会直接返回其分配结果。

sync-group 请求的发送及其实现如下所示。

//note: 当 consumer 为 follower 时,从 GroupCoordinator 拉取分配结果
private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onJoinFollower() {
// send follower's sync group with an empty assignment
SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(groupId, generation.generationId, generation.memberId,
Collections.<String, ByteBuffer>emptyMap());
log.debug("Sending follower SyncGroup for group {} to coordinator {}: {}", groupId, this.coordinator,
return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);

//note: 当 consumer 客户端为 leader 时,对 group 下的所有实例进行分配,将 assign 的结果发送到 GroupCoordinator
private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> onJoinLeader(JoinGroupResponse joinResponse) {
try {
// perform the leader synchronization and send back the assignment for the group
Map<String, ByteBuffer> groupAssignment = performAssignment(joinResponse.leaderId(), joinResponse.groupProtocol(),
joinResponse.members());//NOTE: 进行 assign 操作

SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder =
new SyncGroupRequest.Builder(groupId, generation.generationId, generation.memberId, groupAssignment);
log.debug("Sending leader SyncGroup for group {} to coordinator {}: {}",
groupId, this.coordinator, requestBuilder);
return sendSyncGroupRequest(requestBuilder);//NOTE: 发送 sync-group 请求
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return RequestFuture.failure(e);

//NOTE: 发送 SyncGroup 请求,获取对 partition 分配的安排
private RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> sendSyncGroupRequest(SyncGroupRequest.Builder requestBuilder) {
if (coordinatorUnknown())
return RequestFuture.coordinatorNotAvailable();
return client.send(coordinator, requestBuilder)
.compose(new SyncGroupResponseHandler());

private class SyncGroupResponseHandler extends CoordinatorResponseHandler<SyncGroupResponse, ByteBuffer> {
public void handle(SyncGroupResponse syncResponse,
RequestFuture<ByteBuffer> future) {
Errors error = Errors.forCode(syncResponse.errorCode());
if (error == Errors.NONE) {//note: 同步成功
} else {
requestRejoin();//note: join 的标志位设置为 true

future.raise(new GroupAuthorizationException(groupId));
} else if (error == Errors.REBALANCE_IN_PROGRESS) {//NOTE: group 正在进行 rebalance,任务失败
log.debug("SyncGroup for group {} failed due to coordinator rebalance", groupId);
} else if (error == Errors.UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID
|| error == Errors.ILLEGAL_GENERATION) {
log.debug("SyncGroup for group {} failed due to {}", groupId, error);
} else if (error == Errors.GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE
|| error == Errors.NOT_COORDINATOR_FOR_GROUP) {
log.debug("SyncGroup for group {} failed due to {}", groupId, error);
} else {
future.raise(new KafkaException("Unexpected error from SyncGroup: " + error.message()));


经过上面的步骤,一个 consumer 实例就已经加入 group 成功了,加入 group 成功后,将会触发ConsumerCoordinator 的 onJoinComplete() 方法,其作用就是:更新订阅的 tp 列表、更新其对应的 metadata 及触发注册的 listener。

// note: 加入 group 成功
protected void onJoinComplete(int generation,
String memberId,
String assignmentStrategy,
ByteBuffer assignmentBuffer) {
// only the leader is responsible for monitoring for metadata changes (i.e. partition changes)
if (!isLeader)
assignmentSnapshot = null;

PartitionAssignor assignor = lookupAssignor(assignmentStrategy);
if (assignor == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Coordinator selected invalid assignment protocol: " + assignmentStrategy);

Assignment assignment = ConsumerProtocol.deserializeAssignment(assignmentBuffer);

// set the flag to refresh last committed offsets
//note: 设置是否需要拉取 last committed offsets 为 true

// update partition assignment
//note: 更新订阅的 tp list

// check if the assignment contains some topics that were not in the original
// subscription, if yes we will obey what leader has decided and add these topics
// into the subscriptions as long as they still match the subscribed pattern
// TODO this part of the logic should be removed once we allow regex on leader assign
Set<String> addedTopics = new HashSet<>();
for (TopicPartition tp : subscriptions.assignedPartitions()) {
if (!joinedSubscription.contains(tp.topic()))

if (!addedTopics.isEmpty()) {
Set<String> newSubscription = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.subscription());
Set<String> newJoinedSubscription = new HashSet<>(joinedSubscription);

this.joinedSubscription = newJoinedSubscription;

// update the metadata and enforce a refresh to make sure the fetcher can start
// fetching data in the next iteration
//note: 更新 metadata,确保在下一次循环中可以拉取

// give the assignor a chance to update internal state based on the received assignment

// reschedule the auto commit starting from now
this.nextAutoCommitDeadline = time.milliseconds() + autoCommitIntervalMs;

// execute the user's callback after rebalance
//note: 执行 listener
ConsumerRebalanceListener listener = subscriptions.listener();
log.info("Setting newly assigned partitions {} for group {}", subscriptions.assignedPartitions(), groupId);
try {
Set<TopicPartition> assigned = new HashSet<>(subscriptions.assignedPartitions());
} catch (WakeupException | InterruptException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("User provided listener {} for group {} failed on partition assignment",
listener.getClass().getName(), groupId, e);

至此,一个 consumer 实例算是真正上意义上加入 group 成功。

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