3 years ago
source link: https://voiceofthedba.com/2021/11/17/string_split-has-ordinals/
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I noticed the docs for STRING_SPLIT now show that there is a third parameter. This brings us an ordinal for the positioning of the data. The format is now:

STRING_SPLIT( string, separator [, enable_ordinal])

This is a bit or int that determines if a positional value is added to the result set. Here’s a quick demo.

No third parameter shows this:

2021-11-16 13_32_11-SQLQuery2.sql - dkranchapps.database.windows.net.SimpleTalk (sjones (89))_ - Mic

If I add a 1 for the third parameter, I see this:

2021-11-16 13_32_37-SQLQuery2.sql - dkranchapps.database.windows.net.SimpleTalk (sjones (89))_ - Mic

Right now this is only in Azure. I assume we’ll see this in SQL Server 2022, but we’ll have to wait and see.

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