Post-Quantum Cryptography in January 2024

 4 months ago
source link: https://www.netmeister.org/blog/pqc-2024-01.html
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January 28th, 2024

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) gets a fair bit of attention, but it can be difficult to quickly grasp what the current state in the industry is. In this post, I'll try to summarize where we are as of January 2024, as best as I can tell.

But beware: I'm neither a physicist nor a cryptographer, just an accidental infosec nerd of very little brain (thinking of things that seem very thingish) so you pretty much get what you paid for.

Number of Qubits

John de Lancie as Star Trek's 'Q'Rather than using binary digits ("bits"), quantum computers use "qubits"1, which are said to exist in a coherent superposition of two states -- until measured, at which point they collapse into a classical (i.e., binary) state. In addition, quantum entanglement ("spooky action at a distance") allows for increased information storage and can be used in, for example, Quantum Key Exchange protocols in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).

Thing is, maintaining qubit coherence (i.e., their quantum mechanical properties and behavior) has proven to be tricky. Only recently have companies been able to produce quantum computers with more than just a few individual qubits: In 2006, 12 qubits was all we got, and the 50 qubits IBM presented in 2017 remained coherent for only 90 microseconds. But it looks like progress is consistently being made:

Timeline graph of Quantum Computing Capability of Time as # of qubits by year, showing data points: 1998:3, 2000:7, 2005:8, 2006:12, 2011:14, 2017:50, 2018:72, 2020:76, 2021:127, 2022:433, 2023:1121
Google "Bristlecone": 72 qubits; USTC Jiuzhang: 76 qubits; IBM Eagle: 127 qubits; IBM Osprey: 433 qubits; Atom Computing: 1,180 qubits

The latest accomplishments are the IBM Condor (1,121 qubits) and the Atom Computing atomic array (1,180 qubits), both towards the end of 2023, showing an increasing acceleration in the number of qubits.2


The term "Q-Day" refers the day when cryptographically relevant quantum computers (CRQCs) can break common (classic) cryptographic protocols using quantum algorithms.

Star Trek's 'Q' as a Mariachi with a trumpet on the Enterprise's bridge

In a nutshell, we consider symmetric key cryptography to be largely quantum safe: Grover's algorithm reduces the time to break an N-bit hash from 2n to 2n/2 iterations, but does not provide exponential speedup: doubling the key size will still double the time to break it. In other words, we move to, say, 512-bit or 1024-bit keys and we should be fine.

Asymmetric key cryptography, however, is subject to Shor's algorithm for factorization, which would break e.g., RSA and Diffie-Hellman (including Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman or ECDH). But here the question is: how many qubits do you need before you can practically break RSA? The answer is... not straight forward.

On the one hand, you have plain old big-O notation considerations based on the runtime of Shor's algorithm and a number of very loose, hand-waving "experts say" statements3, estimating the number at around 4,000 qubits. The problem here is that those estimates are based on perfectly stable qubits, which isn't realistic at all -- at least not today: those pesky qubits tend to interfere, suffer from quantum noise, and rapidly lose their quantum properties.4

Using logical qubits on top of multiple physical qubits can improve stability, add error detection and fault tolerance. To practically break RSA, you would then need many (many!) more physical qubits to provide the required number of logical (i.e., usable and stable) qubits. And for that, you again get completely wild estimates that range from a cool (Dr. Evil pinky-in-mouth) 1 billion qubits (apparently in here, 2012) across Google's 20 million estimate (2019) to a "researchers say it might take 1 million" (2023)5.

But here, too, we can see a trend: the estimates are shrinking dramatically, just as the number of possible qubits per quantum computer increases dramatically. Q-Day is found at the intersection of these two lines, and it's widely estimated to fall within the next 5 to 10 years, which aligns with the NSA guidance that aims to have all National Security Systems to be quantum-resistant by 2035.6 7

Post-Quantum Cryptography

In order to protect our data against cryptanalytic attacks using quantum computers, we therefor need new algorithms that cannot be broken even using such quantum algorithms as those mentioned above. For this, NIST has been working on Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization efforts that began in 2016, and which converged on several distinct approaches, including:

After several rounds of submissions (and a fair bit of nerdy Star Wars references) we're now at a point where several new algorithms have been selected for standardization:

  • ML-KEM (Module-Lattice based Key Encapsulation Mechanism), formerly CRYSTALS-KYBER, for Public-Key Encryption
  • ML-DSA (Module-Lattice based Digital Signature Algorithm), formerly CRYSTALS-Dilithium
  • SLH-DSA (Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm) based on SPHINCS+
  • Falcon (Fast Fourier lattice-based compact signatures over NTRU lattices), to receive its own FIPS draft in 2024

This standardization is not yet complete, and the IETF community has thus not yet finalized any implementation references, although of course there are drafts being worked on (e.g., Kyber Post-Quantum KEM, Dilithium X.509 Certificates, or SPHINCS+ / SLH-DSA in CMS).

Hybrid Specifications

Ok, so as of January 2024, the standards are just about to be finalized, and nobody expects any surprises or dramatic changes; RFCs are not yet published and Q-Day still looks to be a few years out - so what's the rush?

Well, if you look at the predicted timeline, then you should note that this places a particular attack vector straight into most organizations' threat model: Harvest Now, Decrypt Later. That is, capable adversaries may already passively collect data encrypted using classic algorithms even though they currently can't decrypt them, but with the hope or expectation that within a few year's time, they will be able to. And there's a lot of data crossing the wires that will still be valuable even in 10 years time, including PII, financial information, and even difficult to rotate encryption keys or other secrets.

The good thing is that we don't need to implement fully quantum-resistant algorithms everywhere right now if we can implement parts of our common asymmetric cryptography protocols with a hybrid approach: if we perform the Key Exchange using a combination of a classic and a post-quantum algorithm, then we can continue to use a classic symmetric algorithm such as AES with a sufficient key length for the actual data encryption.

By using a combination, we ensure that an attacker has to be able to break both, and any concerns around possible implementation errors of a not-quite-yet standardized, new post-quantum algorithm won't lead to fatal failure modes. For this we now have additional IETF drafts: Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3 and X25519Kyber768Draft00 hybrid post-quantum key agreement8, which several parties in the industry have already begun to implement to help stem the Harvest Now Decrypt Later problem until the complete standards and RFCs are eventually finalized.

Who's Doing PQC?

Ok, so who is actually ahead of the curve and has implemented either X25519Kyber768Draft00 or any other hybrid solution? Let's take a look:

👉 Google announced in August 2023 that Chrome would support X25519Kyber768 starting with Chrome 116. This is enabled via an experimental flag (#enable-tls13-kyber); at the same time, Google's servers now also support this key exchange algorithm in both TCP and QUIC.

👉 Microsoft Edge, being Chrome based, also supports this flag. However, Edge also offers a flag called edge-post-quantum-kyber which promises to "Enable Kyber768 + NIST-P384 TLS Kyber Confidentiality", which then should show you "P384Kyber" as the Key Exchange. (I haven't found a website that supports that yet, however.)

👉 In September 2023, Cloudflare announced that they had enabled X25519+Kyber for general availability, meaning as of today most sites fronted by Cloudflare should support a quantum-resistant connection.

👉 Mozilla just added support for X25519Kyber768Draft00 (aka xyber768d00) in Firefox Nightly on 2024-01-18, although I can't find a good tracking ticket for this (1871629 seems a bit slim on details). To enable this feature, you need to set security.tls.enable_kyber in about:config.

👉 OpenSSH 9.0 (released on 2022-04-08), enabled Streamlined NTRU Prime + x25519 Key Exchange ([email protected]) by default.

👉 Signal is using "Post-Quantum Extended Diffie-Hellman” (PQXDH) since 2023-09-19. I imagine that this will (if it hasn't already) also flow into WhatsApp and Google Rich Communication Services (RCS).

👉 Amazon added ECDH + Kyber hybrid key exchanges to their s2n-tls and s2n-quic implementations and is now using those in AWS KMS.

👉 Amazon also uses ECDH+Kyber hybrid key exchanges (e.g., [email protected] etc.) in their AWS Transfer Family through the use of the OpenQuantumSafe OpenSSH fork.

👉 Cisco appears to support Postquantum Preshared Keys (PPK) in IKEv2 and IPSec using RFC8784 mixed PSKs as well as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) in several products (although it's unclear to me just what QKD devices you'd use in practice).

👉 Proton Mail seems to be planning on a hybrid approach with an IETF draft for PQC in OpenPGP.

In addition to the above, common libraries or toolkits that include support for post-quantum cryptography, including hybrid key exchanges include:

  • the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project, providing liboqs and prototype integrations for OpenSSH / libssh version 8.9, OpenSSL 1.1.1 as well as an OpenSSL 3.x compatible provider for use with e.g., x509 certificates or S/MIME
  • BoringSSL and WolfSSL
  • the Botan 3.2.0 C++ cryptography library
  • the Bouncy Castle Crypto package for Java
  • various implementations for different languages exist (e.g., KyberLib, a Rust based library, pqcrypto for Python, ...), although not necessarily native implementations (for example, the Go team doesn't seem to have a timeline yet, although OpenQuantumSafe language bindings exist, as do independent implementations such as this or this)

Who's not doing PQC?

I was unable to determine the current status or any public plans announced by Apple for macOS, Safari etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they were actively adding support and slide it into one of the next releases, but with Apple's secrecy you never know.

Similarly, I did not find any specific plans from Facebook / Meta indicating their PQC plans (although back in 2016, they provided the 2016 Internet Defense Prize to researchers for their work on a Post-Quantum Key Exchange named "A New Hope" -- the Star Wars references just keep coming).

Interestingly, both Baidu and Alibaba shut down their quantum computing research facilities late last year, with Baidu "donating" theirs to the Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, while Alibaba "donated" their lab and equipment to Zhejiang University. (Both of these institutions are largely government funded or operated, which is why I took the liberty of adding scare quotes here.)

What does using PQC look like today?


Ok, let's take a look. As noted above, we can already use PQC today. For Chrome, simply toggle #enable-tls13-kyber to true in chrome://flags:

Screenshot of Google Chrome showing the chrome://flags #enable-tls13-kyber as 'enabled'.

Then, head on over to www.google.com or a Cloudflare-fronted website, such as e.g., pq.cloudflareresearch.com. In your developer tools (View->Developer->Developer Tools), you should now be able to view the key exchange algorithm used under the "Security" tab as X25519Kyber768Draft00 -- hooray!

Screenshot of Google Chrome with developer tools showing 'The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated using TLS 1.3, X25519Kyber768Draft00, and AES_128_GCM.'

For Firefox Nightly with about:config -> security.tls.enable_kyber set to true, that looks like this:

Screenshot of Firefox Nightly with developer tools showing connection details with Key Exchange Group 'xyber768d00', the IETF draft name of X25519Kyber768Draft00.

If you want to look at the packets on the wire, your good friend Wireshark can also already identify these key exchange algorithms for you:

Screenshot of Wireshark showing the QUIC TLS handshake packets with the key_share extension.


If you have OpenSSH >= 9.0, no action is needed -- the power of defaults! You get a quantum-resistant key exchange for free:

$ ssh -Q kex
[email protected]
[email protected]
$ ssh -v server
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: algorithm: [email protected]
debug1: kex: host key algorithm: ssh-ed25519


Well, and there we are. As best as I can tell, this is where things stand as of the end of January 2024. The standardization efforts for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms is nearing the end, and we don't expect any major surprises here. The industry is (somewhat carefully) adopting hybrid key exchanges from internet drafts before the standardization process has finished, so as to mitigate the Harvest Now, Decrypt Later attack vector.

Government and industry consensus appears to be largely that "Q-Day" is still several years out, primarily because of the difficulty of creating quantum computers with stable qubits, although it seems rather difficult to get reasonable estimates on that. All estimates, however, appear to be dramatically falling, while practical capabilities are increasing.

If you're working in the industry, it's probably high time that you sort out your own post-quantum roadmap. Adopting developing implementations will require you to keep up to date with software providers and not run old and unsupported releases; for your internal infrastructure, you want to focus on cryptographic agility so that you can swap in PQC ciphers and protocols as they mature. And time is starting to run out...

January 28th, 2024


[1] I'm not even going to try to properly explain any of this; there are much better blog posts that can help you understand this, although Wikipedia is of course also a pretty good starting point.

[2] In 2022, D-Wave and the Jülich Supercomputing Center announced a quantum computer with more than 5,000 qubits. However, this computer is a quantum annealer, which doesn't lend itself to general-purpose computing such as performed using quantum gates and circuits.

[3] I can't pinpoint where the original estimate comes from exactly, but most articles seem to cite either 4,000 or 4,099 qubits as necessary to break 2048-RSA:

  • "It is estimated that 2048-bit RSA keys could be broken on a quantum computer comprising 4,000 qubits and 100 million gates." 2013
  • "A quantum computer with 4099 perfectly stable qubits could break RSA-2048 encryption in 10 seconds" 2019
  • "a quantum computer with 4,000 qubits could break it in a matter of hours" 2022

[4] Qubit coherence times are all over the map, it seems, and depend on the type of qubit used. On the one hand, you get electron charge qubits with 0.1 millisecond coherence times, on the other you have an YB+ Ion qubit with > 1h coherence time. Atom Computing's announcement in October 2023 claimed 40 seconds coherence time...

[5] Google's paper uses a ratio of 1 logical qubit to 1,568 physical qubits. And then there's this paper that made the rounds last year, claiming an algorithm capable of breaking 2048-RSA using 372 physical qubits. (See also)

[6] Now some might suspect that the NSA has advanced well beyond the industry and that those timelines are not reflective of their capabilities. I don't think I buy this: at this time, the US Government is very strongly invested in public sector cloud infrastructure, and I don't know whether they could risk leaving significant branches of the government vulnerable.

[7] It's worth noting that the EU appears to be is trailing the US with regards to both preparedness statements, migrations strategies, and standardization efforts themselves. Of course other countries are looking at NIST and the public discussion around standardization, but ENISA and even EU member states' Cybersecurity agencies (such as e.g., the German Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) are only providing limited guidance (e.g., BSI's recommendations or ENISA's 2021 report).

[8] X25591Kyber768Draft00 (it rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it?) uses the X25519 (RFC7748) Elliptic Curve with Kyber/ML-KEM for key exchange. Kyber512, Kyber768, and Kyber1024 provide the security levels of AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256, respectively.

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