Universal DM-Verity, ForceEncrypt, Disk Quota Disabler [11/2/2020]
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/universal-dm-verity-forceencrypt-disk-quota-disabler-11-2-2020.3817389/page-66#post-85890085
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it may be having dynamic partitioning that is even after attempting decrypting it will automatically encryptHI there. I'm having some trouble with installing this. Log below.
-installed TWRP -> Format Data -> reboot to recovery
-ADB load zip ->TWRP install zip -> error "Unable to decrypt FBE" and the stuff below.
No magisk or anything. Just twrp and this zip.
OnePlus 9 Pro OOS11.2.9.9Code:Installing zip file '/sdcard/Disable_Dm-Verity_ForceEncrypt_11.02.2020.zip' I:Update binary zip Verifying package compatibility... Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary' I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root. Archive: /sdcard/Disable_Dm-Verity_ForceEncrypt_11.02.2020.zip inflating: tools/arm/magiskpolicy inflating: tools/avb/verity.x509.pem inflating: tools/x86/futility inflating: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script inflating: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary inflating: tools/util_functions.sh inflating: tools/chromeos/kernel.keyblock inflating: tools/arm/futility inflating: README.md inflating: tools/chromeos/kernel_data_key.vbprivk inflating: tools/ak3-core.sh inflating: tools/arm/magiskboot inflating: anykernel.sh inflating: tools/boot_signer-dexed.jar inflating: tools/arm/keycheck inflating: tools/x86/magiskboot inflating: tools/x86/busybox inflating: tools/x86/keycheck inflating: tools/arm/busybox inflating: banner inflating: tools/x86/magiskpolicy inflating: tools/avb/verity.pk8 "*************************************************" "* DmVerity,ForceEncrypt, and DiscQuota Disabler *" "* By: Zackptg5 *" "* Heavily based on the work of: *" "* TopJohnWu and Jcadduono *" "*************************************************" AnyKernel3 by osm0sis @ xda-developers Installing... /dev/block/by-name/boot_b - Chosen/Default Arguments: Keep ForceEncrypt: false Keep Dm-Verity: false Keep Disc Quota: true - Detecting Root Method... No Magisk or SuperSu detected! - Unpacking boot img... 192+0 records in 192+0 records out 201326592 bytes (192.0MB) copied, 0.211559 seconds, 907.5MB/s Parsing boot image: [/tmp/anykernel/boot.img] HEADER_VER [0] KERNEL_SZ [43962880] RAMDISK_SZ [369099097] SECOND_SZ [0] EXTRA_SZ [3] PAGESIZE [0] NAME [] CMDLINE [] CHECKSUM [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] Floating point exception - Creating .magisk and .supersu files... - Patching fstabs: /vendor/etc/fstab.qcom sed: can't create temp file '/vendor/etc/fstab.qcom2EQI4K': Read-only file system sed: can't create temp file '/vendor/etc/fstab.qcomWbnVBw': Read-only file system /vendor/etc/fstab_nodata.qcom sed: can't create temp file '/vendor/etc/fstab_nodata.qcomKofqWI': Read-only file system sed: can't create temp file '/vendor/etc/fstab_nodata.qcomChTQvG': Read-only file system - Repacking boot img... Parsing boot image: [/tmp/anykernel/boot.img] HEADER_VER [0] KERNEL_SZ [43962880] RAMDISK_SZ [369099097] SECOND_SZ [0] EXTRA_SZ [3] PAGESIZE [0] NAME [] CMDLINE [] CHECKSUM [0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] Floating point exception Repacking image failed. Aborting... Updater process ended with ERROR: 1 I:Install took 6 second(s). Error installing zip file '/sdcard/Disable_Dm-Verity_ForceEncrypt_11.02.2020.zip' Updating partition details... I:checking for twrp app I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 223987MB. ...done I:Set page: 'flash_done' I:operation_end - status=1 I:Set page: 'clear_vars' I:Set page: 'main2' I:Set page: 'advanced' I:Set page: 'copylog' I:Set page: 'action_page' I:operation_start: 'Copy Log' I:Copied file /tmp/recovery.log to /data/media/recovery.log
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