
 2 years ago
source link: https://learnblockchain.cn/article/2859
Go to the source link to view the article. You can view the picture content, updated content and better typesetting reading experience. If the link is broken, please click the button below to view the snapshot at that time.


1.1 部署文档信息:

1.2 硬件配置信息

硬盘空间 > 500 GB
硬盘空间 > 500 GB

1.3 网络配置信息

  • 一个公网ip
  • 开启 TCP/UDP 32668 端口;便于 p2p 发现和互联
  • rpc端口:8545


  • 下载heco主链基础镜像
docker pull buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
  • 编写Dockerfile
# vim Dockerfile 

FROM buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
RUN wget -P /usr/local/bin/ https://github.com/HuobiGroup/huobi-eco-chain/releases/download/v1.0.0/geth-linux-amd64 && mv /usr/local/bin/geth-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/geth && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/geth
EXPOSE 8545 8546 30303 30303/udp 
  • 生成heco主链镜像
docker build . -t huobi-eco:v1.0.0



3.1 编辑heco主网配置文件


# cd /opt/docker/heco/

SyncMode = "full"
DiscoveryURLs = []
TrieCleanCacheRejournal= 300000000000

GasFloor = 8000000
GasCeil = 8000000
GasPrice = 0
Recommit = 3000000000
Noverify = false

CacheDir = "ethash"
CachesInMem = 2
CachesOnDisk = 3
CachesLockMmap = false
DatasetDir = "/data/heco/data/.ethash"
DatasetsInMem = 1
DatasetsOnDisk = 2
DatasetsLockMmap = false
PowMode = 0

Locals = []
NoLocals = false
Journal = "transactions.rlp"
Rejournal = 3600000000000
PriceLimit = 1
PriceBump = 10
AccountSlots = 16
GlobalSlots = 4096
AccountQueue = 64
GlobalQueue = 1024
Lifetime = 10800000000000

DataDir = "/data/heco/data"
InsecureUnlockAllowed = true
NoUSB = true
IPCPath = "geth.ipc"
HTTPHost = ""
HTTPPort = 8545
HTTPCors = ["*"]
HTTPVirtualHosts = ["*"]
HTTPModules = ['eth', 'net', 'web3']

WSHost = ""
WSPort = 8546
WSModules = ['eth', 'net', 'web3']

GraphQLVirtualHosts = ["localhost"]

MaxPeers = 50
NoDiscovery = false

ListenAddr = ":32668"
EnableMsgEvents = false

ReadTimeout = 30000000000
WriteTimeout = 30000000000
IdleTimeout = 120000000000


HTTPHost:HTTP-RPC服务连接白名单,此参数的值默认为 “localhost”,仅允许本地可访问,可设置为:“”

HTTPVirtualHosts:HTTP-RPC服务监听接口,此参数的值默认为 [“localhost”],可设置为:HTTPVirtualHosts = ["*"]


SyncMode = "full"
SyncMode = "fast"

3.2 启动heco主网链

启动参数完整帮助信息,可通过命令 geth help 或 geth -h 进行查阅。

docker run -itd --restart=unless-stopped -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone --name public_heco -v $(pwd):/data -p 32668:32668 -p 8545:8545 huobi-eco:v1.0.0 --config /data/config.toml --logpath /data/logs




--verbosity:日志级别(0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail)

如果需要启用archive 类型,需要加入以下两个启动参数:

使用 --syncmode=full --gcmode=archive 模式,即归档节点,这种模式保存了最最最全的节点数据,占用硬盘空间也会更大。(后面会专门针对节点数据配置写一篇文档)

--syncmode full 
--gcmode archive



4.1 查看heco容器是否成功启动

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                  NAMES
26477f6ae83d        huobi-eco:v1.0.0    "geth --config /data…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour    8546/tcp, 30303/udp,>8545/tcp,>30303/tcp   public_heco

4.2 查看heco主网节点启动日志是否正常

# tail -f ./logs/chain.log
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.034] Starting Geth on Ethereum mainnet... 
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.034] Bumping default cache on mainnet         provided=1024 updated=4096
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.036] Maximum peer count                       ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.036] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.036] Set global gas cap                       cap=25000000
WARN [06-02|18:47:09.036] Sanitizing invalid miner gas price       provided=0    updated=1000000000
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.036] Allocated trie memory caches             clean=1023.00MiB dirty=1024.00MiB
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.036] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/data/heco/data/geth/chaindata cache=2.00GiB handles=524288
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.077] Opened ancient database                  database=/data/heco/data/geth/chaindata/ancient
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.077] Writing default main-net genesis block 
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.078] Persisted trie from memory database      nodes=5 size=742.00B time="46.396µs" gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=1 livesize=0.00B
# 初始化heco链配置
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.078] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 128 Homestead: 0 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: true EIP150: 0 EIP155: 0 EIP158: 0 Byzantium: 0 Constantinople: 0 Petersburg: 0 Istanbul: 0, Muir Glacier: <nil>, YOLO v1: <nil>, Engine: congress}"
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.078] Initialising Ethereum protocol           versions="[65 64 63]" network=128 dbversion=<nil>
WARN [06-02|18:47:09.078] Upgrade blockchain database version      from=<nil> to=8
# 加载块
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.079] Loaded most recent local header          number=0 hash="5751d1…4cb144" td=1 age=6mo3d10h
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.079] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0 hash="5751d1…4cb144" td=1 age=6mo3d10h
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.079] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=0 hash="5751d1…4cb144" td=1 age=6mo3d10h
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.080] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.080] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Geth/v1.0.0-stable/linux-amd64/go1.13.4
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.082] Stored checkpoint snapshot to disk       number=0 hash="5751d1…4cb144"
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.096] New local node record                    seq=1 id=be0253324fd50a3c ip= udp=32668 tcp=32668
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.096] Started P2P networking                   self=enode://7142acfd66cedfceff9736f46bb9cb71a5628c34fe654c03052f00957f48c4ed8fcf4d2d76a4faadf1506efd625fac6ddf738c9d5e4f63aa248320758fda0a53@
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.097] IPC endpoint opened                      url=/data/heco/data/geth.ipc
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.097] HTTP server started                      endpoint=[::]:8545 cors=* vhosts=*
INFO [06-02|18:47:09.098] WebSocket enabled                        url=ws://[::]:8546
INFO [06-02|18:47:10.365] New local node record                    seq=2 id=be0253324fd50a3c ip= udp=32668 tcp=32668
# 寻找可连接的p2p节点
INFO [06-02|18:47:23.772] Looking for peers                        peercount=0 tried=112 static=0
INFO [06-02|18:47:24.605] Block synchronisation started 
INFO [06-02|18:47:33.777] Looking for peers                        peercount=1 tried=133 static=0
INFO [06-02|18:49:28.421] Looking for peers                        peercount=2 tried=95  static=0
WARN [06-02|18:49:34.934] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer    peer=0abf7fd9b6d1a16e err=timeout
INFO [06-02|18:49:45.998] Downloader queue stats                   receiptTasks=0 blockTasks=345 itemSize=607.45B throttle=8192

4.3 查看heco主网节点区块同步日志是否正常

# tail -f ./logs/chain.log
INFO [06-02|18:49:46.003] Imported new chain segment               blocks=28 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.913ms mgasps=0.000 number=28 hash="640547…320bed" age=6mo2d3h  dirty=5.15KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:17.441] Imported new chain segment               blocks=356 txs=61 mgas=8.877 elapsed=85.000ms mgasps=104.438 number=384 hash="11f03e…6f57ba" age=6mo2d3h  dirty=66.51KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:17.685] Imported new chain segment               blocks=1648 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=234.768ms mgasps=0.000   number=2032 hash="b4a99a…82969a" age=6mo2d1h  dirty=74.14KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:17.972] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=274.895ms mgasps=0.000   number=4080 hash="abf316…4b6831" age=6mo2d15m dirty=79.40KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:18.282] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=297.958ms mgasps=0.000   number=6128 hash="d8b2fa…bb053e" age=6mo1d22h dirty=81.51KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:18.622] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=327.925ms mgasps=0.000   number=8176 hash="f9720a…7d3def" age=6mo1d20h dirty=86.40KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:18.929] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=296.145ms mgasps=0.000   number=10224 hash="508cee…b21323" age=6mo1d19h dirty=95.21KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:19.258] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=316.399ms mgasps=0.000   number=12272 hash="785690…692d82" age=6mo1d17h dirty=100.19KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:19.606] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=336.842ms mgasps=0.000   number=14320 hash="1a9f94…044d20" age=6mo1d15h dirty=104.54KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:19.943] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=324.403ms mgasps=0.000   number=16368 hash="820d72…def29d" age=6mo1d14h dirty=106.84KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:20.250] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=295.783ms mgasps=0.000   number=18416 hash="a171a5…cdce4d" age=6mo1d12h dirty=116.16KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:20.587] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=324.990ms mgasps=0.000   number=20464 hash="5262a5…a9948b" age=6mo1d10h dirty=120.21KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:20.902] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=301.400ms mgasps=0.000   number=22512 hash="02d6cc…35bd1b" age=6mo1d8h  dirty=125.52KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:21.241] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=327.600ms mgasps=0.000   number=24560 hash="5cfbae…564cd3" age=6mo1d7h  dirty=126.75KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:21.540] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=283.429ms mgasps=0.000   number=26608 hash="2fb139…430c65" age=6mo1d5h  dirty=135.25KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:21.877] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=325.097ms mgasps=0.000   number=28656 hash="058ff3…04ba5c" age=6mo1d3h  dirty=140.72KiB
INFO [06-02|18:50:22.167] Imported new chain segment               blocks=2048 txs=0  mgas=0.000 elapsed=277.699ms mgasps=0.000   number=30704 hash="80c8e2…da76e1" age=6mo1d2h  dirty=146.78KiB


  • 查看节点区块数据同步进度
# curl -s -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}'
  • 查看节点最新区块号



# curl -s -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'


# curl -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0xab943f0a9c41f1b931bd1f95dd6776559ef689144aa792478d5952c62611513d"],"id":1}'




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