Magisk Module Brings Blob Emoji Back on Pixel / Nexus Devices on Oreo

 6 years ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/magisk-blob-emoji-pixel-nexus-oreo/
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Magisk Module Brings Blob Emoji Back on Pixel and Nexus Devices Running Android Oreo

Google completely redesigned the stock Android emojis with the introduction of new, more circular emoji in Android 8.0 Oreo. While some enjoyed the more consistent look of the new emoji, some users still preferred the unique look and character that the blob emoji had. If you fall into the second category, then you’re in luck as XDA Member bdr9 has whipped up a Magisk module that brings back the blob-style emoji on the Nexus/Pixel devices running Android Oreo 8.0.

The module has been successfully tested on a Google Pixel with Magisk 14.2 beta installed and should work on any Pixel or Nexus device running Android 8.0.


Download Blob Emojis for your Pixel/Nexus device from our forums!

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