Huawei doubles down on software with fast Mate 9 Oreo update, monthly security p...

 7 years ago
source link: https://www.androidcentral.com/huawei-doubles-down-software-fast-mate-9-oreo-update-monthly-security-patch-goal
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The best Huawei phones are currently limited to a few markets, and even then, you miss out on Google services. The U.S. trade ban has affected Huawei's fortunes in recent years, with the manufacturer effectively hobbled from launching its products in global markets. While you can't pick up Huawei's phones officially in the U.S., its latest devices are available unlocked from Amazon — if you're willing to live without Google's services.

The very best Huawei phones available today

Should you buy a Huawei phone in 2021?

Huawei makes some of the best Android phones you can buy, but the fact that its latest devices do not have access to the Play Store and other Google services makes them a non-starter in most global markets. You'll need to fall back to Huawei's alternatives, including sideloading via Petal Search. And while the brand has made strides in this area over the last year or so, there's still some hassle involved. If you're willing to put up with it and want one of the best cameras on the market, the P40 Pro is a decent enough option.

The P30 Pro debuted in 2019, but it is still going strong. The design is still great, the internal hardware is just as robust, and the cameras hold up in 2021. You get two-day battery life and access to the Play Store and other Google services. The main reason for buying the P30 Pro is the camera hardware. That 40-megapixel lens at the back takes incredible images, and the 5x zoom lens just gives you that much more flexibility when shooting with the phone.

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