GitHub - partiql/partiql-ir-generator: PartiQL I.R. Generator (P.I.G.)

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Generator: Runtime:

The PartiQL I.R. Generator

PIG Overview

PIG is a compiler framework, domain modeling tool and code generator for tree data structures such as ASTs (Abstract Syntax Tree), database logical plans, database physical plans, and other intermediate representations. Using PIG, the developer concisely defines the structure of a tree by specifying named constraints for every node and their attributes. Every constraint is known as a "data type", a collection of data types is known as a "type domain" and a collection of type domains is known as a "type universe".

Every type domain has two representations:

  • An Ion s-expression representation, allowing type domains to serve as a language and platform neutral wire protocol and compact serialization format.
  • A strongly typed set of data types specific to a target language such as Kotlin (the only currently supported language target).

PIG also provides facilities that allow for manipulation and rewriting of trees for the purposes such as program optimization, query planning and code generation.

Permuted Domains

Query engines and other kinds of compilers require numerous tree-like representations of a program, starting with an AST. Query engines for example typically parse a query, producing an AST, and then apply multiple passes over the AST to inrecmentally transform it to a logical plan, then a physical plan, and possibly other intermediate representations. Compiler passes and related data structures of this sort are large, complex, and difficult to maintain. PIG's "permuted domains" feature increases the maintainability of such compiler passes and related data structures by allowing new type domains to be created by specifying only the differences to another type domain. This avoids having to duplicate the data type definitions that are common to both type domains, allowing more numerous, smaller, less complex and more maintainable compiler passes.

PIG's permuted domain feature has been heavily inspired by the Nanopass Framework.

Code Generation

PIG generates the following components in Kotlin (and may generate similar components in languages such as Rust in the future):

  • Immutable, strongly typed classes representing each data type within each type domain.
  • Abstract base classes for implementing compiler passes that:
    • Transform from one type domain to another (the developer must only account for the differences between the domains!).
    • Transform to a modified tree of the same domain.
  • Functions to convert each tree between instances of the generated classes and its s-expression representation.
  • Builder functions, for easily composing deeply nested instances of the strongly typed classes.

API Status

PIG is mature but its API and the API of the generated Kotlin code is under development and might change.

PIG's Type Domain Modeling Language

A simple DSL (domain specific language) based on the Ion text format is used to define a type universe. Within a type universe, the developer defines one or more type domains, each of which consists of a number of product, record and sum type definitions. Together, these type definitions describe the complete structure of a tree and comprise all the data used to generate the code listed in the previous section.

A Note About Terminology

Although PIG currently only generates code for Kotlin, In the future PIG will generate source code for other languages. Thus, we felt we should avoid terms like "enum", "class", "struct", since these all have different meanings unique to each language.

Each type definition consists of a name and zero or more definitions for its elements. The element definition consists of a name and data type.

product Types

PIG's product types are named after the same from type theory. Conceptually, products are tuples, represented as a class in Kotlin.

Here is a simple example of a tree definition that uses only a single product type.

(define sample_type_domain
        (product person 
            children::(* person 0))

This type domain defines a single product type named person with three elements: first, last and a list of at least 0 children.

Element definitions take the following form:



  • property_name is the name of the property in the corresponding Kotlin class. For product types, this is required.
  • data_type is the name of the data type of the element. This can be one of the supported primitive types: int, symbol, bool, ion, or any other data type defined in the same domain (excluding sum variants which will be discussed below).

Generated Product Type Model - Kotlin

For the person example, PIG generates code that looks like the example below. This class is a persistent data structure and therefore cannot be directly modified. Functions provided to manipulate instances of this class (withMeta and copy) always preserve the original version and return modified copies.

/** The Kotlin implementation of the type domain named `sample_type_domain`. */
class SampleTypeDomain private constructor() {

    // ... other stuff

     * The Kotlin implementation of the `person` `product` type.
    class Person(
        val first: SymbolPrimitive,
        val last: SymbolPrimitive,
        val children: List<Person>,
        override val metas: MetaContainer
    ) : SampleTypeDomainNode() {

        /** Converts person to its Ion s-expression representation. */
        override fun toIonElement(): SexpElement {
            /* ... */

        /** Creates a copy of [Person] node that is identical to the original but includes the specified key and meta. */
        override fun withMeta(metaKey: String, metaValue: Any): Person {
            /* ... */

        /** Creates a copy of [Person], replacing the existing metas collection. */
        override fun copy(metas: MetaContainer): Person {
            /* ... */

         * Creates a copy of [Person] with new values for the specified properties.
         * Each parameter corresponds to a property on this class.  If left unspecified, the copy will have
         * the same value as the original.
        fun copy(
            first: SymbolPrimitive = this.first,
            last: SymbolPrimitive = this.last,
            children: List<Person> = this.children,
            metas: MetaContainer = this.metas
        ) {
            /* ... */

         * Determines if this [Person] is equivalent [other].
         * To be equivalent, [other] must be an instance of [Person] and all of its properties (except [metas]) must be
         * equivalent.
         * This is recursive and applies deeply to all child nodes.
        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
            /* ... */

         * Computes a hash code for the current instance of [Person].
         * The has code is computed once, the first time this function is invoked and the value is then re-used.
         * The [metas] property is not an input into the hash code computation.
        override fun hashCode(): Int {
            /* ... */

    // ... other stuff

The first thing the reader will note is that Person resides within the SampleTypeDomain class which is being used as a namespace. Some projects have many type domains sharing the same class names and this helps avoid ambiguity and namespace pollution.

The next thing the reader might notice is that Person implements some functionality provided by Kotlin data classes. Such as .copy, .equals and .hashCode. The data class feature of Kotlin can't be used in this case because data classes always include all of their properties in the .hashCode() and .equals() implementations, and we do not include [metas] in the definition of equivalence for any PIG-generated class. (More on metas later.)

Generated Builders

Although the constructor of Person seen in the previous section was public, this is not the preferred way of creating instances. The preferred way involves using SampleTypeDomain.Builder. The following code creates a node representing a person and two children:

val person = SampleTypeDomain.build {
        "Billy", "Smith",
            person("Jack", "Smith", listOf()),
            person("Sue", "Smith", listOf())

This approach has the benefit of being very clear and concise because it is not necessary to fully qualify each type or to add import statements for each the generated each types. This especially true for large projects with many PIG-generated types and type domains.

The relevant parts of SampleTypeDomain which makes this work:

class SampleTypeDomain private constructor() {

    companion object {
        fun <T : SampleTypeDomainNode> build(block: Builder.() -> T) {
            // ...

        // ... other stuff

    interface Builder {
        fun person(
            first: String,
            last: String,
            children: List<Person> = emptyList(),
            metas: MetaContainer = emptyMetaContainer()
        ): SampleTypeDomain.Person =
                first = first.asPrimitive(),
                last = last.asPrimitive(),
                children = children,
                metas = newMetaContainer() + metas

        // overloads of [person] omitted for brevity.

    // ... other stuff

Product Element Restrictions

TODO: describe the way it is today, provide a link to: #98 (possibly this is better moved to after the s-expression representation is described)

record Types

Here is a simple example of a tree definition that uses only a single record type.

(define sample_type_domain
        (record person 
            first_name::(first symbol)
            last_name::(last symbol) 
            (children (* person 0))

This record stores the same information as the product person shown above. Aside from the obviously different syntax, the primary difference between product and record types are in their s-expressions representations. More details will be included in this later--for now the reader should know that the names of the elements are included the s-expressions of a record and this is not true for product types.

Field definitions take the following form:

    <property_name>::(<field_name> symbol)


  • property_name is the name of the property in the generated Kotlin class. Unlike product types, this is optional. When not specified, the property_name defaults to the field_name.
  • field_name is the name of the field in the s-expression representation.

The Kotlin class of this record type isn't shown because it has the same API as the product type.

Also note that Builder interface also includes definitions needed to construct record types as well.

sum Types

sum types are used to hold a value that could take on several different, but fixed, types. Only one of the types can be in use at any one time, and the name of the type, known as a tag, explicitly indicates which one is in use. sum types are also known as algebraic We use the term "variant" to refer to one of the possible types for a given sum.

sum types are a natural fit for modeling expressions in a programming language. Let's demonstrate this with an AST for a very simple toy calculator language that supports integer literals and simple binary expressions:

(define calculator_ast
        (sum operator (plus) (minus) (times) (divide) (modulo))
        (sum expr 
            (lit value::int)
            (binary op::operator left::expr right::expr)

This involves two sum types: operator and expr.

The operator sum declares five different arithmetic operations: plus, minus, times, divide, and modulo. Due to the syntax used here (more on that later), each of these is a product type, and each gets a Kotlin class similar to the example shown above (shown below). However, none of these have any elements.

The expr sum defines two possible types of expressions that exist our toy calculator: lit and binary.

The Kotlin equivalent of a sum type is a sealed class.

Generated Sum Type - Kotlin

class CalculatorAst private constructor() {
    // ... other stuff 
    sealed class Expr(override val metas: MetaContainer = emptyMetaContainer()) : CalculatorAstNode() {
        class Lit(
            val value: LongPrimitive,
            override val metas: MetaContainer = emptyMetaContainer()
        ) : Expr() {
            // ... API same as "person" type from a previous example

        class Binary(
            val op: Operator,
            val left: Expr,
            val right: Expr,
            override val metas: MetaContainer = emptyMetaContainer()
        ) : Expr() {
            // ... API same as "person" type from a previous example
    // ... other stuff

The builder API shown in previous examples works here as well:

// 1 + 2 * 3
val expr = CalculatorAst.build {


PIG generates a facility that allows an instance of a sum type to be converted to any other type.

Two examples are provided below.

val expr = CalculatorAst.build {
    // 1 + 2 * 3 (from the example above)

/** Evaluates an instance of CalculatorAst.Expr */
class CalculatorAstEvaluator : CalculatorAst.Expr.Converter<Long> {
    override fun convertLit(node: CalculatorAst.Expr.Lit): Long = node.value.value
    override fun convertBinary(node: CalculatorAst.Expr.Binary): Long {
        val leftValue = convert(node.left)
        val rightValue = cvonvert(node.right)
        when (node.op) {
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Plus -> leftValue + rightValue
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Minus -> leftValue - rightValue
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Times -> leftValue * rightValue
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Divide -> leftValue / rightValue
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Modulo -> leftValue % rightValue

val evaluator = CalculatorAstEvaluator()
// prints: 7

/** Converts an instance of CalculatorAst.Expr into source code. */
class ExprStringifier : CalculatorAst.Expr.Converter<String> {
    override fun convertLit(node: CalculatorAst.Expr.Lit): String = node.value.toString()
    override fun convertBinary(node: CalculatorAst.Expr.Binary): String {
        val leftString = convert(node.left)
        val rightString = cvonvert(node.right)
        return when (node.op) {
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Plus -> "$leftString + $rightString"
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Minus -> "$leftString - $rightString"
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Times -> "$leftString * $rightString"
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Divide -> "$leftString / $rightString"
            is CalculatorAst.Operator.Modulo -> "$leftString % $rightString"

val stringifier = ExprStringifier()
// prints: 1 + 2 * 3

records as sum variants

PIG uses the syntax used to define a variant's elements to determine if it is a product or record.

(define toy_ast
        (sum expr
            // This syntax defines a `record` variant.  Note the similarity to a non-variant `record`.
                (name symbol)
                (value expr)
                optional_name::(body expr))
            // This syntax defines a `product` variant.  Note the similarity to a non-variant `product`.
            (binary op::operator left::expr right::expr)
        // ... 

As with non-variant record elements, specifying the property name is optional and defaults to the field name.


Metas are arbitrary key/value pairs that can be associated with any node. Metas can be used to store metadata about a node, such as the location in the source text of the grammar element it represents, or the data type of the value returned by an expression.

Traversing & Transforming Trees

PIG generates four different types of tree traversals for performing various tasks. Each is described in the sub-headings of this section.

For the examples below we will use an enhanced_calculator_ast. This is like the calculator_ast from before but also includes a let and variable expressions.

(define enhanced_calculator_ast
            (sum expr
                 (lit value::int)
                 (binary op::operator left::expr right::expr)
                 (let name::symbol value::expr body::expr)
                 (variable name::symbol) 

            (sum operator (plus) (minus) (times) (divide) (modulo))


The PIG-generated VisitorTransform base classes are by far the most commonly used type of tree traversal. Using a VisitorTransform, it is possible to implement many kinds of compiler optimizations, static type inference, expression normalization, and syntactic de-sugaring.

By default, every type domain gets one VisitorTransform class which can be used to effectively perform a deep copy of the input tree. Functions of the VisitorTransform may be overridden by derived classes to customize how these copies of are made, allowing for trees to be manipulated in a variety of ways. In reality, the VisitorTransform does not actually copy all nodes of the tree--only the modified nodes and their parent nodes are replaced. (This is possible because PIG-generated nodes are always immutable.)`

The example below shows how to perform constant folding with our enhanced_calculator_ast:

// TODO!!  For now, please search for examples in the pig-tests sub-project.

Permuted Domains and Cross-Domain VisitorTransforms

TODO... For now, please search for examples in the pig-tests sub-project.


Plain visitors are most useful for performing simple semantic checks or validation of type domain instances, but are not usually very useful for performing most transformations of trees into some other types of data.

Every PIG-generated Visitor class receives one visit* and walk* function.

This is different from the typical visitor pattern in that the walk* functions reside on the Visitor class and not on the classes for each node. This allows for the walk* functions to be customized as needed, for example, if the traversal order needs to be modified, of custom logic needs to be applied between child nodes.

An example visitor for the enhanced_calculator_ast domain resides below.

open class Visitor : DomainVisitorBase() {
    // Sum Type: Expr
    protected open fun visitExpr(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr) {}
    protected open fun visitExprLet(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let) {}
    protected open fun visitExprVariable(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Variable) {}
    protected open fun visitExprLit(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Lit) {}
    protected open fun visitExprBinary(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Binary) {}

    // Walk Functions

    // Sum Type: Expr
    open fun walkExpr(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr) {
        // Calls visitExpr

        // Dispatch to walkExpr* function for specific variant of the `expr` sum type.
        when (node) {
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let -> walkExprLet(node)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Variable -> walkExprVariable(node)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Lit -> walkExprLit(node)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Binary -> walkExprBinary(node)

    open fun walkExprLet(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let) {
        // calls `visitExprLet`

        // calls `walk*` for each child node


    open fun walkExprVariable(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Variable) {
        /* calls visitExprVariable, then walkExpr for each child node. */

    // And so on for all expr variants...

    // Sum Type: `operator` was removed for brevity.  Like `expr`, the `operator` sum type gets
    // one visitOperator and walkOperator function, and for each of its variants: one visitOperator*
    // and one walkOperator* function variants, just like `expr` does.

Visitor Example

The simple example below (using the enhanced_calculator_ast type domain from a previous example) shows how to prevent certain names from being used as variables:

class VariableThatShallNotBeNamedValidator : EnhancedCalculatorAst.Visitor() {
    override fun visitExprLet(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let) {
        if(node.name.text == "voldemort") {
            error("A variable was named after he who shall not be named.")

val x = EnhancedCalculatorAst.build {
    // let voldemort = 42 in 43
    let("voldemort", lit(42), lit(43))

val validator = VariableThatShallNotBeNamedValidator()
validator.walkExpr(x) // <-- throws IllegalStateException("A variable was named...")


Each type domain gets a class named VisitorFold<T>, implementations of which are often used to extract data from trees either in list or aggregate form. This is similar to a functional fold except that it applies to every single node of a tree instead of to the items in a collection.

A VisitorFold<T> implementation is similar in structure to the visitors described in the previous section, but each visit* and walk* function has a second argument: the accumulator. The T type argument is the type of the accumulator.

open class VisitorFold<T> : DomainVisitorFoldBase<T>() {
    // Sum Type: Expr
    open protected fun visitExpr(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr, accumulator: T): T = accumulator
    open protected fun visitExprLit(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Lit, accumulator: T): T = accumulator
    open protected fun visitExprBinary(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Binary, accumulator: T): T = accumulator
    open protected fun visitExprLet(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let, accumulator: T): T = accumulator
    open protected fun visitExprVariable(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Variable, accumulator: T): T = accumulator

    // Sum Type: Expr
    open fun walkExpr(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr, accumulator: T): T {
        // Calls visitExpr 
        val current = visitExpr(node, accumulator)

        // Dispatch to walkExpr* function for specific variant of the `expr` sum type.
        return when (node) {
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Lit -> walkExprLit(node, current)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Binary -> walkExprBinary(node, current)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let -> walkExprLet(node, current)
            is EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Variable -> walkExprVariable(node, current)

    open fun walkExprBinary(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Binary, accumulator: T): T {
        var current = accumulator
        current = visitExprBinary(node, current)
        current = walkOperator(node.op, current)
        current = walkExpr(node.left, current)
        current = walkExpr(node.right, current)
        current = walkMetas(node.metas, current)
        return current

    // And so on for all expr variants...    

    // Generated code for the `operator` sum type was removed for brevity.  Like `expr`, the `operator` sum type gets
    // one `visitOperator` and `walkOperator` function, and each of its variants also gets one `visitOperator*` and
    // one `walkOperator*` function.

VisitorFold<T> Example

The example below returns a list of all variables defined in an enhanced_calculator_ast:

class VariableFinder : EnhancedCalculatorAst.VisitorFold<List<String>>() {
    override fun visitExprLet(node: EnhancedCalculatorAst.Expr.Let, accumulator: List<String>): List<String> =
        accumulator + listOf(node.name.text)

// This expression declares two variables, 'meaning_of_life' and 'zaphod'.
val x = EnhancedCalculatorAst.build {
        name = "meaning_of_life",
        value = lit(42),
        body = let(
            name = "zaphod",
            value = lit(43),
            body = binary(plus(), variable("meaning_of_life"), variable("zaphod"))

val finder = VariableFinder()
val foundVariables = finder.walkExpr(x, emptyList())

// prints:
// [meaning_of_life, zaphod]

S-Expression Representation of Data Types


Using PIG In Your Project

There are two components of PIG to be aware of: the code generator and the runtime library. Both are available in Maven Central. Both of them must be same version.

Using Gradle

There are plans to make a Gradle plugin for PIG but one has not been completed yet.

Without the aforementioned plugin, the best way to use pig with gradle is:

  • Add a dependency on PIG in your project's buildSrc/build.gradle file. This will make the API of PIG available to all other build.gradle files in your project. (Example)
  • Add a dependency on PIG's runtime library in your project.
  • Add a custom task that uses PIG's internal APIs. (Example)
  • Make sure your custom task executes before the compileKotlin task. (Example)

Other Build Systems

If you are not using Gradle, it will be necessary to invoke PIG via the command line.

At build time and before compilation of your application or library, the following should be executed:

pig \
    -u <type universe.ion> \
    -t kotlin \ 
    -n <namespace> \ 
    -o path/to/package/<output file>
  • <type universe.ion>: path to the Ion text file containing the type universe
  • <output file>: path to the file for the generated code
  • <namespace>: the name used in the package statement at the top of the output file

Execute: pig --help for all command-line options.

Obtaining the PIG Executable

To obtain the pig executable:

  • Clone this repository.
  • Check out the tag of the release you wish to utilize, e.g. git checkout v0.4.0
  • Execute ./gradlew assemble

After the build completes, the pig executable and dependencies will be located in pig/build/distributions/pig/pig-x.y.z.[tar.gz|zip].

Finally, make sure that the version of the partiql-ir-generator-runtime library that you are using corresponds to the version of the executable.

Verify this with the --version command line option of PIG. (When it becomes available.)


Type Universe Grammar

// Top level
type_universe ::= <stmt>...
definition ::= '(' 'define' symbol <domain_definition> ')'
stmt ::=  <definition> | <transform>

// Domain
domain_definition ::= <domain> | <permute_domain>
domain ::= '(' 'domain' <type_definition>... ')'
type_definition ::= <product_definition> | <sum_definition> | <record_definition>

// Product
product_definition ::= '(' 'product' <product_body>')'
product_body ::= symbol ( symbol::<type_ref> )...

// Record
record_definition ::= '(' 'record' <record_body> ')'
record_body ::= symbol ('(' symbol ( [symbol::]<field_definition> )... ')')
field_definition ::= '(' symbol <type_ref> ')'

// Sum
sum_definition ::= '(' 'sum' symbol <variant_definition>...')'
variant_definition ::= '(' symbol (<product_body> | <record_body>) ')'

// Domain permutation
permute_domain ::=
        'permute_domain' symbol 
                  '(' 'exclude' symbol... ')' 
                | '(' 'include' <type_definition>... ')'  
                | <with> 

with ::=
    '(' 'with' symbol 
              '(' 'exclude' symbol... ')' 
            | '(' 'include' ( '(' <product_body> ')' )... ')' 
// Transforms
transform ::= '(' 'transform' symbol symbol ')'

// Type references
type_ref ::= ion_type
           | symbol                     
           | '(' '?' symbol ')'
           | '(' '*' symbol int ')'
ion_type ::= 'int' | 'symbol' | 'bool' | 'ion'     

Type References


When the name of a specific Ion type is used, the equivalent type in the target language is used in the generated code and the transformation code is generated to expect and produce Ion values of that type. When the name ion is used, the type of the Ion implementation's DOM node (i.e. IonElement) is used and the transformation code allows any Ion value. Today, the only reason the ion type is needed is to facilitate the lit PartiQL AST node, whose only argument is an arbitrary Ion value.

For the Kotlin language, the mapping between Ion types and Kotlin types is the same as used by ion-java. For the initial revision we will only support the following subset of Ion types which are required by the PartiQL AST, although we can expect that needs will arise for other types at a later date.

PIG Type Kotlin Type

int Int

symbol String

bool Boolean

ion AnyElement


A type reference includes a specification of arity. Arity can be required, optional, or variadic. The name of any type without adornment indicates that it is required.

  • <type_name> - Indicates that the type is required and appears exactly once.
  • (? <type_name>) - Indicates that the type is optional. All optional types are represented by null when not present.
  • (* <type_name> [n]) - Indicates that the type may appear at least n times. When unspecified, n is zero.
Arity Ordering

Within the list of a product's elements, the following rules must be obeyed:

  • Zero or more required types must appear first. After any required types none or one of the following is allowed:
    • 1 or more optional types
    • A single variadic argument

In other words, products may have any number of required types and cannot have both optional and variadic types. If variadic type is present, only one is allowed.

These constraints exist to reduce the complexity of the generated code and its uses.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK