5 Best Ways to Share Code in 2024

 1 month ago
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5 Best Ways to Share Code in 2024


In the fast-paced world of software development, the ability to reuse code effectively stands as a cornerstone for innovation, efficiency, and sustainability. As we step into 2024, the emphasis on smarter development practices has never been more pronounced. Beyond merely accelerating development timelines, code reuse brings forth a multitude of advantages, including enhancing code quality, reducing the potential for bugs, and fostering a cohesive development environment that encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Benefits of Code Reuse

The practice of code reuse carries with it a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the immediate gains in speed and efficiency. As the software development landscape grows increasingly complex, the strategic reuse of code emerges not just as a best practice but as a fundamental approach to sustainable, scalable, and high-quality software development. Here are some of the key benefits of embracing code reuse in your development projects:

Accelerated Development Process

One of the most tangible benefits of code reuse is the significant reduction in development time. By leveraging existing components and functionalities, developers can focus on building new features rather than reinventing the wheel. This not only speeds up the development cycle but also allows teams to bring products to market more quickly, giving them a competitive edge.

Improved Code Quality and Consistency

Reusable code components are often subject to thorough testing, review, and documentation. As such, they tend to be more reliable and of higher quality than code written from scratch under tight deadlines. Moreover, reusing code helps maintain consistency across projects, ensuring that similar functionalities behave in the same way, which is particularly important for user experience and maintainability.

Reduced Costs

Developing software from scratch requires a significant investment of time and resources. Code reuse allows organizations to maximize the return on their development efforts by extending the utility of their existing codebase across multiple projects. This can lead to substantial cost savings, both in terms of development hours and in the reduction of bugs that can be expensive to fix post-deployment.

Enhanced Maintainability

Maintaining a codebase becomes much easier when it’s built on a foundation of well-documented, tested, and widely used components. Updates or fixes to a reusable component can propagate across all projects that use it, simplifying the maintenance process. This not only reduces the workload for development teams but also helps ensure that improvements and bug fixes are rapidly deployed across all affected applications.

Fosters Innovation

When developers spend less time on boilerplate code and basic functionalities, they have more time to focus on innovation and creating unique features that add real value. Code reuse can free up creative energies and resources, allowing teams to experiment and innovate, driving the evolution of software solutions that are both cutting-edge and robust.

Encourages Collaboration

The practice of code reuse encourages a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing, both within organizations and with the wider developer community. By contributing to and leveraging open-source projects or internal component libraries, developers can benefit from collective expertise, diverse perspectives, and a shared commitment to quality.

1. Composable components with Bit

Bit emerges as a revolutionary tool for sharing and managing code across projects, addressing many of the common challenges faced by developers and teams in the software development lifecycle. Its unique approach and robust features make it an unparalleled asset for enhancing productivity, ensuring consistency, and fostering collaboration.


With Bit, every piece of your project or app can be a component: apps, pages, features, user-experiences, UIs, common logic etc. and backend code too. It’s up to you what you would like to be a “Lego” building block.

By the way, Bit isn’t just for frontend; use it to share and manage common backend code too — or any common logic you can think of.

Here are some key features and reasons that position Bit as the best way to share and manage code across projects:

Streamlined Component Lifecycle Management

  • Ease of Use and Power: Bit simplifies the process of developing, testing, building, versioning, publishing, and installing each part of a project or an app as a component (akin to a package) with zero extra work required from the developer’s end. This automation removes the complexity typically associated with these tasks, allowing developers to focus on innovation rather than configuration.
  • Every piece of your app is already a package: With Bit every new component you create becomes a package the moment it’s exported to a remote scope. As you export to bit.cloud, you can install the components using npm, pnpm, yarn or Bit itself.
  • Automatic Configuration and Dependency Management: All configurations, dependencies, and development environments are automatically defined and managed by Bit. This means that components are always ready to be used out of the box, without the need for additional setup, ensuring that developers can easily share and reuse code without compatibility issues.

Flexibility and Efficiency in Code Reuse

  • Direct Forking/Cloning with bit import: Bit provides the functionality to fork or clone a component directly into a new project with the bit import command. This allows developers to make changes, whether to the code or its dependencies, and publish a new version in just a couple of minutes. This capability significantly speeds up the process of customizing shared code for specific project needs.
  • Continuous Updates and Version Management: With Bit, hundreds of thousands of components can be hosted, organized, documented, and consumed from bit.cloud, akin to having a “Spotify for code” within your organization. Every component is versioned and managed, while updates continuously flow throughout all projects in the organization. This streamlines the update process, ensuring that all projects benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes without manual intervention.

Collaboration and Discovery

  • Discoverability and Documentation: Bit.cloud serves as a centralized hub where components are not just stored but also thoroughly documented and easily discoverable. This encourages reuse and collaboration, as developers can quickly find the components they need and understand how to integrate them into their projects.
  • Community and Sharing: Bit fosters a community-driven approach to code management, where developers can share their components with others, contribute to existing ones, and leverage the collective knowledge of the community. This open ecosystem promotes innovation and continuous improvement of shared components.

In summary, Bit’s comprehensive approach to component lifecycle management, combined with its emphasis on automation, flexibility, and collaboration, establishes it as the optimal solution for sharing and managing code across projects. By alleviating the burdens of configuration and dependency management, enabling efficient code reuse, and promoting a culture of collaboration, Bit empowers organizations to develop software more efficiently, consistently, and innovatively.


Here’s a simple example of common Bit commands to start a workspace, create a component,

// init Bit
$ bit init

// create a new workspace for react
$ bit new react my-workspace --env teambit.react/react-env

// create a component
$ bit create react pages/welcome

// check all components in your workspace
$ bit status

// tag a version for all new or modified components...
// bit will pompt you to bump their dependants as well!
$ bit tag --message "my release message"

// Login to your bit account (optional, free and reccomended)
$ bit login

// upload components to your account + publish them as packages
// you don't need to config packages or define dependencies - it's automated
$ bit export

80% Faster delivery and 75% cost reduction according to Fortune-100 case studies

Bit revolutionizes the landscape of software development by harnessing the power of code reuse to unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, cost savings, and consistency in user experience. With Bit, development teams can accelerate their workflows by up to 80%, transforming the way applications are built, tested, and deployed. This significant reduction in development time directly translates to cost efficiency, allowing organizations to allocate resources more strategically and focus on innovation rather than redundancy. Moreover, Bit ensures a remarkable consistency across user experiences by enabling the seamless reuse of UI components and features across multiple projects. This not only enhances the quality of the applications but also provides end-users with a familiar and intuitive interaction across different platforms. By leveraging Bit’s capabilities, teams can create a more integrated and efficient development ecosystem, where every line of code contributes to delivering superior software solutions at a fraction of the usual time and cost.

Try it out:

2. Monorepos

Monorepos, or monolithic repositories, serve as a single source of truth for all your projects, encompassing multiple packages or projects within a singular repository. This approach to project management and codebase structuring offers streamlined workflows for code sharing, dependency management, and project orchestration. However, like any architectural decision, monorepos come with their own set of benefits and drawbacks, and choosing the right tools is crucial for maximizing their potential.

Benefits of Monorepos

  • Native Code sharing: Promotes the reuse of code across projects within the repository, reducing duplication and fostering consistency.
  • Unified Versioning and Release Process: Simplifies the versioning and release process, as changes across projects can be tracked and released simultaneously.
  • Improved Collaboration: Encourages collaboration among teams by providing a single point of reference for all projects, enhancing visibility and communication.

Drawbacks of Monorepos

  • Scalability Issues: As the repository grows, performance issues might arise, affecting operations like cloning, pulling, and pushing changes.
  • Dependency Management: You might this that since all projects share the same dependencies, it it easier to manage and update them. However, as the monorepo grows big problems start to pop: conflicting depndency versions between packages and the root, missing phantom depndencies and more. With smart tooling like pnpm and Bit this can be solved rather easily tough; Watch the maintainer of pnpm in an incredible demo of achieving a better dependency management experience in a monorepo:
  • Complex Tooling Requirements: Requires specialized tools to manage builds, testing, and integration across multiple projects efficiently.
  • Publishing and versioning: Used to be a major issue which was partly relieved by Lerna and now completely solved with a Bit workspace.
  • Learning Curve: The initial setup and maintenance of a monorepo can be complex, requiring teams to adapt to new workflows and tools.

Best Tools for Monorepos

Selecting the right tools is essential for addressing the challenges of monorepo management and leveraging its benefits:

  • Bit: Bit stands out by offering a unique solution to the complexities of monorepo management. It enables teams to build, version, and deploy individual components from a monorepo with ease, ensuring modularity and reusability. Bit’s approach automates the configuration and management of dependencies, dev environments, and other setups, streamlining the development process. For more insights, explore the value of Bit in monorepos at ITNEXT.
  • Nx: Offers powerful capabilities for building full-stack applications with a focus on developer experience and modern tooling. Nx supports efficient build caching and dependency management.
  • Turborepo: A high-performance build system designed for JavaScript and TypeScript monorepos. It optimizes build times through intelligent caching and task execution strategies.

Learn More

To deepen your understanding of monorepos and explore the tools mentioned, visit the following resources:

  • For a comprehensive comparison of monorepo tools, read the article on ITNEXT: 11 Monorepo Build Tools You Should Know.
  • Bit Documentation: https://bit.dev/docs offers extensive guides on utilizing Bit for component management and monorepo setups.
  • Nx Official Documentation: https://nx.dev/ provides detailed instructions and best practices for leveraging Nx in your development workflow.
  • Turborepo Documentation: https://turborepo.org/ offers insights into optimizing your monorepo builds with Turborepo.

3. Component Libraries and Shared/Common Libraries

Creating a component library groups and shares common code, including UI elements and utility functions, as a package. This approach streamlines the development process, ensuring consistency and efficiency across multiple projects and teams. By centralizing and standardizing your code into a well-documented and accessible library, you foster a development environment that prioritizes reusability and maintainability.

Why Use a Component Library

Adopting a component library in your development workflow offers numerous benefits, such as ensuring UI consistency across different applications, speeding up the development process by reusing code, simplifying the update and maintenance process, and facilitating knowledge sharing within the team. This approach not only enhances developer productivity but also contributes to creating a more cohesive user experience.

Examples of a Common Libraries

Instead of a step-by-step guide, let’s explore some real-world component libraries on GitHub that exemplify best practices in building and using your own library:

  • Material-UI: https://github.com/mui/material-ui Material-UI is a popular React UI framework that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines. It provides a wide range of components, from simple buttons to complex navigation structures. The library’s source code is a treasure trove of how to structure a large-scale component library, manage themes, and ensure components are customizable and reusable.
  • Ant Design: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design Ant Design is a design system for enterprise-level products. It includes a set of high-quality React components out of the box, and its GitHub repository offers insights into building a comprehensive design system that caters to complex application needs, including internationalization, form handling, and data display.
  • Lodash: https://github.com/lodash/lodash Lodash is a prime example of a comprehensive JavaScript utility library offering a wide range of functions that help programmers write more concise and maintainable JavaScript. Its modular design allows developers to pick and choose specific functions without adding unnecessary bulk to their projects. Exploring Lodash’s repository provides insights into modular architecture, package management, and documentation practices. It demonstrates the importance of creating well-defined, single-responsibility functions that can be combined to solve complex problems effectively.
  • Ramda: https://github.com/ramda/ramda Focused on functional programming, Ramda offers a suite of tools designed for creating reliable and reusable code. By studying Ramda’s approach, developers can learn valuable lessons in building utilities that encourage immutability and side-effect-free functions, which are essential principles in functional programming. Ramda’s structure and documentation highlight the significance of clear API design and the benefits of functional programming paradigms in JavaScript development.

Studying these repositories can provide valuable lessons on structuring your component library, handling dependencies, managing styles, and implementing extensive documentation. Notice how both libraries prioritize ease of use, accessibility, and customization, aspects critical to the success of a reusable component library.

Recommended Tools for Component Libraries

  • Bit: If you choose to build common code units, UIs or just any common functionalities, in a single repository it effectivly becomes a modular “monorepo” — meaning many different packages developed and published from one repository. Bit is the most powerful and also simplest way to develop such a project, as it works in a single repository just as well as in multiple repositories, so you can easily develop, build, test, version, publish and manage components in the repo. Managing configs, dependencies etc is automated away, and each package within the repo is developed as if it was a standalone micro-project.
  • Rollup or Webpack: These module bundlers can be used for compiling your library efficiently, making it ready for distribution.

Learn More

For more detailed information on creating and managing component libraries, consider the following resources:

4. Leverage Package Managers without a Central Library

Package managers like npm and Yarn have become indispensable tools in modern software development, primarily used for incorporating third-party libraries into projects. Beyond this traditional use, these package managers unlock a powerful avenue for code reuse by facilitating the management and sharing of your custom reusable libraries or components across multiple projects. This approach allows developers to harness the full potential of their codebase, turning proprietary solutions into easily distributable packages.

Yarn vs NPM vs pnpm (or: JavaScript? Go with pnpm)

When comparing package managers, it’s essential to weigh their features and functionalities:

  • pnpm: Standing out for its efficiency, pnpm offers a unique node_modules strategy that avoids duplicate package downloads, significantly reducing disk space usage and speeding up installation processes.
  • NPM: As the oldest package manager, npm boasts extensive libraries and a broad user base. Its recent versions have significantly improved performance and security.
  • Yarn: Introduced by Facebook to address some of npm’s shortcomings, Yarn provides faster package installations and improved reliability through its lock file.

Advantages of Using Package Managers for Code Reuse

  • Streamlined Sharing: By publishing your own libraries or components as packages on npm or a private registry, you make it simple for other projects within your organization to reuse code. This process mirrors the way developers already incorporate third-party packages, ensuring a low learning curve and high adoption rate.
  • Consistency Across Projects: When you manage your reusable code as packages, you ensure that every project that depends on these packages is using the same version of the code. This uniformity is crucial for maintaining consistency in functionality and appearance across different applications.
  • Reduced Duplication: Centralizing code into packages reduces the need to copy-paste code between projects, which not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of diverging codebases and the maintenance headaches they cause.

Best Practices for Publishing Reusable Packages

  • Semantic Versioning: Adopt semantic versioning to communicate the nature of changes in each release clearly. This practice helps consumers of your packages understand the impact of updating to a new version, facilitating smoother dependency management.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Ensure that your packages are accompanied by detailed documentation, including installation instructions, usage examples, and API references. Good documentation is key to maximizing the reuse potential of your packages.
  • Consider Namespacing: Especially within npm, using scoped packages (e.g., @yourcompany/yourpackage) can help organize and secure your packages, making them easily identifiable as belonging to your organization.

Learn More

5. Utilize Microservices and APIs for Code Reuse

In the landscape of modern software development, the move towards microservices architecture represents a significant shift from traditional monolithic application structures. This approach decomposes an application into a collection of loosely coupled services, each designed to execute a unique business function.

Coupled with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), microservices offer a powerful strategy for enhancing code reuse, scalability, and application flexibility. Here’s an in-depth look at how leveraging microservices and APIs facilitates code sharing and reuse, ultimately driving more efficient and adaptable application development.

The Foundation of Microservices and APIs

Microservices are small, autonomous services that work together to form a complete application. Each microservice is self-contained, with its own specific responsibilities, and communicates with other services through well-defined APIs. This architecture allows for the modularization of functionality, making it possible to develop, deploy, and scale services independently.

Promoting Code Reuse

  • Shared Libraries and Services: Common functionalities, such as authentication, logging, or payment processing, can be developed as separate microservices or libraries. Once developed, these can be reused across different parts of an application or even across multiple applications, reducing development effort and ensuring consistency.
  • API-led Connectivity: APIs serve as the connective tissue between microservices, enabling them to be reused across various applications. By designing reusable APIs, developers can expose microservice functionalities in a way that they can be easily consumed by other services or applications, fostering a plug-and-play environment.

Considerations for Effective Implementation

  • Designing for Failure: Microservices operate in a distributed environment where services depend on each other through network calls. Designing services to be resilient and graceful in handling failures of dependent services is crucial for maintaining application stability.
  • Managing Service Interdependencies: As applications grow, managing the interdependencies between services can become challenging. Implementing service registries, using API gateways for routing, and adopting standardized protocols for inter-service communication are essential practices for mitigating complexity.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Implementing comprehensive monitoring and centralized logging is vital for observing the health of individual services and the application as a whole. This visibility is key to diagnosing and resolving issues promptly.

Learn More

For those looking to dive deeper into microservices architecture and APIs, the following resources provide valuable insights:

  • Martin Fowler’s Guide to Microservices: Offers foundational knowledge on microservices architecture principles.
  • API Design Guide by Google Cloud: Provides best practices for developing APIs that are easy to use and maintain.

Insights on Code Reuse Strategies

Embrace Domain-Driven Design

Adopting a domain-driven design (DDD) approach can significantly facilitate code reuse. DDD focuses on structuring your code around the business domain, leading to the creation of highly modular and reusable components. By encapsulating business logic within clearly defined domain models, developers can more easily identify common patterns and functionalities that are prime candidates for reuse across different parts of an application or even across projects. This strategic alignment not only streamlines development but also ensures that reusable code is deeply aligned with business objectives.

Invest in Automated Testing

Reusable code necessitates reliability, and automated testing is key to achieving this. By investing in comprehensive test suites, including unit, integration, and end-to-end tests, developers can ensure that reusable components meet the desired quality standards and function correctly in diverse environments. Tools like Jest, Mocha, or Cypress offer robust testing frameworks that can be integrated into the development workflow, providing confidence in the reusability of code blocks and components. Automated testing paves the way for a more dynamic and safe code reuse culture, where components can be shared and integrated with the assurance of their functionality and performance.

Foster an Internal Open Source Culture

Cultivating an internal open source culture within your organization can exponentially increase code reuse. By encouraging teams to share their code and collaborate on internal projects as if they were open source, you create a vibrant ecosystem of reusable code. Platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket can facilitate this culture by hosting internal repositories where developers can contribute to, fork, and maintain reusable codebases. This approach not only democratizes code access within the organization but also leverages collective intelligence to refine and improve reusable components.

Utilize API Gateways for Service Reuse

In a microservices architecture, an API gateway acts as a critical enabler for reusing backend services. It provides a unified entry point for accessing various microservices, allowing frontend applications to leverage existing backend logic without direct coupling. This separation of concerns ensures that backend services can be developed, scaled, and reused independently of the frontend, optimizing resource utilization and streamlining integration processes.

Encourage Community Contributions

Beyond internal reuse, contributing to and leveraging community-driven projects and libraries can significantly accelerate development. Open-source platforms like GitHub or GitLab are treasure troves of reusable code, offering libraries, frameworks, and components that have been vetted and improved by the global developer community. By actively participating in these communities, developers can not only find reusable solutions to common problems but also contribute their own innovations, fostering a cycle of continuous improvement and collaboration.

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