Ask HN: Can I see your cheatsheet?

 1 year ago
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Ask HN: Can I see your cheatsheet?

Ask HN: Can I see your cheatsheet?
58 points by fastily 3 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments
Almost everyone I know keeps a list of (easily forgettable) command line snippets somewhere. I can't imagine that HN folks would be any different :)

So that said, could I please see your cheatsheet?

I'll go first: https://github.com/fastily/cheatsheet

This surprised me that people do this. I don't have any, since if I have to look up one, it's not really useful :)

But my cheat sheet is google, I usually find what I want in no time.

No maintained cheat sheet here either. I do use `history | grep` quite a lot though.

One thing I try to do is to keep my keyboard shortcuts consistent between programs/systems. That way the chance of my instinct of pressing `<CTRL>+a` to move the cursor to the start of the line will be correct more often.

Another thing I try to do when a project has a set of complex commands that are needed, is to add them as a rule in its Makefile, that way they're available for my colleagues as well.

I use Ctrl+R chronically for the same thing.
Try using flashcards (Anki) to remember shortcuts if you haven't yet. Just like with learning a foreign language, it's a quick way to get "action -> shortcut" mappings into your brain permanently for recall at any time, rather than relying on a cheatsheet.
My only real cheatsheet is a list of shortcuts I maintain for programs/apps I use:
    ctrl+space=switch keyboard input language
    cmd+; = autocomplete
    fn+cmd+< = scroll to top of buffer
    fn+cmd+> = scroll to bottom of buffer
    fn+cmd+^ = pgup buffer
    fn+cmd+v = pgdown buffer
    fn+< = beginning of line
    fn+> = end of line
    shift+cmd+[ = previous tab
    shift+cmd+] = next tab
    cmd+K = delete til end of line
    cmd+enter = full-screen on/off
    cmd+shift+e = show command timeline!!!
    opt+cmd+J = devtools
    cmd+] = devtools tab right
    cmd+[ = devtools tab left
    opt+space = start/stop toggl
    fn+cmd+< = move tab left
    fn+cmd+> = move tab right
    fn+cmd+^ = move tab to start
    fn+cmd+v = move tab to end
    ctrl+` = open python console
    cmd+shift+P = open command palette
    cmd+P = search open files
    ctrl+opt+C = open in browser with View in Browser package (create tmpfile if dirty)
    cmd+shift+[ = Move to left pane
    cmd+shift+] = Move to right pane
    ctrl+0 = move to sidebar
    cmd+k+b = show/hide sidebar
    cmd+k+u = uppercase
    cmd+k+l = lowercase
    ctrl+shift+v = multiple cursor down
    ctrl+shift+^ = multiple cursor up
    shift+tab = back up tab indentation (at beginning of line)
    cmd+[ = dedent (when highlighted)
    cmd+[ = indent (when highlighted)
    cmd+shift+. = show dotfiles in open file view
    cmd+shit+g (when opening file) = navigate to path for file selection
    # edit package override files in /User/user/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
    VS Code:
    option+^ = drag line up
    option+v = drag line down
    ctrl+` = open terminal
    cmd+p, :#<enter> = go to line
    ctrl+enter = open alongside
    cmd+b = open/close side panel
    cmd+option+shift+> = move tab right
    cmd+option+shift+< = move tab left
    cmd+option+F = toggle fullscreen
    cmd+shift+l = highlight all selected
    cmd+shift+o = type fn name to jump to in open file
    cmd+option+shift+c = copy path of active filename
    cmd+shift+M: monospace highlighted text
I had trouble remembering VS Code shortcuts so I put them into my flashcard program (Anki) and it's worked really well. I recommend it if you already use flashcards.
I have this actually, but it typically only lists a small selection of shortcuts for the active application. Also doesn't work for web applications with shortcuts
My extremely short shell cheatsheet for things I do rarely enough to forget each time:
    Process substitution:
        bash: diff <(echo hello) <(echo world)
        fish: diff (echo hello | psub) (echo world | psub)
    Rsync directories:
        rsync -a -v --dry-run other:dir/ dir/
        Syncs the contents of dir (`/` needed)
    Script exit handler:
        function finish {
          # exit handling code
        trap finish EXIT # EXIT is special and works on normal exit as well as interrupts
Process substitution is one of those tricks that I don't have to look up each time as I find that I'm always using it - but that probably says more about the number of times that I'm given randomly ordered files that I need to compare with diff to figure out what's actually changed.
> mkdir if not exists
  [ -d "${DIR}" ] || (mkdir -p "${DIR}")
No need to check when using "-p".
You are absolutely right :-) I think, that this is a relict, since I personally use an alias for mkdir:
  alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
Thank you
Don't really use a cheat sheet. history and fzf is mostly what i use
All kept in batch files in a directory with a meaningful name. When I need something what I do a ls <keyword> on the directory and can recon the command I need.
tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab As someone who is quite severely dyslexic tab complete changed my life.
On a related note: has anyone used a good tool for using/inserting these kinds of custom snippets? It would be neat to have a snippet manager with quick search bound to a keypress.
Make sure to create a cheatsheet for how to use your cheatsheet manager.
On Linux, you can make your own very quickly using Rofi and a clipboard manager.
http://cht.sh/ - I use this a lot. It outputs a short summary of common commands for many cli tools. You can curl to it https://cht.sh/grep for example or install their cli client
I keep some as shell aliases, shell scripts or Git aliases, but mostly I just use my shell history, finding commands with Ctrl+R and a few characters that I know to be in there somewhere. (If you want to do this, make sure you set its limit high enough so you don’t lose stuff.)
I never did have a cheatsheet. Strange since I've been on the *nix journey since 1998.

I do like the cheat command but it's still not habitual to use it, I grew up with Google so I'm far too dependent on it.

My cheatsheet happens to be just my muscle memory. And, for applications I don't use often, mostly just intuitive guesses.

Sounds pretty messy but I've never felt the need to maintain a cheatsheet.

I don't see why one would. I know I'm possibly being naive.

I have maybe 50 pages of cheat codes worth. I haven't had the time to post them somewhere yet. Remind me... a week from now :D
Remind me... a week from now :D

--> This is actually a real problem on forums --> just to remind a stranger on a forum to commment on something. --> I´m working on a concept / tool to make it simple.

--> Would you like to talk about that? Ron.

less "cheatsheet" and more just general notes for languages and vim and such:


  tldr <command>
is great. It's a cheatsheet for every command and one of the first things I advise newbies to install.
tldr is one of the best things to happen to the command line
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