Do More with R

 2 years ago
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“Do More with R” video tutorials

Search for R video tutorials by task, topic, or package. Most videos are shorter than 10 minutes

By Sharon Machlis

Executive Editor, Data & Analytics,

InfoWorld | Feb 4, 2022 6:27 am PST

‘Do More with R’ offers quick video tips on useful things you can do in the R programming language. Now you can search these R tutorial videos by topics, tasks, and packages in the table below. (Click on the task to go straight to the video content—or in some cases, an article with a video). Most videos are shorter than 10 minutes.

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Search Do More With R by task, package, or category

Task Category Packages/Software

Create PowerPoint files straight from R - or HTML slide presentations dataviz, data export rmarkdown, xaringan, Microsoft 365, PowerPoint, Microsoft Office

Astonishingly easy mapping with mapview GIS, dataviz, data analysis mapview

Connect R with Outlook email and Teams collaboration programming, Microsoft Microsoft365R, Microsoft 365, Outlook, Teams, Microsoft Office

Remember tidyr pivot_wider and pivot_longer data wrangling tidyr, RStudio

Create racing bar charts dataviz ddplot

Create interactive visualizations and linked interactive graphics dataviz ggiraph, albersusa

Write and run R code in Microsoft Visual Studio Code programming, vscode, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, VSCode

How to use R with Google BigQuery data import, big data bigrquery, BigQuery

Use the new R 4.1 pipe; run R 4.1 in Docker programming base R

Use built-in R colors and external palettes dataviz rcolorutils, scales, tmaptools, paletteer, paletti

Send email with blastula programming blastula

Install and run Python with Rstudio programming reticulate, python

Create interactive plots and graphs dataviz echarts4r

Error check when iterating programming purrr

Add text labels to your ggplot2 graphs dataviz ggplot2, ggrepel

Create an election map in R color coded by winner and victory margin GIS, data analysis leaflet

The ultimate R data.table cheat sheet - with tidyverse code too (no video) programming data.table, tidyverse

Count and visualize data by groups in R programming, dataviz janitor, vtree, CGPfunctions, ggplot2, dplyr, data.table

Create an interactive drilldown graph dataviz highcharter

5 useful fread options and features you might not know data import data.table

Preview color-matched parentheses, brackets, and braces in RStudio alpha version programming RStudio

Run lengthy scripts as RStudio background jobs programming, Rstudio RStudio

Create interactive tables with expandable rows data display reactable

R 4.0 new features and running R and Rstudio in a Docker container programming R, RStudio, Docker

dplyr's new across function data wrangling dplyr

Easier ggplot with ggeasy dataviz, ggplot ggplot2, ggeasy

data.table symbols and operators, plus new fcase function data wrangling, data analysis data.table

Add color to ggplot2 visualization with the ggtext package dataviz ggplot2, ggtext

Twitter: Search, sort, and filter tweets by hashtag with rtweet and reactable programming rtweet, reactable

Send text messages with R collaboration twilio

What's that ZIP Code? Points in polygons geospatial analysis in R GIS, data analysis sf, tmap, tmaptools

Merge data in R 3 ways: base R, dplyr, and data.table data wrangling dplyr, data.table, dtplyr

Get data.table speed with dplyr syntax using dtplyr programming dtplyr, dplyr, data.table

Intro to data.table data wrangling, data analysis data.table

Export data from R to Excel with Excel formatting or multiple sheets data export openxlsx, rio, Microsoft Office, Excel, Microsoft 365

Import API data with httr programming httr

Use git and GitHub with R programming usethis, Rstudio

Write your own ggplot2 functions programming rlang, ggplot2

Group and summarize with data.table and .SD programming data.table

Calculate month-over-month comparisons programming dplyr

Send Slack messages with R collaboration slackr

Send email with R and Gmail collaboration gmailr

Boost R Markdown interactivity data display markdown, shiny

Customize ggplot with bbplot dataviz bbplot, ggplot2

Reshape data with tidyr’s new pivot functions data wrangling tidyr

Write your own R package programming devtools, usethis, roxygen2

Run Python in R code programming reticulate, python

Write your own RStudio addins programming Rstudio

Create color-coded calendars dataviz ggcal, ggplot2

Save time with Rstudio addins and keyboard shortcuts programming Rstudio

Create lookup tables with named vectors programming base R

Keep passwords and tokens secure security, programming keyring

Add sparklines to HTML tables dataviz DT, sparkline

Make a quick interactive table data display DT

Drag-and-drop ggplot dataviz esquisse, ggplot2

Reshape data with tidyr data wrangling tidyr

Schedule R scripts on a Mac programming cronR

Generate HTML, Word docs and more with R Markdown data display rmarkdown, Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365, Word

Access nested list items data wrangling purrr

Create animations in R dataviz gganimate, ggplot2

Create maps GIS, dataviz sf, tmap, tmaptools, leaflet

Iterate without for loops using purrr's map_df programming purrr

Save time with RStudio code snippets programming Rstudio

Create dashboards dataviz flexdashboard

Automated code tests programming, functions testthat

Conditional values with case_when data wrangling dplyr

Create interactive scatter plots with taucharts dataviz taucharts

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