Your AWS re:Invent 2021 guide to Amazon Location Service Sessions

 2 years ago
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Your AWS re:Invent 2021 guide to Amazon Location Service Sessions

by Fernando Rocha Silva | on 17 NOV 2021 | in Announcements, AWS re:Invent | Permalink | Comments |  Share

Amazon Location Service, since its general availability release in June of 2021, has been adopted by many customers who need easy and accurate access to location-based data. The service team has been working very hard into supporting these customers and releasing new features that help them even more.

In order to present some of the functionalities and use cases that the service can be used for, we have a lot of sessions planned for re:Invent this year. Registration has begun – grab a spot or attend virtually for your favorites (If you haven’t registered and would like to attend in person, here’s a template to help justify your trip).

We’ll have breakout sessions, builder sessions, chalk talks, and workshops on different topics, all related to Amazon Location Service and its features:

Breakout sessions

ARC309 – Build a high-throughput asset-tracking architecture

Industry leaders are well aware of how geospatial data can help them optimize asset utilization, deliveries, geo marketing, and many other use cases. However, the process of tracking assets effectively presents challenges that go beyond the business level. This session uses vehicle tracking as an example to show how you can architect a serverless solution that tackles the technical challenges that this topic conventionally presents, including scalability, complexity, and real-time aspects.

FWM204 – Building the re:Invent app with Amazon Location Service

Thousands of guests come to Las Vegas to participate in re:Invent, the biggest annual AWS event. Attendees move between venues to attend breakout sessions, chalk talks, and more. To help them get where they need to go, AWS provides transportation and directions. In this session, learn how Amazon Location Service is helping the re:Invent team provide attendees and fleets with accurate information on routes, locations, distances, and estimated travel times. See how they are utilizing a fully managed serverless solution to support attendees with clear and trustworthy location data and how you can do the same at your own events.

API202 – Using an event-driven application pattern to improve customer experience

In this session, learn how to use location capabilities such as tracking, geofencing, routing, map visualization, and geocoding in your serverless applications in a way that is secure, protects the privacy of your users, is scalable, and improves your customer experience. With Amazon Fresh, Amazon’s grocery pickup service, as an example application, discover how to estimate customer arrival time and direct staff and customers using Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, Amazon Location, Amazon SQS, and AWS Amplify.

BOA302 – Build an app to find your next favorite brew

Looking for your next favorite beer? By entering your preferences in our Craft Beer mobile app, you will instantly receive personalized recommendations generated by machine-learning models. Your real-time feedback will be taken into account to improve future recommendations. In this session, learn how to build a mobile app backed by AWS Amplify, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito, and more. With Amazon Location Service, you can even route users to the nearest location to try a brew.

Builder sessions

SVS318 – Adding location capability to your serverless application

In this builders’ session, learn how to include location features like maps, routes, geofences, tracking, and location-based notifications in your serverless applications with Amazon Location Service. Using a city bike courier use case, augment the application in a way that is secure, protects the privacy of the users, is scalable, and improves the customer experience. Featured services include Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, Amazon Location, and AWS Amplify.

Chalk talks

SVS206 – Building a serverless, real-time shipment tracking application

In this chalk talk, learn how to build a serverless application that displays the location of your shipment in real time, sends notifications when your shipment is late, and simulates traffic conditions.

AUT302 – Serverless architectures for autonomous fleets

Learn how Torc built a real-time vehicle telemetry dashboard to monitor its autonomous trucking test fleet. Speed to market was critical, so Torc adopted a serverless architecture to deliver its first MVP within 8 weeks. Learn how Torc used Amazon Location Service for real-time fleet tracking and geofencing with visualization of the fleet on a web portal with less than one second of latency. Torc is working on adding AWS IoT Greengrass v2 at the edge along with a video streaming feature for displaying data from onboard cameras.

DAT309 – Enrich your database with location intelligence

Learn how to add location intelligence to your database by integrating with Amazon Location Service. Also, discover how to use enriched data with geospatial attributes for custom queries, analytics, and visualization. This chalk talk features a variety of AWS databases, including Amazon Redshift and Amazon RDS.

DAT310 – Choose the right AWS storage solution for your geospatial data

Learn how to select the right AWS data storage for your geospatial data to optimize cost, latency, and scalability for your business needs. This chalk talk features most AWS databases as well as Amazon Location Service.


FWM202 – Build a real-time serverless application to drive fan engagement

Organizations are building real-time applications to deliver engaging user experiences. Real-time application features can be complex and time-consuming to build. With AWS AppSync, developers can use GraphQL API endpoints to unify real-time data access across multiple data sources to engage millions of end users, with built-in caches to improve performance, subscriptions to support real-time updates, and client-side data stores that keep offline clients in sync. In this workshop, learn how to use AWS Amplify, AWS AppSync, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Location Service to build a serverless web application that engages fans at large events, from music to sports, with real-time chat features and location-based notifications.

FWM301 – GraphQL race: Build a serverless, real-time app for live sports events

Increase fan engagement through entertaining user experiences that leverage-real-time data. In this workshop, build an application for a fast-paced sports event: GraphQL Real-Time Race. Learn how to create a serverless web application that delivers real-time data to fans based on their location, event scoring, and event updates. Learn how to use AWS Amplify to connect the front end to a sophisticated backend with GraphQL, subscriptions, and geolocation that uses AWS AppSync, Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Location Service to deliver real-time data to fans with the telemetry and positions of cars on the track. It’s off to the races!

About the author

Fernando Rocha

Fernando Rocha is a Senior Specialist Solutions Architect who focuses in mobile, front-end, and location-based services. He currently helps customers build and modernize their applications on AWS.

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