AWS MGN 推出將 CentOS 轉成 Rocky Linux 的服務

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2022/06/10/10738/aws-mgn-%e6%8e%a8%e5%87%ba%e5%b0%87-centos-%e8%bd%89%e6%88%90-rocky-linux-%e7%9a%84%e6%9c%8d%e5%8b%99/
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AWS MGN 推出將 CentOS 轉成 Rocky Linux 的服務

a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on June 10, 2022Categories AWS, Cloud, Computer, Linux, Murmuring, Network, OS, Service, SoftwareTags amazon, aws, centos, cloud, convert, linux, mgn, migration, rocky, service

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