Mysterious GitHub Actions resolution failure | Steve Fenton
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Mysterious GitHub Actions resolution failure
This error came from resolving an import through VITE, but it could happen just as easily for any file reference / import when you have working imports locally that fail when you run GitHub Actions. It’s worth keeping this information somewhere in your brain for later as I had to guess my way to the answer.
[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import ...
The answer was really simple. I found a file named language.astro
where all my other files were capitalised. This irritated me, to I changed it to Language.astro
. I also updated all the imports to refer to the correct casing.
Locally, everything was named Language.astro
and it all built fine. However, on committing the code, GitHub still listed the file as language.astro
as renaming it from language->Language doesn’t update the casing.
Hey, why is this still lower-case?!!
To make it rename, you have to significantly change the file name, for example language->Languages (and update all the references again). When you do this, it updates in GitHub and everything works.
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