Best Online Web Development Courses with Certificates [2022]

 2 years ago
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Best Online Web Development Courses with Certificates [2022]

Web development has been popular for quite a long time and is in demand these days. The need for websites and web applications has increased rapidly. Hence, web development is a hot topic to learn.
Web development helps the developers secure jobs, grab good salaries, and build their websites. Apart from them, web development gives power to developers with which they can work as freelancers as well.

Now, who wouldn’t like to enhance their career by learning web development? Think about it. Improve your profile with great courses available in the market.

Introduction to Web Development

Web development is creating and maintaining websites and web applications. It can be divided into three parts:

Front-end: Refers to UI creation and maintenance using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Database: Refers to where the data will be stored and retrieved. For fast website construction, in-house databases are also prevalent these days. There are many options available for them. One can use their servers to store data, or one can also use cloud services.


10 Sec
Design for web developers, or should developers learn to design? No, but... How can it help?

Server: Refers to processing the business logic, hosting, database storage, etc.

There are many courses available online but, in this article, we will discuss the best courses available on Coursera.

Why Coursera?

Coursera is one of the best online platforms to learn the emerging and prevailing technologies offered by pinnacle universities like the University of Michigan, John Hopkins University, University of California, Hong Kong University, Google, and many more. One can benefit by taking the courses from Coursera through the learning and by showcasing the valuable certifications they offer. These certifications can add stars to your profile and be shared in CVs, LinkedIn, and other documents.


  • Step1: Take the learning program and increase your web-development skills by enrolling.
  • Step2: Work on a project specifically designed to enhance the web-development skills.
  • Step3: Obtain a certificate once the course/courses are done and complete the hands-on project.

Let us glance through the top 6 web-development courses to be considered in 2022.

1.     Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization


This course offers the learning on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, which are necessary to build quality websites. Learning these will enable you to create responsive websites that work seamlessly on different-sized screens like tablets, mobiles, laptops, desktops, etc.

Level of Course: Beginner

Skills you will learn:

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap

Rating: 4.8

Students Enrolled: 231,234

Structure of the Course:

  • Learn HTML5
  • Learn CSS3
  • Learn JavaScript
  • Learn Responsive Designing
  • Hand-on projects by building a web portfolio.

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.

2.    HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers


This course offers to learn on HTML and CSS, and JavaScript. This course will build a web application using AJAX to uncover server-side functionality.

Level of Course: Mixed

Skills you will learn:

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript

Rating: 4.7

Students Enrolled: 652,984

Structure of the Course:

  • Learn HTML5
  • Learn CSS3
  • Hands-on with a small project
  • Learn JavaScript
  • Practice Exercises

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.

3.    Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization


Level of Course: Intermediate

Skills you will learn:

  • Node.js
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Authentication
  • MongoDB
  • Express.js

Rating: 4.7

Students Enrolled: 29,448

Structure of the Course:

  • Learn Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools
  • Learn Front-End Development with React
  • Learn Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.

4.    Introduction to Web Development


This course enables you to build professional websites for personal and business usage. You will learn the basics and structuring of the world-wide-web, gain knowledge on dynamic web pages, web-hosting services, HTML forms, publishing web pages. Overall, this course provides you with the necessary guidance and knowledge required for advanced web development.

Level of Course: Beginner

Skills you will learn:

  • Javascript
  • Css Code

Rating: 4.7

Students Enrolled: 183,868  

Structure of the Course:

  • Learn all about Website Structuring and Web Hosting
  • Learn all about Website Designing
  • Learn JavaScript
  • Learn CSS
  • Practice Exercises

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.

5.    Google UX Design Professional Certificate


This learning program offers you learning videos, readings, hands-on activities. You will explore different design tools, Figma and Adobe XD. Complete the course and gain the certificate in less than six months with part-time study.

Level of Course: Beginner

Skills you will learn:

  • UX Research
  • Prototype
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • UX Design jobs
  • Wireframe

Rating: 4.8

Students Enrolled: 290,287

Structure of the Course:

  • Learn the foundation of User Experience (UX) Design
  • Empathize, Define and Ideate UX Design Process
  • Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concept
  • Create High-Fidelity Designs and Prototypes in Figma
  • Responsive Web Design in Adobe XD
  • Design a User Experience for Social Good & Prepare for Jobs. Jobs

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.

6.   Web Applications For Everybody Specialization


This course will enable you to build websites backed by a database. You will learn to make web applications using PHP with MySQL database. Also, you will learn how to use JavaScript to interact with PHP-based web applications. This learning also helps you explore modeling many-to-many relationships.

Level of Course: Intermediate

Skills you will learn:

  • MySQL
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Relational Database

Rating: 4.8

Students Enrolled: 80,273   

Structure of the Course:

  • Building Web Applications in PHP
  • Introduction to Structured Query Language(SQL)
  • Building Database Applications in PHP
  • JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge is required.


These are some of the best learning programs for you to invest.  Upgrade your skills and enhance your knowledge. Once you complete the courses you can earn your certificates and showcase them for emerging potential jobs. I would suggest to go through the course structure and reviews before choosing one.

I hope this article helped you to find the relevant course as per your requirement. Good Luck !!!


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