What we learned at PASS Data Community Summit - Redgate events
source link: https://www.red-gate.com/hub/events/what-we-learned-at-pass-data-community-summit
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PASS Data Community Summit 2021 is the year's largest gathering of Microsoft data platform professionals, featuring more than 250 sessions from world class speakers, covering data management, analytics, architecture, and professional development, offering fresh content on the latest trends and technologies.
There is so much amazing content packed into this 5-day, free on-line event there's no way you can watch it all. But fear not, Redgate's Advocates are here to help. Join Steve Jones, Kathi Kellenberger and Grant Fritchey as they each reveal their highlights, learnings and key takeaways from their Summit experience.
This event took place:
- Nov 18, 2021
Steve Jones
Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Editor, Redgate
Show moreSteve is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and has been working with SQL Server since version 4.2 on OS/2. After working as a DBA and developer for a variety of com…
Kathi Kellenberger
Data Platform MVP, Editor, Redgate
Show moreKathi Kellenberger is the Editor of Simple Talk and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. She has worked with SQL Server for 22 years and has authored, co-authored,…
Grant Fritchey
Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Advocate
Show moreGrant is a Data Platform MVP and AWS Community Builder with over 30 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development.
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