High on Branding

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.basedesign.com/opinions/high-on-branding
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High on Branding

Basers Min Lew and Ross Gendels discuss the visual identity and culture behind THC NYC.

Prepare to be transported.

How does one balance the desired perception of a museum with its once-taboo focal point – especially when that subject is cannabis? “We're witnessing in real time a powerful shift in cultural perceptions of cannabis,” says Min Lew, Partner and Executive Creative Director at Base NYC. The legalization of marijuana in New York sparked an exhilarating and mind-expanding project for Base: THC (The House of Cannabis) NYC.

“Since cannabis can transport the mind to different places”, Senior Design Director Ross Gendels explains, “the iconic arched windows of the house's historic building at 427 Broadway were an obvious tie-in to represent portals to other realms”.

Take a peek behind-the-scenes into the thought process entailed in the creation of THC NYC’s brand identity, as explained by Min Lew and Ross Gendels in a recent article by Creative Boom.

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