Github GitHub - KaratasFurkan/.emacs.d: My literate Emacs configuration

 3 years ago
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My Literate Emacs Config


Initial Screen (Dashboard)

No, that’s a joke! I use the logo from tecosaur & MarioRicalde:

Python Development

File explorer (treemacs), auto complete (company), git&github integration (magit, forge), terminal (vterm, shell-pop), markdown, python interpreter (ipython)

Org Mode (and Olivetti)

Helm & Which Key (Dired and Elisp Mode in the background)

Table Of Contents



Clone this repository to ~/.emacs.d or ~/.config/emacs

git clone https://github.com/KaratasFurkan/.emacs.d.git

Open Emacs and let the configuration install necessary packages.

Note: This configuration is not intended to be directly used by others, but it can be useful to get inspired or copy some parts of it. I use Emacs 28.0.50 with feature/native-comp branch, most of this configuration will work in old versions too but some parts needs Emacs 27+.


init.el is just used to load literate config.

(defconst config-org (expand-file-name "README.org" user-emacs-directory))
(defconst config-el (expand-file-name "config.el" user-emacs-directory))

(unless (file-exists-p config-el)
  (require 'org)
  (org-babel-tangle-file config-org config-el))

(load-file config-el)


Note that a few of the code blocks (mostly UI related) in this configuration tangle to early-init.el instead of config.el (which is the elisp file generated by this configuration) to get the effects in the very beginning of the initialization.

Applying Changes

(defun fk/tangle-config ()
  "Export code blocks from the literate config file
  ;; prevent emacs from killing until tangle-process finished
  (add-to-list 'kill-emacs-query-functions
               (lambda ()
                 (or (not (process-live-p (get-process "tangle-process")))
                     (y-or-n-p "\"fk/tangle-config\" is running; kill it? "))))
  ;; tangle config asynchronously
   (format "emacs %s --batch --eval '(org-babel-tangle nil \"%s\")'" config-org config-el)

If the current org file is the literate config file, add a local hook to tangle code blocks on every save to update configuration.

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (if (equal (buffer-file-name) config-org)
                (fk/add-local-hook 'after-save-hook 'fk/tangle-config))))

Package Management


Installation & Initialization

Taken from: https://github.com/raxod502/straight.el#getting-started

(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
       (expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory))
      (bootstrap-version 5))
  (unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
         'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
      (goto-char (point-max))
  (load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))


To not increase Emacs startup time, check package modifications when packages edited (with Emacs) or manually invoke straight-check-all command, instead of checking modifications at startup.

Note: this setting should be set before the initialization of straight. early-init is a good place for this, so I used :tangle early-init.el here.

(setq straight-check-for-modifications '(check-on-save find-when-checking))

Straight uses symlinks in the build directory which causes xref-find-definition to ask =”Symbolic link to Git-controlled source file; follow link? (y or n)”= every time, to always answer yes, set vc-follow-symlinks true.

(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)

Use default depth of 1 when cloning files with git to get savings on network bandwidth and disk space.

(setq straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 1)


  • M-x straight-pull-all: update all packages.
  • M-x straight-normalize-all: restore all packages (remove local edits)
  • M-x straight-freeze-versions and M-x straight-thaw-versions are like pip freeze requirements.txt and pip install -r requirements.txt
  • To tell straight.el that you want to use the version of Org shipped with Emacs, rather than cloning the upstream repository:

(Note: “:tangle no”)

(use-package org
  :straight (:type built-in))


Installation & Straigt Integration

;; Install `use-package'.
(straight-use-package 'use-package)

;; Install packages in `use-package' forms with `straight'. (not the built-in
;; package.el)
(setq straight-use-package-by-default t)

;; Key Chord functionality in use-package. (I do not use it anymore.)
;; (use-package use-package-chords
;;   :hook
;;   (dashboard-after-initialize . (lambda () (key-chord-mode 1))))


  • Hooks in the :hook section, run in reverse order. Example:

(Note: “:tangle no”)

(use-package package-name
  (x-mode . last)
  (x-mode . second)
  (x-mode . first))

Performance Optimization

A very nice source: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/blob/develop/docs/faq.org#how-does-doom-start-up-so-quickly

Garbage Collection

Make startup faster by reducing the frequency of garbage collection. Set gc-cons-threshold (the default is 800 kilobytes) to maximum value available, to prevent any garbage collection from happening during load time.

Note: tangle to early-init.el to make startup even faster

(setq gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)

Restore it to reasonable value after init. Also stop garbage collection during minibuffer interaction (helm etc.).

(defconst 1mb 1048576)
(defconst 20mb 20971520)
(defconst 30mb 31457280)
(defconst 50mb 52428800)

(defun fk/defer-garbage-collection ()
  (setq gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum))

(defun fk/restore-garbage-collection ()
  (run-at-time 1 nil (lambda () (setq gc-cons-threshold 30mb))))

(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'fk/restore-garbage-collection 100)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'fk/defer-garbage-collection)
(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'fk/restore-garbage-collection)

(setq read-process-output-max 1mb)  ;; lsp-mode's performance suggest

File Handler

(Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(defvar default-file-name-handler-alist file-name-handler-alist)
(setq file-name-handler-alist nil)

(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq file-name-handler-alist default-file-name-handler-alist)) 100)


Copied from Doom Emacs: (Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

;; In Emacs 27+, package initialization occurs before `user-init-file' is
;; loaded, but after `early-init-file'. straight.el handles package
;; initialization, so we must prevent Emacs from doing it early!
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(advice-add 'package--ensure-init-file :override 'ignore)

;; Resizing the Emacs frame can be a terribly expensive part of changing the
;; font. By inhibiting this, we easily halve startup times with fonts that are
;; larger than the system default.
(setq frame-inhibit-implied-resize t)

Custom Functions


(Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(defmacro fk/measure-time (&rest body)
  "Measure the time it takes to evaluate BODY."
  `(let ((time (current-time)))
     (message "%s" (float-time (time-since time)))))


(Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(defun fk/time-since-startup (&optional prefix)
  "Display the time that past since emacs startup. Add PREFIX if given at the
start of message for debug purposes."
  (let* ((prefix (or prefix ""))
         (time (float-time (time-since before-init-time)))
         (str (format "%s%s seconds" prefix time)))
    (if (or (not (string-empty-p prefix))
            (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
        (message str)


(Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(defvar fk/time-last-check nil)
(defvar fk/time-threshold 0)
(setq fk/time-threshold 0.02)

(defun fk/time-since-last-check (&optional prefix)
  "Display the time that past since last check. Add PREFIX if given at the
start of message for debug purposes."
  (let* ((prefix (or prefix ""))
         (time (float-time (time-since (or fk/time-last-check before-init-time))))
         (str (format "%s%s seconds" prefix time)))
    (setq fk/time-last-check (current-time))
    (if (or (not (string-empty-p prefix))
            (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
        (when (> time fk/time-threshold) (message "%s" str))

Better Defaults

File Paths

Keep Emacs directory clean.

(use-package no-littering
  (with-eval-after-load 'recentf
    (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude no-littering-var-directory)
    (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude no-littering-etc-directory))

  (setq auto-save-file-name-transforms  ; autosaved-file-name~
        `((".*" ,(no-littering-expand-var-file-name "auto-save/") t))
        custom-file (no-littering-expand-etc-file-name "custom.el"))

  (when (file-exists-p custom-file)
    (load-file custom-file))

  (defconst fk/static-directory (expand-file-name "static/" user-emacs-directory))

  (defun fk/expand-static-file-name (file)
    "Expand filename FILE relative to `fk/static-directory'."
    (expand-file-name file fk/static-directory)))


 ring-bell-function 'ignore            ; prevent beep sound.
 inhibit-startup-screen t              ; TODO: maybe better on early-init or performance?
 initial-major-mode 'fundamental-mode  ; TODO: maybe better on early-init or performance?
 initial-scratch-message nil           ; TODO: maybe better on early-init?
 create-lockfiles nil                  ; .#locked-file-name
 confirm-kill-processes nil            ; exit emacs without asking to kill processes
 backup-by-copying t                   ; prevent linked files
 require-final-newline t               ; always end files with newline
 delete-old-versions t                 ; don't ask to delete old backup files
 revert-without-query '(".*")          ; `revert-buffer' without confirmation
 uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward   ; non-unique buffer name display: unique-part/non-unique-filename
 fast-but-imprecise-scrolling t        ; supposed to make scrolling faster on hold
 window-resize-pixelwise t)            ; correctly resize windows by pixels (e.g. in split-window functions)

(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)




(bind-key* "M-r" 'repeat)

(defun fk/add-local-hook (hook function)
  "Add buffer-local hook."
  (add-hook hook function :local t))

(defun fk/async-process (command &optional name filter)
  "Start an async process by running the COMMAND string with bash. Return the
process object for it.

NAME is name for the process. Default is \"async-process\".

FILTER is function that runs after the process is finished, its args should be
\"(process output)\". Default is just messages the output."
   :command `("bash" "-c" ,command)
   :name (if name name
   :filter (if filter filter
             (lambda (process output) (message (s-trim output))))))

;; Examples:
;; (fk/async-process "ls")
;; (fk/async-process "ls" "my ls process"
;;                   (lambda (process output) (message "Output:\n\n%s" output)))
;; (fk/async-process "unknown command")

;; Make sure to focus when a new emacsclient frame created.
(add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook (lambda () (select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame))))

(defalias 'narrow-quit 'widen)  ; I forget `widen' everytime


A better, more detailed help buffer.

(use-package helpful
  ;; Use helpful in `helm-apropos'
  (helm-describe-function-function 'helpful-function)
  (helm-describe-variable-function 'helpful-variable)
  (([remap describe-function] . helpful-callable)
   ([remap describe-variable] . helpful-variable)
   ([remap describe-key] . helpful-key)
   :map emacs-lisp-mode-map
   ("C-c C-d" . helpful-at-point)))

Menu Style Keybindings

Menu style keybindings like Spacemacs.

;; NOTE: I use F1 as C-h (paging & help).
 :prefix-map fk/menu-map
 :prefix "M-m"
 ("M-m" . which-key-show-full-major-mode)
 ("M-h" . help-command)
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map buffers         :prefix "b"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map comments        :prefix "c"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map django          :prefix "d"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map errors          :prefix "e"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map files           :prefix "f"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map org             :prefix "o"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map text            :prefix "t"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map version-control :prefix "v"
 :map fk/menu-map :prefix-map windows         :prefix "w")


read-only files will be writable but if you attempt to save your modifications, emacs will ask root user’s password if needed.

(use-package su
  :straight (:host github :repo "PythonNut/su.el")
  :config (su-mode))



  • To start Emacs maximized: $ emacs -mm
  • To start Emacs fullscreen: $ emacs -fs

Better Defaults

(blink-cursor-mode -1)

 truncate-lines t
 frame-resize-pixelwise t     ; maximized emacs may not fit screen without this
 frame-title-format '((:eval  ; TODO: maybe better in "* Better Defaults"
                       (let ((project-name (projectile-project-name)))
                         (unless (string= "-" project-name)
                           (format "%s| " project-name))))
                      "%b"))  ; project-name| file-name

Custom Functions


(defun fk/disable-all-themes ()
  "Disable all active themes."
  (dolist (theme custom-enabled-themes)
    (disable-theme theme)))


I use this to darken non-file buffers like treemacs, helm etc.

(defun fk/darken-background ()
  "Darken the background of the buffer."
  (face-remap-add-relative 'default :background fk/dark-color))


(define-minor-mode fk/presentation-mode
  "A global minor mode for presentations. Make things easy to see."
  :global t
  (if fk/presentation-mode
        (fk/adjust-font-size 20)
        (dimmer-mode 1)
        (setq zoom-size '(100 . 30))
        (zoom-mode 1)
        (setq default-window-divider-default-bottom-width window-divider-default-bottom-width
              default-window-divider-default-right-width window-divider-default-right-width)
        (setq window-divider-default-bottom-width 7
              window-divider-default-right-width 7)
        (window-divider-mode 1)
        (setq fk/olivetti-fringe-face fk/darker-olivetti-fringe-face)
        (olivetti-mode 1)
        (goggles-mode 1))
    (fk/adjust-font-size 0)
    (dimmer-mode -1)
    (setq zoom-size fk/zoom-default-size)
    (zoom-mode -1)
    (setq window-divider-default-bottom-width default-window-divider-default-bottom-width
          window-divider-default-right-width default-window-divider-default-right-width)
    (window-divider-mode 1)
    (setq fk/olivetti-fringe-face fk/default-olivetti-fringe-face)
    (olivetti-mode 1)
    (goggles-mode -1)))


(defun fk/toggle-ui-elements (&optional arg)
  "Toggle `display-line-numbers-mode', `highlight-indent-guides-mode' and
  (display-line-numbers-mode (or arg (if display-line-numbers-mode -1 1)))
  (highlight-indent-guides-mode (or arg (if highlight-indent-guides-mode -1 1)))
  (display-fill-column-indicator-mode (or arg (if display-fill-column-indicator-mode -1 1))))

;; (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook (lambda () (fk/toggle-ui-elements -1)) 100)

Remove Redundant UI

(Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(menu-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
;; Do not show default modeline until doom-modeline is loaded
(setq-default mode-line-format nil)

Good Scroll (Smooth scrolling)

(use-package good-scroll
  :straight (:host github :repo "io12/good-scroll.el")
  :commands good-scroll-mode
  (good-scroll-duration 0.2)
  (good-scroll-point-jump 4)
  ;; :bind
  ;; ("C-v" . fk/smooth-scroll-up)
  ;; ("M-v" . fk/smooth-scroll-down)
  ;; ("C-l" . fk/smooth-recenter-top-bottom)
  ;; :hook
  ;; (dashboard-after-initialize . good-scroll-mode)
  (defun fk/smooth-scroll-down (&optional pixels)
    "Smooth alternative of M-v `scroll-down-command'."
    (let ((good-scroll-step (or pixels 300)))

  (defun fk/smooth-scroll-up (&optional pixels)
    "Smooth alternative of C-v `scroll-up-command'."
    (let ((good-scroll-step (or pixels 300)))

  (defun fk/smooth-recenter-top-bottom ()
    (let* ((current-row (cdr (nth 6 (posn-at-point))))
           (target-row (save-window-excursion
                         (cdr (nth 6 (posn-at-point)))))
           (distance-in-pixels (* (- target-row current-row) (line-pixel-height)))
           (good-scroll-step distance-in-pixels))
      (when (not (zerop distance-in-pixels))
        (good-scroll--update -1)))))

Window Dividers

Change default window dividers to a better built-in alternative. (Note: “:tangle early-init.el”)

(setq window-divider-default-places t
      window-divider-default-bottom-width 1
      window-divider-default-right-width 1)

(defconst fk/default-font-family "Roboto Mono")
;; fk/default-font-size is calculated on start according to the primary screen
;; size. if screen-size is bigger than 16 inch: 9 else 11.
(defconst fk/default-font-size
  (let* ((command "xrandr | awk '/primary/{print sqrt( ($(NF-2)/10)^2 + ($NF/10)^2 )/2.54}'")
         (screen-size (string-to-number (shell-command-to-string command))))
    (if (or (> screen-size 16) (= screen-size 0)) 90 110)))  ; screen-size=0 if command gives error
(defconst fk/default-icon-size 15)

(defconst fk/variable-pitch-font-family "Noto Serif")
(defconst fk/variable-pitch-font-size fk/default-font-size)  ; TODO: adjust this and use in org-mode

 `(default ((t (:family ,fk/default-font-family :height ,fk/default-font-size))))
 `(variable-pitch ((t (:family ,fk/variable-pitch-font-family :height ,fk/variable-pitch-font-size))))
 ;; Characters with fixed pitch face do not shown when height is 90.
 `(fixed-pitch-serif ((t (:height 100)))))

Custom Functions


(defun fk/adjust-font-size (height)
  "Adjust font size by given height. If height is '0', reset font
size. This function also handles icons and modeline font sizes."
  (interactive "nHeight ('0' to reset): ")
  (let ((new-height (if (zerop height)
                      (+ height (face-attribute 'default :height)))))
    (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height new-height)
    (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :height new-height)
    (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :height new-height)
    (message "Font size: %s" new-height))
  (let ((new-size (if (zerop height)
                    (+ (/ height 5) treemacs--icon-size))))
    (when (fboundp 'treemacs-resize-icons)
      (treemacs-resize-icons new-size))
    (when (fboundp 'company-box-icons-resize)
      (company-box-icons-resize new-size)))
  (when diff-hl-mode


(defun fk/increase-font-size ()
  "Increase font size by 0.5 (5 in height)."
  (fk/adjust-font-size 5))


(defun fk/decrease-font-size ()
  "Decrease font size by 0.5 (5 in height)."
  (fk/adjust-font-size -5))


(defun fk/reset-font-size ()
  "Reset font size according to the `fk/default-font-size'."
  (fk/adjust-font-size 0))


(global-set-key (kbd "C--") 'fk/decrease-font-size)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-*") 'fk/increase-font-size)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-0") 'fk/reset-font-size)



(use-package doom-themes
  (font-lock-comment-face ((t (:slant italic))))
  (font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "PeachPuff3"))))
  (font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "LightGoldenrod"))))
  (highlight ((t (:underline t :background nil :foreground nil))))
  (lazy-highlight ((t (:background nil :foreground nil :box (:line-width -1)))))
  (fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Noto Sans Mono"))))
  (load-theme 'doom-spacegrey t)
  (defconst fk/font-color (face-attribute 'default :foreground))
  (defconst fk/background-color (face-attribute 'default :background))
  (defconst fk/dark-color (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.15))
  (defconst fk/dark-color1 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.01))
  (defconst fk/dark-color2 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.02))
  (defconst fk/dark-color3 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.03))
  (defconst fk/dark-color4 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.04))
  (defconst fk/dark-color5 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.05))
  (defconst fk/dark-color6 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.06))
  (defconst fk/dark-color7 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.07))
  (defconst fk/dark-color8 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.08))
  (defconst fk/dark-color9 (doom-darken fk/background-color 0.09))
  (defconst fk/light-color (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.15))
  (defconst fk/light-color1 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.09))
  (defconst fk/light-color2 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.08))
  (defconst fk/light-color3 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.07))
  (defconst fk/light-color4 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.06))
  (defconst fk/light-color5 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.05))
  (defconst fk/light-color6 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.04))
  (defconst fk/light-color7 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.03))
  (defconst fk/light-color8 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.02))
  (defconst fk/light-color9 (doom-lighten fk/background-color 0.01)))


Disable all themes before loading a theme

(defadvice load-theme (before disable-themes-first activate)

load-theme without annoying confirmation

(advice-add 'load-theme
            (lambda (fn theme &optional no-confirm no-enable)
              (funcall fn theme t)))


A light emacs theme that’s well suited for org-mode

(use-package poet-theme
  :defer t)

Mode Line

Doom Modeline

(use-package doom-modeline
  ;; show doom-modeline at the same time with dashboard
  (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'doom-modeline-mode -100)
  (doom-modeline-buffer-encoding nil)
  (doom-modeline-vcs-max-length 20)
  (doom-modeline-bar-width 1)
  (mode-line ((t (:background ,fk/dark-color))))
  (mode-line-inactive ((t (:background ,fk/dark-color5))))
  (mode-line-highlight ((t (:inherit cursor :foreground "black"))))
  (doom-modeline-bar ((t (:background ,fk/dark-color))))
  (doom-modeline-buffer-path ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :slant normal))))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . column-number-mode))
(use-package anzu
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-anzu-mode))

Page Break Lines

(use-package page-break-lines
  (page-break-lines ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,fk/light-color1 :width expanded))))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-page-break-lines-mode)
  (add-to-list 'page-break-lines-modes 'c-mode))

Trailing White Space-

Highlight TODOs

(use-package hl-todo
  ;; Better hl-todo colors, taken from spacemacs
  (hl-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" . "#dc752f")
                           ("NEXT" . "#dc752f")
                           ("THEM" . "#2d9574")
                           ("PROG" . "#4f97d7")
                           ("OKAY" . "#4f97d7")
                           ("DONT" . "#f2241f")
                           ("FAIL" . "#f2241f")
                           ("DONE" . "#86dc2f")
                           ("NOTE" . "#b1951d")
                           ("KLUDGE" . "#b1951d")
                           ("HACK" . "#b1951d")
                           ("TEMP" . "#b1951d")
                           ("QUESTION" . "#b1951d")
                           ("HOLD" . "#dc752f")
                           ("FIXME" . "#dc752f")
                           ("XXX+" . "#dc752f")))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-hl-todo-mode))


(use-package beacon
  ;; :preface
  ;; (defconst cursor-color+1 (format "#%x" (+ 1 (string-to-number (string-remove-prefix "#" (face-attribute 'cursor :background)) 16))))
  (beacon-color "#D08771")  ; TODO: cursor-color+1 does not work with emacs --daemon
  ;; (beacon-blink-when-point-moves-vertically 10)
  (beacon-dont-blink-major-modes '(dashboard-mode minibuff))
  (defun fk/beacon-blink ()
    "`beacon-blink' with `beacon-dont-blink-major-modes' control."
    (unless (seq-find 'derived-mode-p beacon-dont-blink-major-modes)
  ;; `beacon-blink' manually instead of activating `beacon-mode' to not
  ;; calculate every time on post-command-hook if should beacon blink
  ;; TODO: create a global minor mode with this: `fk/manual-beacon-mode'
  (dolist (command '(other-window
                     ;; fk/smooth-scroll-up
                     ;; fk/smooth-scroll-down
                     ;; fk/smooth-recenter-top-bottom
    (eval `(defadvice ,command (after blink activate)
  (dolist (hook '(find-file-hook
    (add-hook hook 'fk/beacon-blink)))

All The Icons

;; Prerequisite for a few packages (e.g. treemacs, all-the-icons-dired)
;; "M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts" to install fonts at the first time.
(use-package all-the-icons)

Highlight Indent Guides

(use-package highlight-indent-guides
  (highlight-indent-guides-method 'character)
  (highlight-indent-guides-responsive 'top)
  (highlight-indent-guides-auto-enabled nil)
  (highlight-indent-guides-character-face ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color7))))
  (highlight-indent-guides-top-character-face ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color5))))
  (prog-mode . highlight-indent-guides-mode))


(use-package shackle
  (shackle-rules '(("\\`\\*helm.*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :align t :size 0.4)  ; I use helm-posframe now, this is unnecessary but i want to keep just in case
                   ("\\`\\*helpful.*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :align t :size 0.4)
                   ("\\`\\*Go Translate*?\\*\\'" :regexp t :align t :size 0.4)
                   (help-mode :align t :size 0.4 :select t)))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . shackle-mode))
;; TODO: Add a function to set window width to fill column width
;; according to current major mode
(use-package zoom
  :commands zoom-mode
  (defvar fk/zoom-default-size '(120 . 40))
  (zoom-size fk/zoom-default-size)
  (("C-M-*" . fk/enlarge-window)
   ("C-M--" . fk/shrink-window)
   ("C-M-0" . balance-windows))
  ;; TODO: handle when zoom-mode active
  (defun fk/adjust-window-width (percentage)
    (let* ((new-width (round (* (window-width) percentage)))
           (zoom-size (cons new-width (cdr zoom-size))))
      (if (> percentage 1.0)  ; TODO: fk/smooth-zoom do not shrink

  (defun fk/enlarge-window ()
    (fk/adjust-window-width 1.1))

  (defun fk/shrink-window ()
    (fk/adjust-window-width 0.9))

  (defvar fk/smooth-zoom-steps 10)
  (defvar fk/smooth-zoom-period 0.01)

  (defun fk/floor (number)
    "Floor by absolute value."
    (if (< number 0)
        (ceiling number)
      (floor number)))

  (defun fk/smooth-zoom ()
    "Smooth (animated) version of `zoom'."
    (cancel-function-timers 'fk/smooth-zoom--resize)
    (setq fk/smooth-zoom-sizes '())
    (setq fk/smooth-zoom-window (get-buffer-window))
    (let* ((current-size (cons (window-width) (window-height)))
           (desired-size zoom-size)
           (distances (cons (- (car desired-size) (car current-size))
                            (- (cdr desired-size) (cdr current-size))))
           (step-distance (cons (fk/floor (/ (car distances) (float fk/smooth-zoom-steps)))
                                (fk/floor (/ (cdr distances) (float fk/smooth-zoom-steps))))))
      (dotimes (i fk/smooth-zoom-steps)
        (let* ((zoom-size (if (< i (1- fk/smooth-zoom-steps))
                              (cons (+ (car step-distance) (car current-size))
                                    (+ (cdr step-distance) (cdr current-size)))
               (time (concat (number-to-string (round (* i fk/smooth-zoom-period 1000))) " millisec")))
          (setq current-size zoom-size)
          (add-to-list 'fk/smooth-zoom-sizes current-size t)
          (run-at-time time nil 'fk/smooth-zoom--resize)))))

  (defun fk/smooth-zoom--resize ()
    (with-selected-window fk/smooth-zoom-window
      (let ((zoom-size (pop fk/smooth-zoom-sizes)))

Emacs Dashboard

(use-package dashboard
  ;; Source for logo: https://github.com/tecosaur/emacs-config/blob/master/config.org#splash-screen
  (dashboard-startup-banner (fk/expand-static-file-name "logos/emacs-e-small.png"))
  ;; Do not show package count, it is meaningless because of lazy loading.
  (dashboard-init-info (format "Emacs started in %s" (fk/time-since-startup)))
  (dashboard-set-heading-icons t)
  (dashboard-set-file-icons t)
  (dashboard-center-content t)
  (dashboard-week-agenda t)
  (dashboard-agenda-time-string-format "%d/%m/%Y %A %H:%M")
  ;; (dashboard-agenda-release-buffers t) ; Has bugs
  (dashboard-item-shortcuts '((recents . "r")
                              (bookmarks . "b")
                              (projects . "p")
                              (agenda . "a")))
  (dashboard-items '((recents  . 5)
                     (projects . 5)
                     ;;(bookmarks . 5)
                     ;;(agenda . 10) ;; I load agenda in :hook section
  (dashboard-set-navigator t)
  ;; Format: "(icon title help action face prefix suffix)"
   `((;; Github
      (,(all-the-icons-octicon "mark-github" :height 1.1 :v-adjust 0.0)
       "Browse github"
       (lambda (&rest _) (browse-url "https://github.com/")))
      ;; Codebase
      (,(all-the-icons-faicon "briefcase" :height 1.1 :v-adjust -0.1)
       "My assigned tickets"
       (lambda (&rest _) (browse-url "https://hipo.codebasehq.com/tickets")))
      ;; Perspective
      (,(all-the-icons-octicon "history" :height 1.1 :v-adjust 0.0)
       "Reload last session"
       "Reload last session"
       (lambda (&rest _) (persp-state-load persp-state-default-file))))))
  (dashboard-heading-face ((t (:weight bold))))
  (dashboard-items-face ((t (:weight normal))))
  (dashboard-mode . (lambda () (setq-local cursor-type nil)))
  ;; Load agenda after showing dashboard to decrease waiting time to see the
  ;; initial screen (dashboard). TODO: try to make this asynchronously to not
  ;; block Emacs.
  (dashboard-after-initialize . (lambda ()
                                  (add-to-list 'dashboard-items '(agenda . 10) t)

  ;; Run the hooks even if dashboard initialization is skipped
  (when (> (length command-line-args) 1)
    (add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda () (run-hooks 'dashboard-after-initialize-hook))))

  (defun fk/home ()
    "Switch to home (dashboard) buffer."
    (if (get-buffer dashboard-buffer-name)
        (switch-to-buffer dashboard-buffer-name)

  (defun fk/dashboard-get-agenda ()
    "Copy org-agenda (week) buffer"
      (read-only-mode -1)
      (delete-matching-lines "...... now - - -")
      (delete-matching-lines "----------------")
      (let ((agenda (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))

  (defun fk/dashboard-insert-agenda (list-size)
    "Insert directly org-agenda buffer."
    (insert (fk/dashboard-get-agenda)))

  (setcdr (assoc 'agenda dashboard-item-generators) 'fk/dashboard-insert-agenda))

Stripe Buffer

(use-package stripe-buffer
  (stripe-highlight ((t (:background ,fk/light-color7))))
  ;; hl-line (higher priority stripes) fix:
  (defadvice sb/redraw-region (after stripe-set-priority activate)
    (when (or stripe-buffer-mode stripe-table-mode)
      (dolist (overlay sb/overlays)
        (overlay-put overlay 'priority -100))))
  (org-mode . turn-on-stripe-table-mode))

Fill Column Indicator

(use-package display-fill-column-indicator
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (display-fill-column-indicator-character ?│)
  :custom-face  ; NOTE: The character above does not work with "Roboto Mono"
  (fill-column-indicator ((t (:family "Source Code Pro" :foreground ,fk/light-color7))))
  (prog-mode . display-fill-column-indicator-mode))

Line Numbers

(use-package display-line-numbers
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (line-number ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color2))))
  (line-number-current-line ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color))))
  (prog-mode . display-line-numbers-mode))

Dired Icons-

Rainbow Delimiters-

Helm Icons-

Symbol Overlay-


(use-package olivetti
  (olivetti-body-width-default 120)
  (olivetti-body-width-large 180)
  (olivetti-body-width olivetti-body-width-default)
  (olivetti-enable-visual-line-mode nil)
  (("C-1" . (lambda ()  ; TODO: a named function would be better
              (if (= (count-windows) 1)
                  (if (and fk/olivetti-single-window-mode
                           (= olivetti-body-width olivetti-body-width-default))
                        (setq olivetti-body-width olivetti-body-width-large)
                    (call-interactively 'fk/olivetti-single-window-mode)
                    (setq olivetti-body-width olivetti-body-width-default))
   :map windows
   ("c" . olivetti-mode)
   ("v" . visual-line-mode)
   :map windows
   :prefix-map olivetti
   :prefix "o"
   ("o" . fk/olivetti-single-window-mode)
   ("e" . olivetti-expand)
   ("s" . olivetti-shrink))
  (olivetti-mode . (lambda () (face-remap-add-relative 'fringe fk/olivetti-fringe-face)))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . fk/olivetti-single-window-mode)
  (defvar fk/default-olivetti-fringe-face `(:background ,fk/dark-color2))
  (defvar fk/darker-olivetti-fringe-face `(:background ,fk/dark-color9))
  (defvar fk/olivetti-fringe-face fk/default-olivetti-fringe-face)
  (defvar fk/olivetti-excluded-buffers '("*dashboard*" " *which-key*" "*helm"
                                         " *Minibuf-1*" "*vterm" "*fireplace*"
                                         " *lsp-peek--buffer*" "*pomidor*"))

  (defun fk/windows-vertical-p ()
    "Return t if windows placed vertically."
    (not (catch 'horizontal
           (dolist (window (window-list))
             (when (not (= (car (window-edges window)) 0))
               (throw 'horizontal t))))))

  ;; Calculate the necessary `olivetti-body-width' according to
  ;; `fill-column' and `line-number-display-width' values.
  ;; (defadvice olivetti-mode (before get-fill-column-width activate)
  ;;   (setq-local olivetti-body-width (+ fill-column (line-number-display-width))))

  (defun fk/activate-olivetti-if-single-window ()
    "Activate olivetti-mode if there is only one window visible."
    (if (or (= (count-windows) 1)
        (unless (or (member (buffer-name) fk/olivetti-excluded-buffers)
                    (catch 'found
                      (dolist (prefix fk/olivetti-excluded-buffers)
                        (when (string-prefix-p prefix (buffer-name))
                          (throw 'found t)))))

  (defun fk/olivetti-reset ()
    ;; TODO: do not reset full-span windows
    "Reset all windows' margins and face-remaps."
    (olivetti-mode -1)
    (dolist (window (window-list))
      (with-selected-window window
        (face-remap-remove-relative (cons 'fringe fk/default-olivetti-fringe-face))
        (face-remap-remove-relative (cons 'fringe fk/darker-olivetti-fringe-face)))))

  (define-minor-mode fk/olivetti-single-window-mode
    "Toggle olivetti-mode when there is only one window visible."
    :global t
    (if fk/olivetti-single-window-mode
          (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'fk/activate-olivetti-if-single-window))
      (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'fk/activate-olivetti-if-single-window)


Tree Sitter

(use-package tree-sitter
  :defer t
  (tree-sitter :host github
               :repo "ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter"
               :files ("lisp/*.el")))

(use-package tree-sitter-langs
  :defer t
  (tree-sitter-langs :host github
                     :repo "ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter"
                     :files ("langs/*.el" "langs/queries")))

Visual Fill Column

(use-package visual-fill-column
  :commands visual-fill-column-mode
  (visual-fill-column-mode . visual-line-mode))

Color Identifiers Mode-

Goggles Mode (Highlight Changes)

(use-package goggles
  :straight (:host github :repo "minad/goggles")
  :commands goggles-mode
  (goggles-pulse-delay 0.1))


(use-package hideshow
  :straight (:type built-in)
  :defer nil
  (hs-isearch-open t)
  ( :map hs-minor-mode-map
    ("TAB" . fk/hs-smart-tab)
    ("<tab>" . fk/hs-smart-tab)
    ("<backtab>" . hs-toggle-hiding))
  (defun fk/hs-smart-tab ()
    "Pretend like `hs-toggle-hiding' if point is on a hiding block."
    (if (save-excursion
          (move-beginning-of-line 1)

  (defun fk/hide-second-level-blocks ()
    "Hide second level blocks (mostly class methods in python) in
current buffer."
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (hs-hide-level 2))))


Better Defaults

;;(add-to-list 'completion-styles 'flex t)

Which Key (Keybinding Completion)

(use-package which-key-posframe
  (which-key-idle-secondary-delay 0)
  (which-key-posframe-border-width 2)
  (which-key-posframe-parameters '((left-fringe . 5) (right-fringe . 5)))
  (which-key-posframe ((t (:background ,fk/dark-color))))
  (which-key-posframe-border ((t (:background ,fk/light-color))))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . which-key-posframe-mode)
  (dashboard-after-initialize . which-key-mode))

Helm (General Completion & Selection)

(use-package helm
  (helm-M-x-always-save-history t)
  (helm-display-function 'pop-to-buffer)
  (savehist-additional-variables '(extended-command-history))
  (history-delete-duplicates t)
  (helm-command-prefix-key nil)
  ;; Just move the selected text to the top of kill-ring, do not insert the text
  (helm-kill-ring-actions '(("Copy marked" . (lambda (_str) (kill-new _str)))
                            ("Delete marked" . helm-kill-ring-action-delete)))
  (helm-non-file-buffer ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
  (helm-ff-file-extension ((t (:inherit default))))
  (helm-buffer-file ((t (:inherit default))))
  (("M-x" . helm-M-x)
   ("C-x C-f" . helm-find-files)
   ("C-x C-b" . helm-buffers-list)
   ("C-x b" . helm-buffers-list)
   ("C-x C-r" . helm-recentf)
   ("C-x C-i" . helm-imenu)
   ("C-x C-j" . helm-imenu)
   ("M-y" . helm-show-kill-ring)
   :map helm-map
   ("TAB" . helm-execute-persistent-action)
   ("<tab>" . helm-execute-persistent-action)
   ("C-z" . helm-select-action)
   ("C-w" . backward-kill-word)  ; Fix C-w
   :map files
   ("f" . helm-find-files)
   ("r" . helm-recentf)
   ("b" . helm-bookmarks)
   :map buffers
   ("b" . helm-buffers-list)
   :map help-map
   ("a" . helm-apropos))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . helm-mode)
  (helm-mode . savehist-mode)
  (helm-major-mode . fk/darken-background)
  (with-eval-after-load 'helm-buffers
    (dolist (regexp '("\\*epc con" "\\*helm" "\\*EGLOT" "\\*straight" "\\*Flymake"
                      "\\*eldoc" "\\*Compile-Log" "\\*xref" "\\*company"
                      "\\*aw-posframe" "\\*Warnings" "\\*Backtrace"))
      (add-to-list 'helm-boring-buffer-regexp-list regexp))
     :map helm-buffer-map
     ("M-d" . helm-buffer-run-kill-buffers)
     ("C-M-d" . helm-buffer-run-kill-persistent)))

  ;; "Waiting for process to die...done" fix.
  ;; Source: https://github.com/bbatsov/helm-projectile/issues/136#issuecomment-688444955
  (defun fk/helm--collect-matches (orig-fun src-list &rest args)
    (let ((matches
           (cl-loop for src in src-list
                    collect (helm-compute-matches src))))
      (unless (eq matches t) matches)))

  (advice-add 'helm--collect-matches :around 'fk/helm--collect-matches))

Helm Projectile-

Helm Ag-

Helm Xref-

Helm Swoop-

Helm Descbinds

(use-package helm-descbinds
  :commands helm-descbinds)

Helm Icons-

Helm Posframe

(use-package helm-posframe
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/helm-posframe")
  :after helm
  (helm-display-header-line nil)
  (helm-echo-input-in-header-line t)
  (helm-posframe-border-width 2)
  (helm-posframe-border-color fk/light-color)
  (helm-posframe-parameters '((left-fringe . 5) (right-fringe . 5)))
  ;; Remove annoying error message that displayed everytime after closing
  ;; helm-posframe. The message is:
  ;; Error during redisplay: (run-hook-with-args helm--delete-frame-function
  ;; #<frame 0x5586330a1f90>) signaled (user-error "No recursive edit is in
  ;; progress")
  (remove-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'helm--delete-frame-function))

Company (Code & Text Completion)


(use-package company
  (company-idle-delay 0)
  (company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
  (company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
  (company-dabbrev-downcase nil)
  (company-dabbrev-other-buffers t) ; search buffers with the same major mode
  ( :map company-active-map
    ("RET" . nil)
    ([return] . nil)
    ("C-w" . nil)
    ("TAB" . company-complete-selection)
    ("<tab>" . company-complete-selection)
    ("C-s" . company-complete-selection)  ; Mostly to use during yasnippet expansion
    ("C-n" . company-select-next)
    ("C-p" . company-select-previous)
    ("C-v" . scroll-up-command)
    ("M-v" . scroll-down-command))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-company-mode)
  (add-to-list 'company-begin-commands 'backward-delete-char-untabify)

  ;; Show YASnippet snippets in company

  (defun fk/company-backend-with-yas (backend)
    "Add ':with company-yasnippet' to the given company backend."
    (if (and (listp backend) (member 'company-yasnippet backend))
      (append (if (consp backend)
                (list backend))
              '(:with company-yasnippet))))

  (defun fk/company-smart-snippets (fn command &optional arg &rest _)
    "Do not show yasnippet candidates after dot."
    (unless (when (and (equal command 'prefix) (> (point) 0))
              (let* ((prefix (company-grab-symbol))
                     (point-before-prefix (if (> (- (point) (length prefix) 1) 0)
                                              (- (point) (length prefix) 1)
                     (char (buffer-substring-no-properties point-before-prefix (1+ point-before-prefix))))
                (string= char ".")))
      (funcall fn command arg)))

  ;; TODO: maybe show snippets at first?
  (defun fk/company-enable-snippets ()
    "Enable snippet suggestions in company by adding ':with
company-yasnippet' to all company backends."
    (setq company-backends (mapcar 'fk/company-backend-with-yas company-backends))
    (advice-add 'company-yasnippet :around 'fk/company-smart-snippets))


Company Box

(use-package company-box
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/company-box" :branch "consider-icon-right-margin-for-frame")
  ;; Disable `single-candidate' and `echo-area' frontends
  (company-frontends '(company-box-frontend))
  (company-box-show-single-candidate t)
  ;;(company-box-frame-behavior 'point)
  (company-box-icon-right-margin 0.5)
  (company-box-backends-colors '((company-yasnippet . (:annotation default))))
  (company-mode . company-box-mode))

Company Statistics/Prescient

(use-package prescient
  :hook (dashboard-after-initialize . prescient-persist-mode))

(use-package company-prescient
  :after company
  :config (company-prescient-mode))

;; It turns out company-prescient could not be disabled locally, lets go back to
;; company-statistics
;; (use-package company-statistics
;;   :hook (global-company-mode . company-statistics-mode))

YASnippet (Snippet Completion)

(use-package yasnippet
  ;; Expand snippets with `C-j', not with `TAB'. Use `TAB' to always
  ;; jump to next field, even when company window is active. If there
  ;; is need to complete company's selection, use `C-s'
  ;; (`company-complete-selection').
  (yas-indent-line nil)
  (yas-inhibit-overlay-modification-protection t)
  (yas-field-highlight-face ((t (:inherit region))))
  (("C-j" . yas-expand)
   :map yas-minor-mode-map
   ("TAB" . nil)
   ("<tab>" . nil)
   :map yas-keymap
   ("TAB" . (lambda () (interactive) (company-abort) (yas-next-field)))
   ("<tab>" . (lambda () (interactive) (company-abort) (yas-next-field))))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . yas-global-mode)
  (snippet-mode . (lambda () (setq-local require-final-newline nil))))

Emmet- (Snippet Completion for HTML & CSS)


(use-package hydra
  :defer t
  (hydra-hint-display-type 'posframe)
   `( :internal-border-width 2
      :internal-border-color ,fk/light-color
      :left-fringe 5
      :right-fringe 5
      :poshandler posframe-poshandler-frame-bottom-center)))

Search & Navigation

Better Defaults

(global-subword-mode)  ; navigationInCamelCase

 recenter-positions '(middle 0.15 top 0.85 bottom)  ; C-l positions
 scroll-conservatively 101)                         ; Smooth scrolling

Custom Functions


(defun fk/find-config ()
  "Open config file."
  (find-file config-org))

;; Use a dedicated perspective for config
(advice-add 'fk/find-config :before (lambda () (persp-switch "config")))


(defun fk/scratch ()
  "Switch to scratch buffer."
  (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*"))


(defun fk/messages ()
  "Switch to Messages buffer."
  (switch-to-buffer "*Messages*"))



(defun fk/split-window-below-and-switch ()
  "Split the window below, then switch to the new window."
  (other-window 1))

(defun fk/split-window-right-and-switch ()
  "Split the window right, then switch to the new window."
  (other-window 1))


(defun fk/generate-random-scratch ()
  "Create and switch to a temporary scratch buffer with a random name."
  (switch-to-buffer (make-temp-name "scratch-"))


(defun fk/generate-random-org-scratch ()
  "Create and switch to a temporary scratch buffer with a random name and
org-mode activated."
  (switch-to-buffer (make-temp-name "scratch-org-"))


(setq fk/rg-special-characters '("(" ")" "[" "{" "*"))

(defun fk/convert-string-to-rg-compatible (str)
  "Escape special characters defined in `fk/rg-special-characters' of STR."
  (seq-reduce (lambda (str char) (string-replace char (concat "\\" char) str))


(defun fk/get-selected-text ()
  "Return selected text if region is active, else nil."
  (when (region-active-p)
    (let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))))
      (deactivate-mark) text)))


(defun fk/find-installed-packages ()
  "Quick way of opening the source code of an installed package."
  (helm-find-files-1 (expand-file-name "straight/repos/" user-emacs-directory)))


(global-set-key (kbd "<F1>") 'help-command)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x c") 'fk/find-config)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'other-window)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-k") 'kill-current-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-l") 'move-to-window-line-top-bottom)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-u") 'pop-global-mark)
;; Split & Switch
(global-set-key (kbd "C-1") 'delete-other-windows)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-2") 'fk/split-window-below-and-switch)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-3") 'fk/split-window-right-and-switch)
;; Scroll less than default
(global-set-key (kbd "C-v") (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-up-command 15)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-v") (lambda () (interactive) (scroll-down-command 15)))

 :map files
 ("c" . fk/find-config)
 ("p" . fk/find-installed-packages))

 :map buffers
 ("s" . fk/scratch)
 ("r" . fk/generate-random-scratch)
 ("o" . fk/generate-random-org-scratch)
 ("h" . fk/home)
 ("m" . fk/messages))

 :map windows
 ("b" . balance-windows)
 ("d" . delete-window)
 ("k" . kill-buffer-and-window))

Recentf (Recent Files)

(use-package recentf
  ;; Use with `helm-recentf'
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (recentf-exclude `(,(expand-file-name "straight/build/" user-emacs-directory)
                     ,(expand-file-name "eln-cache/" user-emacs-directory)
                     ,(expand-file-name "~/.virtualenvs")
  (recentf-max-saved-items 200))

Winner Mode

(use-package winner
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (("M-u" . winner-undo)
   ;; ("M-u" . (lambda () (interactive) (condition-case nil
   ;;                                       (xref-pop-marker-stack)
   ;;                                     (error (winner-undo)))))
   ("M-U" . winner-redo)
   :map windows
   ("u" . winner-undo)
   ("r" . winner-redo))

Ace Window

(use-package ace-window
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/ace-window" :branch "feature/posframe")
  (aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
  (aw-ignore-current t)
  (aw-leading-char-face ((t (:height 1000 :foreground "red"))))
  (("C-q" . aw-flip-window)  ; last window
   :map windows
   ("w" . ace-window)
   ("D" . ace-delete-window)
   ("s" . ace-swap-window)
   ("l" . aw-flip-window))
  (ace-window-posframe-mode)  ; FIXME: Posframe is very slow at the first time
  (advice-add 'other-window :before (lambda (&rest _) (aw--push-window (selected-window))))
  (advice-add 'winum-select-window-by-number :before (lambda (&rest _) (aw--push-window (selected-window)))))


Those packages should load after ace-window to not install ace-window from melpa. TODO: fix this

Helm Icons

(use-package helm-icons
  :straight (:host github :repo "yyoncho/helm-icons")
  :after helm
  (treemacs-resize-icons fk/default-icon-size)


(use-package winum
  ("M-1" . winum-select-window-1)
  ("M-2" . winum-select-window-2)
  ("M-3" . winum-select-window-3)
  ("M-4" . winum-select-window-4)
  ("M-5" . winum-select-window-5)
  ("M-6" . winum-select-window-6)
  ("M-7" . winum-select-window-7)
  ("M-8" . winum-select-window-8)
  ("M-9" . winum-select-window-9)

Mwim (Move Where I Mean)

(use-package mwim
  ("C-a" . mwim-beginning-of-code-or-line)
  ("C-e" . mwim-end-of-line-or-code)
  ;; NOTE: Functions below are built-in but I think they fit in this context
  ("M-a" . fk/backward-sexp)
  ("M-e" . fk/forward-sexp)
  (defun fk/forward-sexp (&optional N)
    "Call `forward-sexp', fallback `forward-char' on error."
    (condition-case nil
        (forward-sexp N)
      (error (forward-char N))))

  (defun fk/backward-sexp ()
    "`fk/forward-sexp' with negative argument."
    (fk/forward-sexp -1)))

Helm Projectile

(use-package helm-projectile
  (helm-projectile-sources-list '(helm-source-projectile-buffers-list
  ("C-x f" . helm-projectile)
  (projectile-mode . helm-projectile-on)
  (defun fk/projectile-recentf-files-first-five (original-function)
    "Return a list of five recently visited files in a project."
    (let ((files (funcall original-function)))
      (if (> (length files) 5)
          (seq-subseq files 0 5)
  (advice-add 'projectile-recentf-files :around 'fk/projectile-recentf-files-first-five))

Helm Ag

(use-package helm-ag
   "rg -S --no-heading --color=never --line-number --max-columns 400")
  (("C-M-S-s" . fk/helm-ag-dwim)
   :map helm-ag-map
   ("C-o" . helm-ag--run-other-window-action))
  (defun fk/helm-ag-dwim (&optional query)
    "Smarter version of helm-ag.
- Search in project if in a project else search in default (current) directory.
- Start search with selected text if region is active or empty string.
- Escape special characters when searching with selected text."
    (let ((root-dir (or (projectile-project-root) default-directory))
          (query (or query (fk/convert-string-to-rg-compatible (or (fk/get-selected-text) "")))))
      (helm-do-ag root-dir nil query)))

  (defun fk/helm-ag-dwim-with-glob (glob &optional query)
    (let ((helm-ag-base-command (concat helm-ag-base-command " --glob " glob)))
      (fk/helm-ag-dwim query))))

Helm Rg

(use-package helm-rg
  (helm-rg--extra-args '("--max-columns" "400"))
  (fk/helm-rg-fuzzy-match t)  ; I may wanna disable helm-rg's transform functionality
  (helm-rg-file-match-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face :weight bold :underline nil))))
  (helm-rg-line-number-match-face ((t (:inherit line-number))))
  ("C-M-s" . fk/helm-rg-dwim)
  (defun fk/helm-rg-dwim (&optional query)
    "Smarter version of helm-rg.
- Search in project if in a project else search in default (current) directory.
- Start search with selected text if region is active or empty string.
- Escape special characters when searching with selected text."
    (let ((helm-rg-default-directory (or (projectile-project-root) default-directory))
          (query (or query (fk/convert-string-to-rg-compatible (or (fk/get-selected-text) "")))))
      (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'helm-rg--get-thing-at-pt) (lambda () query)))
        (if fk/helm-rg-fuzzy-match
            (call-interactively 'helm-rg)
          (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'helm-rg--helm-pattern-to-ripgrep-regexp) (lambda (_) _)))
            (call-interactively 'helm-rg))))))

  ;; Use a simpler header in the helm buffer.
  (fset 'helm-rg--header-name (lambda (_) (concat "Search at " helm-rg--current-dir)))

  (defun fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob (glob &optional query)
    (let ((helm-rg-default-glob-string glob))
      (fk/helm-rg-dwim query)))

  ;; Push mark before `helm-rg' to be able to come back with `pop-global-mark'
  (advice-add 'helm-rg :before (lambda (&rest _) (push-mark))))

Helm Xref

(use-package xref
  (xref-prompt-for-identifier nil)
  ("C-M-j" . xref-find-definitions)
  ("C-M-k" . xref-pop-marker-stack)
  ("C-9" . xref-find-definitions)
  ("C-8" . xref-pop-marker-stack)
  ("C-M-S-j" . xref-find-definitions-other-window)
  ("C-M-9" . xref-find-definitions-other-window)
  ("C-M-r" . xref-find-references))

(use-package helm-xref
  :after helm xref)

Dumb Jump

(use-package dumb-jump
  (dumb-jump-aggressive t)
  ([remap xref-find-definitions] . fk/smart-jump-go)
  ([remap xref-pop-marker-stack] . fk/smart-jump-back)
  (defun fk/smart-jump-go ()
    "Fallback `dumb-jump-go' if `xref-find-definitions' cannot find the source."
    (condition-case nil
        (call-interactively 'xref-find-definitions)
      (error (call-interactively 'dumb-jump-go))))

  (defun fk/smart-jump-back ()
    "Fallback `dumb-jump-back' if xref-pop-marker-stack cannot return back."
    (condition-case nil
        (call-interactively 'xref-pop-marker-stack)
      (error (call-interactively 'dumb-jump-back)))))

Helm Swoop

(use-package helm-swoop
  (helm-swoop-speed-or-color t)
  (helm-swoop-split-window-function 'display-buffer)
  (helm-swoop-min-overlay-length 0)
  ;;(helm-swoop-use-fuzzy-match t)
  (helm-swoop-target-line-face ((t (:background "black" :foreground nil :inverse-video nil :extend t))))
  (helm-swoop-target-word-face ((t (:inherit lazy-highlight :foreground nil))))
  (("M-s" . helm-swoop)
   :map isearch-mode-map
   ("M-s" . helm-swoop-from-isearch)
   :map helm-swoop-map
   ("M-s" . helm-multi-swoop-all-from-helm-swoop)
   :map helm-swoop-edit-map
   ("C-c C-c" . helm-swoop--edit-complete)
   ("C-c C-k" . helm-swoop--edit-cancel)))


(use-package deadgrep
  :commands deadgrep
  ( :map deadgrep-mode-map
    ("C-c C-e" . deadgrep-edit-mode)))
(use-package avy
  (("M-j" . avy-goto-word-or-subword-1)))



(use-package treemacs
  (treemacs-width 20)
  ("M-0" . treemacs-select-window)
  ;; Add current project to treemacs if not already added
  (treemacs-select . (lambda ()
                       (let* ((project-path (projectile-project-root))
                              (project-name (treemacs--filename project-path)))
                         (unless (treemacs--find-project-for-path project-path)
                           (treemacs-add-project project-path project-name)))))
  (treemacs-mode . (lambda ()
                     (face-remap-add-relative 'default :height .75)
                     (face-remap-add-relative 'mode-line-inactive :background fk/dark-color)
                     (face-remap-add-relative 'mode-line :background fk/dark-color)
                     (face-remap-add-relative 'hl-line :background fk/background-color :weight 'bold)

Treemacs Projectile

(use-package treemacs-projectile
  :after treemacs projectile)


(use-package perspective
  (persp-mode-prefix-key (kbd "M-m p"))
  (persp-state-default-file (no-littering-expand-var-file-name "perspective.el"))
  (persp-selected-face ((t (:foreground nil :inherit 'doom-modeline-warning))))
  ( :map persp-mode-map
    ("C-M-o" . persp-next)
    ("C-x p" . persp-switch)
    ("C-x C-p" . persp-switch-quick)
    ("M-q" . persp-switch-last)
    :map perspective-map
    ("p" . persp-switch)
    ("k" . persp-kill)
    ("l" . persp-switch-last)
    ("q" . persp-switch-quick)
    ("n" . (lambda () (interactive) (persp-switch (make-temp-name "p-"))))
    ("R" . fk/perspective-rename-with-project-name))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . persp-mode)
  (kill-emacs . persp-state-save)
  (with-eval-after-load 'projectile
    (defun fk/perspective-rename-with-project-name ()
      "Rename current perspective according to current project name."
      (when (projectile-project-p)
        (let ((project-name (projectile-project-name)))
          (persp-rename (if (> (length project-name) 10)
                            (concat (substring project-name 0 9) "…")

    (define-minor-mode fk/perspective-auto-rename-mode
      "Rename perspectives according to project name automatically."
      :global t
      (if fk/perspective-auto-rename-mode
            (ignore-errors (fk/perspective-rename-with-project-name))
            (add-hook 'projectile-after-switch-project-hook 'fk/perspective-rename-with-project-name))
        (remove-hook 'projectile-after-switch-project-hook 'fk/perspective-rename-with-project-name)))


Dired Sidebar-

IBuffer Sidebar-

Block Nav

(use-package block-nav
  :straight (:host github :repo "nixin72/block-nav.el")
  ;; TODO: DRY
  ;; (defun fk/block-nav-activate (file keymap)
  ;;   (with-eval-after-load file
  ;;     (define-key keymap (kbd "M-n") 'block-nav-next-block)
  ;;     (define-key keymap (kbd "M-p") 'block-nav-previous-block)))
  ;; (fk/block-nav-activate 'python 'python-mode-map)
  ;; (fk/block-nav-activate 'yaml-mode 'yaml-mode-map)
  ;; (fk/block-nav-activate 'docker-compose-mode 'docker-compose-mode-map)
  (with-eval-after-load 'python
    (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'block-nav-next-block)
    (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'block-nav-previous-block))
  (with-eval-after-load 'yaml-mode
    (define-key yaml-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'block-nav-next-block)
    (define-key yaml-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'block-nav-previous-block))
  (with-eval-after-load 'docker-compose-mode
    (define-key docker-compose-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'block-nav-next-block)
    (define-key docker-compose-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'block-nav-previous-block))
  (with-eval-after-load 'elisp-mode
    (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-n") 'block-nav-next-block)
    (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'block-nav-previous-block)))

Goto Line Preview

(use-package goto-line-preview
  :commands goto-line-preview
  ( :map global-map
    ([remap goto-line] . goto-line-preview)))

Text Editing

Better Defaults


 fill-column 80
 sentence-end-double-space nil
 indent-tabs-mode nil  ; Use spaces instead of tabs
 tab-width 4)

Custom Functions


(defun fk/backward-kill-word-or-region ()
  "Calls `kill-region' when a region is active and `backward-kill-word'
  (call-interactively (if (region-active-p)


(defun fk/newline-below ()
  "Insert newline below the current line."
  (save-excursion (end-of-line) (open-line 1)))


(defun fk/remove-hypens-and-underscores-region (beg end)
  "Remove hypens and underscores from region."
  (interactive "*r")
    (let* ((raw-str (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))
           (clean-str (string-replace "_" " " (string-replace "-" " " raw-str))))
      (delete-region beg end)
      (insert clean-str))))


(keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)  ; C-h as DEL, (F1 as `help-command')
(add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook (lambda () (keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)))  ; Fix emacs --daemon
(global-set-key (kbd "C-w") 'fk/backward-kill-word-or-region)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-o") 'fk/newline-below)

 :map text
 ("s" . sort-lines)
 ("r" . fk/remove-hypens-and-underscores-region))

Electric Indent Mode-

Undo Tree

(use-package undo-tree
  (undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)
  (("C-u" . undo-tree-undo)
   ("C-S-u" . undo-tree-redo))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-undo-tree-mode))

Trailing White Space

(use-package whitespace-cleanup-mode
  (show-trailing-whitespace t)  ; not from whitespace-cleanup-mode.el
  (trailing-whitespace ((t (:background ,fk/light-color7))))  ; not from whitespace-cleanup-mode.el
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-whitespace-cleanup-mode)
  (after-change-major-mode . (lambda ()
                              (unless (buffer-file-name)
                                (setq-local show-trailing-whitespace nil)))))

Case Switching

(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil)
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil)

;; built-in functions
 :map text
 ("u" . upcase-dwim)
 ("d" . downcase-dwim)
 ("c" . capitalize-dwim))

(use-package string-inflection
  ( :map text
    ("t" . string-inflection-all-cycle)
    ("k" . string-inflection-kebab-case)))


(use-package paren
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t)
  (show-paren-match ((t (:background nil :weight bold :foreground "white"))))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . show-paren-mode))

Multiple Cursors

(use-package multiple-cursors
  (mc/always-run-for-all t)
  (("C-M-n" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
   ("C-M-p" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
   ("C-M-S-n" . mc/skip-to-next-like-this)
   ("C-M-S-p" . mc/skip-to-previous-like-this)
   ("C-S-n" . mc/unmark-previous-like-this)
   ("C-S-p" . mc/unmark-next-like-this)
   ("C-M-<mouse-1>" . mc/add-cursor-on-click)))

Wrap Region

(use-package wrap-region
  (dashboard-after-initialize . wrap-region-global-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "=" "=" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "*" "*" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "_" "_" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "/" "/" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "+" "+" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "~" "~" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "#" "#" nil 'org-mode)
  (wrap-region-add-wrapper "`" "`" nil 'markdown-mode))

Fill-Unfill Paragraph

(use-package unfill
  ( :map text
    ("f" . unfill-toggle)))

Expand Region

(use-package expand-region
  (expand-region-fast-keys-enabled nil)
  (expand-region-subword-enabled t)
  ("C-t" . er/expand-region))

Flyspell Popup

(use-package flyspell-popup
  :after flyspell
  (flyspell-popup-correct-delay 1)

Company Wordfreq

(use-package company-wordfreq
  :straight (:host github :repo "johannes-mueller/company-wordfreq.el")
  :commands fk/company-wordfreq-mode
  (company-wordfreq-path (concat no-littering-var-directory "wordfreq-dicts"))
  (ispell-local-dictionary "english")
  (define-minor-mode fk/company-wordfreq-mode
    "Suggest words by frequency."
    :global nil
    (if fk/company-wordfreq-mode
          (setq-local company-backends-backup company-backends)
          (setq-local company-transformers-backup company-transformers)
          (setq-local company-backends '(company-wordfreq))
          (setq-local company-transformers nil))
      (setq-local company-backends company-backends-backup)
      (setq-local company-transformers company-transformers-backup)))

  (defun fk/company-wordfreq-toggle-language (&optional language)
    (setq ispell-local-dictionary (or language
                                      (if (string= ispell-local-dictionary "english")
    (message ispell-local-dictionary)))



Better Defaults

Custom Functions


(defun fk/align-comments (beginning end)
  "Align comments in region."
  (interactive "*r")
  (align-regexp beginning end (concat "\\(\\s-*\\)"
                                      (regexp-quote comment-start)) nil 2))


(defun fk/indent-buffer ()
  "Indent buffer."
  (indent-region (point-min) (point-max)))


(defun fk/comment-or-uncomment-region ()
  "Comment or uncomment region with just a character (e.g. '/'). If a region is
active call comment-or-uncomment-region, otherwise just insert the given char."
  (call-interactively (if (region-active-p)

Fill Column Indicator-

Line Numbers-

Electric Indent Mode

(use-package electric
  :straight (:type built-in)
  ( :map prog-mode-map
    ("M-RET" . electric-indent-just-newline))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . electric-indent-mode))


(use-package newcomment
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (comment-column 0)
  (comment-inline-offset 2)
  ( :map comments
    ("c" . comment-dwim)
    ("k" . comment-kill)
    ("l" . comment-line)
    ("n" . (lambda () (interactive) (next-line) (comment-indent)))
    ("N" . comment-indent-new-line)
    ("b" . comment-box)
    ("a" . fk/align-comments))
  (emacs-lisp-mode . (lambda ()
                       (setq-local comment-start "; ")
                       (setq-local comment-column 0))))



(use-package projectile
  (projectile-auto-discover nil)
  (projectile-project-search-path (directory-files "~/projects" t "[^.]"))
  ;; Open magit when switching project
   (lambda ()
     (let ((magit-display-buffer-function
  ;; Ignore emacs project (source codes)
  (projectile-ignored-projects '("~/emacs/"))
  ;; Do not include straight repos (emacs packages) and emacs directory itself
  ;; to project list
   (lambda (project-root)
     (or (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory) project-root)
         (string-prefix-p "/usr/lib/node_modules/" project-root))))
  (projectile-kill-buffers-filter 'kill-only-files)
  ("C-M-t" . fk/projectile-vterm)
  (dashboard-after-initialize . projectile-mode)
  (defun fk/projectile-vterm ()
    "Open `vterm' in project root directory."
    (let* ((default-directory (or (projectile-project-root) default-directory))
           (project-name (projectile-project-name default-directory))
           (buffer-name (format "vterm @%s" project-name))
           (buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
      (if (or (not buffer) (eq buffer (current-buffer)))
          (vterm buffer-name)
        (switch-to-buffer buffer)))))


(use-package flycheck
  (flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(save mode-enabled))
  ( :map errors
    ("n" . flycheck-next-error)
    ("p" . flycheck-previous-error)
    ("l" . flycheck-list-errors)
    ("v" . flycheck-verify-setup)))

;; Spacemacs' custom fringes

;; :config
;; (define-fringe-bitmap 'fk/flycheck-fringe-indicator
;;   (vector #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00011100
;;           #b00111110
;;           #b00111110
;;           #b00111110
;;           #b00011100
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000
;;           #b00000000))
;; (flycheck-define-error-level 'error
;;   :severity 2
;;   :overlay-category 'flycheck-error-overlay
;;   :fringe-bitmap 'fk/flycheck-fringe-indicator
;;   :error-list-face 'flycheck-error-list-error
;;   :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-error)
;; (flycheck-define-error-level 'warning
;;   :severity 1
;;   :overlay-category 'flycheck-warning-overlay
;;   :fringe-bitmap 'fk/flycheck-fringe-indicator
;;   :error-list-face 'flycheck-error-list-warning
;;   :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-warning)
;; (flycheck-define-error-level 'info
;;   :severity 0
;;   :overlay-category 'flycheck-info-overlay
;;   :fringe-bitmap 'fk/flycheck-fringe-indicator
;;   :error-list-face 'flycheck-error-list-info
;;   :fringe-face 'flycheck-fringe-info)

Language Server Protocol


(use-package eglot
  :commands eglot
  (eglot-ignored-server-capabilites '(:documentHighlightProvider))
  (eglot-stay-out-of '(flymake))
  (eglot-autoshutdown t)
  (eglot-managed-mode . eldoc-box-hover-mode)
  (eglot-managed-mode . fk/company-enable-snippets)
  (eglot-managed-mode . (lambda () (flymake-mode 0)))
  (with-eval-after-load 'eglot
    (load-library "project")))
Eldoc Box
(use-package eldoc-box
  :commands (eldoc-box-hover-mode eldoc-box-hover-at-point-mode)
  (eldoc-box-clear-with-C-g t))

LSP Mode

LSP Mode
(use-package lsp-mode
  :commands lsp
  (lsp-auto-guess-root t)
  (lsp-keymap-prefix "M-m l")
  (lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable nil)
  (lsp-keep-workspace-alive nil)
  (lsp-auto-execute-action nil)
  (lsp-before-save-edits nil)
  (lsp-eldoc-enable-hover nil)
  (lsp-diagnostic-package :none)
  (lsp-completion-provider :none)
  (lsp-file-watch-threshold 1500)  ; pyright has more than 1000
  (lsp-enable-links nil)
  ;; Maybe set in future:
  ;;(lsp-enable-on-type-formatting nil)
  (lsp-face-highlight-read ((t (:underline t :background nil :foreground nil))))
  (lsp-face-highlight-write ((t (:underline t :background nil :foreground nil))))
  (lsp-face-highlight-textual ((t (:underline t :background nil :foreground nil))))
  (lsp-mode . lsp-enable-which-key-integration))
(use-package lsp-ui
  :after lsp-mode
  (lsp-ui-doc-show-with-cursor nil)
  (lsp-ui-doc-show-with-mouse nil)
  (lsp-ui-doc-position 'at-point)
  (lsp-ui-sideline-delay 0.5)
  (lsp-ui-peek-always-show t)
  (lsp-ui-peek-fontify 'always)
  (lsp-ui-peek-highlight ((t (:inherit nil :background nil :foreground nil :weight semi-bold :box (:line-width -1)))))
  ( :map lsp-ui-mode-map
    ([remap xref-find-references] . lsp-ui-peek-find-references)
    ("C-M-l" . lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions)
    ("C-c C-d" . lsp-ui-doc-show))
  ;;;; LSP UI posframe ;;;;
  (defun lsp-ui-peek--peek-display (src1 src2)
    (-let* ((win-width (frame-width))
            (lsp-ui-peek-list-width (/ (frame-width) 2))
            (string (-some--> (-zip-fill "" src1 src2)
                      (--map (lsp-ui-peek--adjust win-width it) it)
                      (-map-indexed 'lsp-ui-peek--make-line it)
                      (-concat it (lsp-ui-peek--make-footer))))
      (setq lsp-ui-peek--buffer (get-buffer-create " *lsp-peek--buffer*"))
      (posframe-show lsp-ui-peek--buffer
                     :string (mapconcat 'identity string "")
                     :min-width (frame-width)
                     :poshandler 'posframe-poshandler-frame-center)))

  (defun lsp-ui-peek--peek-destroy ()
    (when (bufferp lsp-ui-peek--buffer)
      (posframe-delete lsp-ui-peek--buffer))
    (setq lsp-ui-peek--buffer nil
          lsp-ui-peek--last-xref nil)
    (set-window-start (get-buffer-window) lsp-ui-peek--win-start))

  (advice-add 'lsp-ui-peek--peek-new :override 'lsp-ui-peek--peek-display)
  (advice-add 'lsp-ui-peek--peek-hide :override 'lsp-ui-peek--peek-destroy)
  ;;;; LSP UI posframe ;;;;
LSP Pyright-


(use-package yasnippet-snippets
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/yasnippet-snippets" :branch "furkan")
  :after yasnippet)

Rainbow Delimiters

(use-package rainbow-delimiters
  :hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))

Color Identifiers Mode

(use-package color-identifiers-mode
  :commands color-identifiers-mode)

Symbol Overlay

(use-package symbol-overlay
  :commands (symbol-overlay-mode symbol-overlay-put)
  (emacs-lisp-mode . symbol-overlay-mode))

Emacs Lisp

Elisp Slime Nav

(use-package elisp-slime-nav
  ( :map emacs-lisp-mode-map
    ("M-." . elisp-slime-nav-find-elisp-thing-at-point)))

Aggressive Indent

;; TODO: try in other languages (html, css, js, c)
(use-package aggressive-indent
  :straight ( :host github
              :repo "KaratasFurkan/aggressive-indent-mode"
              :branch "146-emacs28-compatible-suppress-messages")
  :hook (emacs-lisp-mode . aggressive-indent-mode))

Lisp Data Mode

(use-package lisp-mode
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (lisp-data-mode . (lambda ()
                      ;; NOTE: `emacs-lisp-mode' derives from `lisp-data-mode',
                      ;; so make sure that the major-mode is `lisp-data-mode'.
                      (when (string= major-mode "lisp-data-mode")
                        (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook
                                           (lambda ()
                                             (align-regexp (point-min) (point-max) "\\(\\s-*\\). (")



(use-package python
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (add-to-list 'all-the-icons-icon-alist
               '("\\.py$" all-the-icons-alltheicon "python" :height 1.1 :face all-the-icons-dblue))
  (python-shell-interpreter "ipython")
  (python-shell-interpreter-args "-i --simple-prompt")
  (python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)
  ( :map python-mode-map
    ;;("M-n" . python-nav-forward-block)
    ;;("M-p" . python-nav-backward-block)
    ("C-c r" . python-indent-shift-right)
    ("C-c l" . python-indent-shift-left))
  ;; With pyls:
  ;; pip install python-language-server flake8 pyls-black(optional) pyls-isort(optional)
  ;; With pyright
  ;; sudo npm install -g pyright && pip install flake8 black(optional)
  ;; NOTE: these hooks runs in reverse order
  ;;(python-mode . fk/python-auto-f-string-mode)
  (python-mode . (lambda () (setq-local company-prescient-sort-length-enable nil)))
  (python-mode . flycheck-mode)
  (python-mode . lsp-deferred)
  ;;(python-mode . (lambda () (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook 'eglot-format-buffer)))
  ;;(python-mode . eglot-ensure)
  ;; importmagic runs ~100mb ipython process per python file, and it does not
  ;; always find imports, 60%-70% maybe. I stop using this, but still want to keep.
  ;;(python-mode . importmagic-mode)
  (python-mode . fk/activate-pyvenv)
  (python-mode . (lambda ()
                   (when (and (buffer-file-name)
                               (car (last (f-split (f-parent (buffer-file-name)))))
  (python-mode . (lambda () (require 'tree-sitter-langs) (tree-sitter-hl-mode)))
  (python-mode . (lambda () (setq-local fill-column 88)))
  ;;;; Smart f-strings
  ;; https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter/issues/52
  ;; TODO: Create a mode from this
  (defun fk/python-f-string-ify ()
    ;; Does nothing if major-mode is not python or point is not on a string.
    (when-let* ((python-mode-p (eq major-mode 'python-mode))
                (str (tree-sitter-node-at-point 'string))
                (text (ts-node-text str)))
      (let* ((is-f-string (string-match-p "^[bru]*f+[bru]*\\(\"\\|'\\)" text))
             (end-of-string (ts-node-end-position (tree-sitter-node-at-point 'string)))
             (is-there-format-method (string= ".format"
                                              (buffer-substring-no-properties end-of-string(+ end-of-string 7))))
             (should-f-string (and (s-contains-p "{" text)
                                   (s-contains-p "}" text)
                                   (not is-there-format-method))))
        (if should-f-string
            (unless is-f-string
                (goto-char (ts-node-start-position str))
                (insert "f")))
          (when is-f-string
              (goto-char (ts-node-start-position str))
              (when (char-equal (char-after) ?f)
                (delete-char 1))))))))

  (define-minor-mode fk/python-auto-f-string-mode  ; TODO: does not work well
    "Toggle fk/python-auto-f-string-mode which adds 'f' at the
beginning of the string that has curly brackets in it."
    :init-value t
    (if fk/python-auto-f-string-mode
          (defadvice wrap-region-trigger (after smart-f-string activate) (fk/python-f-string-ify))
          (defadvice delete-char (after smart-f-string activate) (fk/python-f-string-ify))
          (defadvice delete-active-region (after smart-f-string activate) (fk/python-f-string-ify))
          (defadvice kill-region (after smart-f-string activate) (fk/python-f-string-ify)))
      (ad-remove-advice 'wrap-region-trigger 'after 'smart-f-string)
      (ad-update 'wrap-region-trigger)
      (ad-remove-advice 'delete-char 'after 'smart-f-string)
      (ad-update 'delete-char)
      (ad-remove-advice 'delete-active-region 'after 'smart-f-string)
      (ad-update 'delete-active-region)
      (ad-remove-advice 'kill-region 'after 'smart-f-string)
      (ad-update 'kill-region))))


(use-package pyvenv
  :after python
  (defun fk/activate-pyvenv ()
    "Activate python environment according to the `project-root/.venv' file."
    (when-let* ((root-dir (projectile-project-root))
                (venv-file (concat root-dir ".venv"))
                (venv-exists (file-exists-p venv-file))
                (venv-name (with-temp-buffer
                             (insert-file-contents venv-file)
                             (nth 0 (split-string (buffer-string))))))
      (pyvenv-workon venv-name)))

  ;; python-mode hook is not enough when more than one project's files are open.
  ;; It just re-activate pyvenv when a new file is opened, it should re-activate
  ;; on buffer or perspective switching too. NOTE: restarting lsp server is
  ;; heavy, so it should be done manually if needed.
  (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'fk/activate-pyvenv))

Import Magic

(use-package importmagic
  ;; pip install importmagic epc
  ;; importmagic runs ~100mb ipython process per python file, and it does not
  ;; always find imports, 60%-70% maybe. I stop using this, but still want to keep.
  :commands importmagic-mode)


(use-package blacken
  :commands blacken-mode blacken-buffer)


(use-package py-isort
  :commands py-isort-buffer)

LSP Pyright

(use-package lsp-pyright
  :after lsp-mode
  (lsp-pyright-auto-import-completions nil)
  (lsp-pyright-typechecking-mode "off")
   "npm outdated -g | grep pyright | wc -l" nil
   (lambda (process output)
     (pcase output
       ("0\n" (message "Pyright is up to date."))
       ("1\n" (message "A pyright update is available."))))))


;; Grep functions for Django

(defun fk/django-search-models ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "models.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-views ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "views*.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-serializers ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "*serializers*.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-tests ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "*test*.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-settings ()
  ;; TODO: this glob does not work
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "settings*.py" (unless (region-active-p) "")))

(defun fk/django-search-admins ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "admin.py" (unless (region-active-p) "")))

(defun fk/django-search-permissions ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "permissions.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-mixins ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "mixins.py" (unless (region-active-p) "^class ")))

(defun fk/django-search-urls ()
  (fk/helm-rg-dwim-with-glob "*.py" (unless (region-active-p) "path\\( ")))

 :map django
 ("m" . fk/django-search-models)
 ("v" . fk/django-search-views)
 ("s" . fk/django-search-serializers)
 ("t" . fk/django-search-tests)
 ("S" . fk/django-search-settings)
 ("a" . fk/django-search-admins)
 ("p" . fk/django-search-permissions)
 ("x" . fk/django-search-mixins)
 ("u" . fk/django-search-urls))

;; Utility functions for Django

(defun fk/django-copy-path-of-test-at-point ()
  "Add path of the test at point to kill-ring. Returns the path."
  (require 'which-func)
  (let* ((defuns (seq-subseq (split-string (which-function) "\\.") 0 2))
         (class (car defuns))
         (func (let ((f (-second-item defuns))) (and f (string-match "^test" f) f)))
         (module (fk/django-get-module))
         (path (concat module (and module class ".") class (and class func ".") func)))
    (kill-new path)))

(defun fk/django-get-module ()
  "pony-get-module originally."
  (let* ((root (projectile-project-root))
         (path (file-name-sans-extension (or buffer-file-name (expand-file-name default-directory)))))
    (when (string-match (projectile-project-root) path)
      (let ((path-to-class (substring path (match-end 0))))
        (mapconcat 'identity (split-string path-to-class "/") ".")))))

 :map django
 ("c" . fk/django-copy-path-of-test-at-point))

Jupyter Notebook

(use-package ein
  :commands ein:run
  (ein:cell-input-area ((t (:background "#21262E"))))
  (ein:ipynb-mode . fk/activate-pyvenv))

Web Mode

TODO: seperate sections (html, css..)

Web Mode (HTML)

(use-package web-mode
  (css-indent-offset 2)
  ;;(web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2) set in .dir-locals.el according to project
  (web-mode-enable-auto-indentation nil)
  (web-mode-enable-auto-pairing nil)
  (web-mode-engines-alist '(("django" . "\\.html\\'")))
  (web-mode-block-string-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face))))
  (web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face :foreground nil))))
  (web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((t (:inherit highlight))))
  :mode ;; Copied from spacemacs
  (("\\.phtml\\'"      . web-mode)
   ("\\.tpl\\.php\\'"  . web-mode)
   ("\\.twig\\'"       . web-mode)
   ("\\.xml\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.html\\'"       . web-mode)
   ("\\.htm\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.[gj]sp\\'"     . web-mode)
   ("\\.as[cp]x?\\'"   . web-mode)
   ("\\.eex\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.erb\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.mustache\\'"   . web-mode)
   ("\\.handlebars\\'" . web-mode)
   ("\\.hbs\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.eco\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.ejs\\'"        . web-mode)
   ("\\.svelte\\'"     . web-mode)
   ("\\.djhtml\\'"     . web-mode)
   ("\\.mjml\\'"       . web-mode))
  (web-mode . web-mode-toggle-current-element-highlight))

Emmet Mode

Emmet Mode

(use-package emmet-mode
  (emmet-move-cursor-between-quotes t)
  (emmet-preview-input ((t (:inherit lazy-highlight))))
  ( :map emmet-mode-keymap
    ([remap yas-expand] . emmet-expand-line)
    ("M-n"  . emmet-next-edit-point)
    ("M-p"  . emmet-prev-edit-point)
    ("C-c p" . emmet-preview-mode))
  ;;(rjsx-mode . (lambda () (setq emmet-expand-jsx-className? t)))
  (web-mode . emmet-mode)
  (css-mode . emmet-mode))

Helm Emmet

(use-package helm-emmet
  :after helm emmet)

Company Web

(use-package company-web
  :after web-mode
  (add-to-list 'company-backends '(company-web-html :with company-yasnippet)))

Json Mode

(use-package json-mode
  :mode ("\\.json\\'" . json-mode))
(use-package json-navigator
  :commands json-navigator-navigate-region)


(use-package prettier-js
  ;;(web-mode . prettier-js-mode) ;; breaks django templates
  (css-mode . prettier-js-mode)
  (json-mode . prettier-js-mode)
  (js2-mode . prettier-js-mode))

Auto Rename Tag

(use-package auto-rename-tag
  (web-mode . auto-rename-tag-mode))



(use-package js2-mode
  :mode "\\.js\\'"
  (js-indent-level 2)
  (js2-mode . flycheck-mode)
  ;;(js2-mode . (lambda () (require 'tree-sitter-langs) (tree-sitter-hl-mode)))
  (js2-mode . lsp-deferred))
(use-package go-mode
  ;; install go & go-tools, for arch based linux:
  ;; sudo pacman -S go go-tools
  :mode "\\.go\\'"
  (defface golang-blue
    '((((background dark)) :foreground "#69D7E4")
      (((background light)) :foreground "#69D7E4"))
    "Face for golang icon")
  (add-to-list 'all-the-icons-icon-alist
               '("\\.go$" all-the-icons-fileicon "go" :height 1 :face golang-blue))
  (gofmt-command "goimports")
  (go-mode . flycheck-mode)
  (go-mode . lsp-deferred)
  (go-mode . (lambda () (require 'tree-sitter-langs) (tree-sitter-hl-mode)))
  (go-mode . (lambda () (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt))))
(use-package cc-mode
  ( :map c-mode-base-map
    ("C-c C-c" . fk/c-run))
  (c-mode . lsp-deferred)
  (c++-mode . lsp-deferred))

(use-package clang-format
  :commands clang-format-buffer clang-format-region
  (c-mode . (lambda () (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook 'clang-format-buffer)))
  (c++-mode . (lambda () (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook 'clang-format-buffer))))
(use-package lua-mode
  :mode "\\.lua\\'")




(use-package dired
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (dired-listing-switches "-lAhp --group-directories-first")
  (dired-dwim-target t)
  (mouse-1-click-follows-link nil)
  (wdired-allow-to-change-permissions 'advanced)
  ( :map dired-mode-map
    ("H" . dired-hide-details-mode)
    ("C-M-u" . dired-up-directory)
    ("O" . browse-url-of-dired-file)                  ; open with associated app
    ("<mouse-1>" . fk/dired-left-click)               ; left click
    ("<mouse-2>" . dired-up-directory)                ; middle click
    ("<mouse-3>" . (lambda (event) (interactive "e")  ; right click
                     (mouse-set-point event)
    ("RET" . fk/dired-smart-open)
    ("C-c C-e" . wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
    ("f". fk/dired-open-systems-file-manager))
  (dired-mode . dired-hide-details-mode)
  ;; Fix `save-place' in dired when opening from bookmarks (mostly from dashboard)
  (bookmark-after-jump . save-place-dired-hook)
  (defun fk/dired-left-click (event)
    "When file is a directory, open directory in dired. Otherwise, open file
with associated application."
    (interactive "e")
    (mouse-set-point event)
    (let ((file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
      (if (file-directory-p file)
          (dired-mouse-find-file event)

  ;; TODO: change this to "open video (maybe some other types too) files with
  ;; associated apps".
  (advice-add 'browse-url :override 'browse-url-xdg-open)  ; I had to add this in emacs28
  (defun fk/dired-smart-open ()
    "If file size bigger than 50mb, open with associated system application,
else call `dired-find-file'"
    (if (> (file-attribute-size (file-attributes (dired-file-name-at-point)))

  ;; Dired in single buffer (prevent dired from opening a lot of buffers)
  (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)

  (defun fk/dired-up-directory ()
    "`dired-up-directory' in same buffer."
    (find-alternate-file ".."))

  (defun fk/dired-open-systems-file-manager ()
    "Open current directory with the system's default file manager."
    (call-process-shell-command (concat "xdg-open " default-directory " &")))

  (advice-add 'dired-up-directory :override 'fk/dired-up-directory)
  (advice-add 'dired-find-file :override 'dired-find-alternate-file))


(use-package dired-x
  :straight (:type built-in)
  :after dired
  (dired-omit-files "^\\..*$")
  ( :map dired-mode-map
    ("h" . dired-omit-mode)))

Dired Icons

(use-package all-the-icons-dired
  :hook (dired-mode . all-the-icons-dired-mode)
  (add-to-list 'all-the-icons-icon-alist
               '("\\.mkv" all-the-icons-faicon "film"
                 :face all-the-icons-blue))
  (add-to-list 'all-the-icons-icon-alist
               '("\\.srt" all-the-icons-octicon "file-text"
                 :v-adjust 0.0 :face all-the-icons-dcyan))

  ;; Turn off all-the-icons-dired-mode before wdired-mode
  ;; TODO: disable icons just before save, not during wdired-mode
  (defadvice wdired-change-to-wdired-mode (before turn-off-icons activate)
    (all-the-icons-dired-mode -1))
  (defadvice wdired-change-to-dired-mode (after turn-on-icons activate)
    (all-the-icons-dired-mode 1)))

Dired Subtree

(use-package dired-subtree
  :after dired
  (dired-subtree-use-backgrounds nil)
  ( :map dired-mode-map
    ("TAB" . dired-subtree-toggle)
    ("<tab>" . dired-subtree-toggle))
  ;; Fix "no icons in subtree" issue.
  (defadvice dired-subtree-toggle
      (after add-icons activate) (revert-buffer)))

Dired Sidebar

(use-package dired-sidebar
  :commands dired-sidebar-toggle-sidebar
  ( :map windows
    ("t" . dired-sidebar-toggle-sidebar))
  (dired-sidebar-mode . fk/darken-background)
  (defun fk/sidebar-toggle ()
    "Toggle both `dired-sidebar' and `ibuffer-sidebar'."

IBuffer Sidebar

(use-package ibuffer-sidebar
  :commands ibuffer-sidebar-toggle-sidebar
  ( :map ibuffer-mode-map
    ("M-o" . nil)))

Dired Show Readme

(use-package dired-show-readme
  :straight (:host gitlab :repo "kisaragi-hiu/dired-show-readme")
  :commands dired-show-readme-mode
  ;; :hook
  ;; (dired-mode . dired-show-readme-mode)

Dired Posframe

(use-package dired-posframe
  :straight (:host github :repo "conao3/dired-posframe.el")
  :commands dired-posframe-mode)

Dired Recent

(use-package dired-recent
  :after dired  ; TODO: is bind still defer?
  ( :map files
    ("d" . dired-recent-open))
(use-package org
  :straight (:type built-in)
  (org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
  (org-ellipsis "↴") ;; ↴, ▼, ▶, ⤵
  (org-src-window-setup 'current-window)
  (org-startup-indented t)
  (org-startup-with-inline-images t)
  (org-image-actual-width '(400))
  (org-hierarchical-todo-statistics nil)
  (org-checkbox-hierarchical-statistics nil)
  (org-src-preserve-indentation t)
  (org-adapt-indentation nil)
  (org-tags-column 0)
  (org-imenu-depth 20)
  (org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
  ;;;; Getting Things Done ;;;;
  (org-directory "~/org")  ; This is default already but lets declare explicitly
  (org-agenda-files `(,(expand-file-name "agenda.org" org-directory)))
  (org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)
  (org-deadline-warning-days 5)
  (org-display-custom-times t)
  (org-time-stamp-custom-formats '("<%d/%m/%Y %A>" . "<%d/%m/%Y %A %H:%M>"))
  (org-bookmark-names-plist '())  ; Do not create bookmarks
  (org-capture-templates '(("i" "Capture to inbox" entry
                            (file "inbox.org")
                            "* %?\nCREATED: %U"
                            :empty-lines 1)))
  (org-refile-targets '(("todos.org" :level . 1)
                        ("someday.org" :level . 1)
                        ("archive.org" :level . 1)
                        ("agenda.org" :level . 1)))
  (org-default-priority ?A)  ; Highest
  (org-log-done 'time)
  (org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(1)" "WIP(w)" "WAITING_REVIEW(r)" "WAITING_TEST(t)" "READY_PROD(p)" "HOLD(h)" "|"
                                 "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c)")))
   '(("TODO" :foreground "orangered2" :weight bold)
     ("WIP" :foreground "#86DC2F" :weight bold)
     ("WAITING_REVIEW" :foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
     ("WAITING_TEST" :foreground "cyan" :weight bold)
     ("READY_PROD" :foreground "greenyellow" :weight bold)
     ("HOLD" :foreground "#DC752F" :weight bold)
     ("CANCELLED" :inherit org-done)))
  ;;;; Getting Things Done ;;;;
  (org-block ((t (:family ,fk/default-font-family :extend t))))
  (org-ellipsis ((t (:foreground nil :inherit org-tag :weight light :height 0.9))))
  (org-checkbox ((t (:foreground "white"))))
  (org-level-4 ((t (:height 1.1 :weight bold))))
  (org-level-3 ((t (:height 1.15 :weight bold))))
  (org-level-2 ((t (:height 1.2 :weight bold))))
  (org-level-1 ((t (:height 1.3 :weight bold))))
  (org-drawer ((t (:foreground nil :inherit font-lock-comment-face))))
  (org-table ((t (:family ,fk/default-font-family :foreground "white"))))
  (org-document-title ((t (:height 1.5))))
  (org-block-begin-line ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color3 :background ,fk/background-color :extend t))))
  (org-document-info-keyword ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color3 :height 10))))  ; Make #+TITLE: invisible
  (org-meta-line ((t (:foreground ,fk/light-color3))))  ; Less distractive
  (org-agenda-current-time ((t (:foreground "LightGoldenrod"))))
  (org-agenda-date-today ((t (:foreground "LightGoldenrod"))))
  (org-agenda-calendar-event ((t (:weight bold))))
  ( :map org
    ("a" . org-agenda)
    ("f" . (lambda () (interactive) (helm-find-files-1 "~/org/")))
    ("c" . (lambda () (interactive) (org-capture :keys "i")))
    :map org-mode-map
    ("C-c C-e" . org-edit-special)
    ("M-n" . org-next-visible-heading)
    ("M-p" . org-previous-visible-heading)
    ("C-c C-f". fk/org-imenu)
    ("C-x C-1" . outline-hide-other)
    ("C-c C-r" . org-refile-hydra/body)
    ("C-c C-a" . fk/org-refile-done)  ; "a" for archive
    ("C-c C-t" . fk/org-refile-trash)
    ("C-c t" . org-todo)
    ("C-c C-p" . org-priority-down)
    ("C-M-j" . org-open-at-point)
    :map org-src-mode-map
    ("C-c C-c" . org-edit-src-exit)
    ;; Better, intuitive movement when selecting a date for schedule or deadline
    :map org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map
    ("C-n". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-week 1))))
    ("C-p". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-week 1))))
    ("C-f". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-day 1))))
    ("C-b". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-day 1))))
    ("C-v". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-forward-month 1))))
    ("M-v". (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-backward-month 1)))))
  ;; TODO: bunlar yerine prettify + box face'i ile yap
  (org-mode . prettify-symbols-mode)
  (org-mode . (lambda () (setq prettify-symbols-alist
                               '(("[ ]" . "☐")
                                 ("[X]" . "☑") ;; ✔
                                 ("[-]" . "◿"))))) ;; ◪, ⬔
  (org-babel-after-execute . org-redisplay-inline-images)
  (org-mode . (lambda () (fk/add-local-hook 'before-save-hook 'org-redisplay-inline-images)))
  (org-after-refile-insert . (lambda () (fk/org-sort-by-priority) (save-buffer)))
  (org-capture-mode . delete-other-windows)  ; make capture buffer fullscreen
  (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("#" (:box '(:line-width -1))))  ; FIXME: does not work.
  (setf (cdr (assoc "*" org-emphasis-alist)) '((:weight extra-bold :underline t :foreground "#DDDDDD")))

  (defun fk/org-babel-load-languages ()
    "Load languages I use."
    (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((python . t)
                                                             (emacs-lisp . t)
                                                             (shell . t))))
  (with-eval-after-load 'org-agenda
    (bind-key "m" 'org-agenda-month-view org-agenda-mode-map))

  ;; Beautify org mode
  (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode
                          '(("^ *\\([-]\\) "
                             (0 (prog1 () (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "•"))))))
  (font-lock-add-keywords 'org-mode
                          '(("^ *\\([+]\\) "
                             (0 (prog1 () (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) "◦"))))))
  (defface org-checkbox-done-text
    '((t (:inherit 'font-lock-comment-face :slant normal)))
    "Face for the text part of a checked org-mode checkbox.")

   `(("^[ \t]*\\(?:[-+*]\\|[0-9]+[).]\\)[ \t]+\\(\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?[0-9]+\\][ \t]*\\)?\\[\\(?:X\\|\\([0-9]+\\)/\\2\\)\\][^\n]*\n\\)"
      1 'org-checkbox-done-text prepend))

  (defun fk/org-refile-fixed-location (file headline)
    "Refile headline without selecting from refile-targets."
    (let ((pos (save-window-excursion
                 (find-file file)
                 (org-find-exact-headline-in-buffer headline))))
      (org-refile nil nil (list headline file nil pos))))

  (defun fk/org-refile-fixed-location-with-closed-timestamp (file headline)
    "Refile headline without selecting from refile-targets. Add
    \"CLOSED\" timestamp info."
    (add-hook 'org-after-refile-insert-hook (lambda () (org-add-planning-info 'closed (org-current-effective-time))) -100)
    (fk/org-refile-fixed-location file headline)
    (remove-hook 'org-after-refile-insert-hook (lambda () (org-add-planning-info 'closed (org-current-effective-time)))))

  (defun fk/org-refile-done ()
    (fk/org-refile-fixed-location-with-closed-timestamp "archive.org" "Done"))

  (defun fk/org-refile-trash ()
    (fk/org-refile-fixed-location-with-closed-timestamp "archive.org" "Trash"))

  (defhydra org-refile-hydra
    (:color red :hint nil)
^Move^            ^Todo^         ^Someday^        ^Archive^
_n_: Next         _w_: Work      _E_: Emacs       _d_: Done
_p_: Previous     _e_: Emacs     _T_: Tech        _t_: Trash
_P_: Priority     _h_: Home      _M_: Movie       ^^
^^                _o_: Other     _S_: TV Show     ^^
^^                ^^             _A_: Anime       ^^
^^                ^^             _V_: Video       ^^
^^                ^^             _F_: Food        ^^
^^                ^^             _O_: Other       ^^

    ;; Move
    ("n" next-line)
    ("p" previous-line)
    ("P" org-priority-down)
    ;; Todo
    ("w" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "todos.org" "Work")))
    ("e" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "todos.org" "Emacs")))
    ("h" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "todos.org" "Home")))
    ("o" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "todos.org" "Other")))
    ;; Someday
    ("E" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Emacs")))
    ("T" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Tech")))
    ("M" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Movie")))
    ("S" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "TV Show")))
    ("A" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Anime")))
    ("V" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Video")))
    ("F" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Food")))
    ("O" (lambda () (interactive) (fk/org-refile-fixed-location "someday.org" "Other")))
    ;; Archive
    ("d" fk/org-refile-done)
    ("t" fk/org-refile-trash)
    ;; General
    ("m" org-refile "Refile manually")
    ("s" save-buffer "Save buffer")
    ("q" nil "Quit" :color blue)))

Custom Functions


(defun fk/helm-imenu ()
  "helm-imenu without initializion."
  (require 'which-func)
  (require 'helm-imenu)
  (unless helm-source-imenu
    (setq helm-source-imenu
          (helm-make-source "Imenu" 'helm-imenu-source
            :fuzzy-match helm-imenu-fuzzy-match)))
  (let* ((imenu-auto-rescan t)
         (helm-highlight-matches-around-point-max-lines 'never)
    (helm :sources 'helm-source-imenu
          :buffer "*helm imenu*")))

(defun fk/org-imenu ()
  "Go to a heading with helm-imenu and expand the heading."


(defun fk/org-screenshot ()
  ;; fork from: https://delta.re/org-screenshot/
  ;; https://github.com/kadircancetin/.emacs.d
  "Take a screenshot into a time stamped unique-named file in the
  same directory as the org-buffer and insert a link to this file."
  (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
     "500 millisec" nil  ; I have animation when minimize window
     (lambda ()
       (setq filename
               (concat (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))
                       (format-time-string "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_")) ) ".png"))
       (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory filename))
         (make-directory (file-name-directory filename)))
       ;; take screenshot
       (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
           (call-process "screencapture" nil nil nil "-i" filename))
       (if (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
           (call-process "import" nil nil nil filename))
       ;; insert into file if correctly taken
       (if (file-exists-p filename)
           (insert (concat "[[file:" filename "]]")))
       (other-frame 0)))))


(defun fk/org-indent-src-block ()


(defun fk/org-sort-by-priority ()
  "Sort entries in level=2 by priority."
  (org-map-entries (lambda () (condition-case nil
                                  (org-sort-entries nil ?p)
                                (error nil)))

Org Bullets

(use-package org-bullets
  (org-bullets-bullet-list '("⁖"))
  ;;;; Alternatives
  ;; (org-bullets-bullet-list '("①" "②" "③" "④" "⑤" "⑥" "⑦" "⑧" "⑨"))
  ;; (org-bullets-bullet-list '("➀" "➁" "➂" "➃" "➄" "➅" "➆" "➇" "➈"))
  ;; (org-bullets-bullet-list '("❶" "❷" "❸" "❹" "❺" "❻" "❼" "❽" "❾"))
  ;; (org-bullets-bullet-list '("➊" "➋" "➌" "➍" "➎" "➏" "➐" "➑" "➒"))
  ;; (org-bullets-bullet-list '("⒈" "⒉" "⒊" "⒋" "⒌" "⒍" "⒎" "⒏" "⒐"))
  :hook (org-mode . org-bullets-mode))

Toc Org

(use-package toc-org
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/toc-org" :branch "insert-silently")
  (toc-org-max-depth 10)
  (toc-org-insert-silently t)
  :hook (org-mode . toc-org-mode))

Org Table Auto Align

;; TODO: make this snippet a package
;; (use-package org-table-auto-align-mode ; NOTE: breaks undo
;;   :load-path (lambda () (concat user-emacs-directory "load/org-table-auto-align-mode"))
;;   :hook org-mode)


(use-package ob-async
  :after org)

Org Pomodoro

(use-package org-pomodoro
  :straight (:files ("*"))  ; For sound files
  :commands org-pomodoro
  (org-pomodoro-audio-player "ffplay")
  ;; Apply args for all sounds
  (advice-add 'org-pomodoro-sound-args :override (lambda (_) "-volume 20 -nodisp -nostats -hide_banner")))

Org Roam

Org Roam

(use-package org-roam
  (org-roam-directory "~/org/roam/")
  ( :map org
    ("o" . org-roam-find-file)))

Org Roam Server

;;(use-package org-roam-server
;;  :after org-roam)

Company Org Roam

(use-package company-org-roam
  :after org-roam
  (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-org-roam))

Org Fancy Priorities

(use-package org-fancy-priorities
  (org-fancy-priorities-list '("[!!!]" "[!!] " "[!]  "))  ; same length
  (org-priority-faces '((?A . (:foreground "orangered2" :weight extrabold :height 1.3))  ; org-mode
                        (?B . (:foreground "orange" :weight extrabold :height 1.3))
                        (?C . (:foreground "Burlywood" :weight extrabold :height 1.3))))
  (org-mode . org-fancy-priorities-mode))

Org Tree Slide

(use-package org-tree-slide
  :commands org-tree-slide-mode
  (org-tree-slide-activate-message "")
  (org-tree-slide-deactivate-message "")
  (org-tree-slide-breadcrumbs "    >    ")
  (org-tree-slide-heading-emphasis t)
  (org-tree-slide-slide-in-waiting 0.025)
  (org-tree-slide-content-margin-top 4)
  (org-tree-slide-heading-level-1 ((t (:height 1.8 :weight bold))))
  (org-tree-slide-heading-level-2 ((t (:height 1.5 :weight bold))))
  (org-tree-slide-heading-level-3 ((t (:height 1.5 :weight bold))))
  (org-tree-slide-heading-level-4 ((t (:height 1.5 :weight bold))))
  ( :map org
    ("s" . org-tree-slide-mode)
    :map org-tree-slide-mode-map
    ("<f8>" . org-tree-slide-content)
    ("<f9>" . org-tree-slide-move-previous-tree)
    ("<f10>" . org-tree-slide-move-next-tree)
    ("C-n" . (lambda () (interactive) (if cursor-type
                                        (setq-local cursor-type t)
  (org-tree-slide-play . (lambda () (setq-local beacon-mode nil)))
  (org-tree-slide-stop . (lambda () (setq-local beacon-mode t)))
  (org-tree-slide-before-narrow . (lambda () (setq-local cursor-type nil)))
  (org-tree-slide-stop . (lambda () (setq-local cursor-type t)))
  (org-tree-slide-play . variable-pitch-mode)
  (org-tree-slide-stop . (lambda () (variable-pitch-mode -1)))
  (org-tree-slide-play . fk/hide-org-metalines-toggle)
  (org-tree-slide-stop . fk/hide-org-metalines-toggle)
  (org-tree-slide-before-narrow . org-remove-inline-images)
  (org-tree-slide-after-narrow . org-display-inline-images)
  (org-tree-slide-play . fk/org-tree-slide-update-modeline)
  (org-tree-slide-stop . fk/org-tree-slide-update-modeline)
  (org-tree-slide-play . (lambda () (setq-local olivetti-body-width 95) (olivetti-mode 1)))
  (org-tree-slide-stop . (lambda () (setq-local olivetti-body-width 120) (olivetti-mode 1)))
  (defun fk/buffer-contains-substring (string)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (and-let* ((pos (search-forward string nil t))
                   (visible (not (outline-invisible-p pos))))))))

  (setq fk/org-meta-line-hide-p nil)
  (setq fk/org-meta-line-face-remap nil)

  (defun fk/hide-org-metalines-toggle ()
    "Hide or unhide meta lines starting with \"#+\" in org-mode."
    (if fk/org-meta-line-hide-p
        (face-remap-remove-relative fk/org-meta-line-face-remap)
      (setq fk/org-meta-line-face-remap (face-remap-add-relative 'org-meta-line
                                                                 :foreground fk/background-color)))
    (setq fk/org-meta-line-hide-p (not fk/org-meta-line-hide-p)))

  (defun fk/org-tree-slide-update-modeline ()
    "Show current page in modeline."
    (let ((slide-position '(:eval (format " %s " (org-tree-slide--count-slide (point))))))
      (if (org-tree-slide--active-p)
          (setq-local global-mode-string (append global-mode-string (list slide-position)))
        (setq-local global-mode-string (delete slide-position global-mode-string))))))

;; Alternative
(use-package epresent
  :commands epresent-run)

Org Export Twitter Bootstrap

(use-package ox-twbs
  :after org)

Valign Mode

(use-package valign
  :straight (:host github :repo "casouri/valign")
  (valign-fancy-bar t)
  (org-mode . valign-mode))

Org Appear

(use-package org-appear
  :straight (:host github :repo "awth13/org-appear" :branch "feature/time-stamps")
  (org-appear-autolinks t)
  (org-mode . org-appear-mode))

Version Control



(use-package magit
  :commands magit
  (magit-section-initial-visibility-alist '((stashes . show)
                                            (unpushed . show)
                                            (pullreqs . show)
                                            (issues . show)))
  (magit-display-buffer-function 'magit-display-buffer-same-window-except-diff-v1)
  ( :map version-control
    ("v" . magit-status)
    ("s" . magit-status)
    :map magit-mode-map
    ("o" . (lambda () (interactive)
             (call-interactively 'magit-diff-visit-file-other-window)
    ("C-c C-f" . magit-find-file))
  ;;(magit-mode . magit-toggle-margin) FIXME: does not work
  ;;(magit-mode . magit-toggle-margin-details)
  (git-commit-setup . git-commit-turn-on-flyspell))

Magit Todos

(use-package magit-todos
  :commands helm-magit-todos
  (magit-todos-ignored-keywords '("DONE"))
  (magit-todos-exclude-globs '("*jquery*.js" "*min.js" "*min.css"))
  (magit-todos-max-items 30)
  (magit-todos-auto-group-items 30)
  ( :map version-control
    ("t" . helm-magit-todos))
  :hook (magit-mode . magit-todos-mode))

Magit Forge

Pull Requests, Issues etc.

(use-package forge
  :straight (:host github :repo "KaratasFurkan/forge" :branch "add-pr-message-prefix-and-number-prefix")
  :after magit
  (forge-create-pullreq-message-prefix "STAGING -")  ; TODO: add this at .dir-locals.el
  (forge-create-pullreq-message-number-prefix t)
  (defadvice magit-pull-from-upstream (after forge-pull activate)
  (defadvice magit-fetch-all (after forge-pull activate)

  (defun fk/forge-request-review (users &optional labels)
    "Request review from USERS (a string list of usernames) and
set LABELS (a string list of labels) if given."
    (let* ((topic (forge-current-pullreq))
           (repo  (forge-get-repository topic)))
      (forge--set-topic-review-requests repo topic users)
      (when labels
        (forge--set-topic-labels repo topic labels))))

  (defun fk/mastermind-request-review ()
    (fk/forge-request-review '("omerfarukabaci" "alicertel")
                             '("Waiting for Code Review"))))


(use-package diff-hl
  (diff-hl-global-modes '(not org-mode))
  (diff-hl-ask-before-revert-hunk nil)
  (diff-hl-insert ((t (:background "#224022"))))
  (diff-hl-change ((t (:background "#492949" :foreground "mediumpurple1"))))
  (diff-hl-delete ((t (:background "#492929" :foreground "orangered2"))))
  ( :map version-control
    ("n" . diff-hl-next-hunk)
    ("p" . diff-hl-previous-hunk)
    ("r" . diff-hl-revert-hunk))
  (dashboard-after-initialize . global-diff-hl-mode)
  (diff-hl-mode . diff-hl-flydiff-mode)
  (magit-pre-refresh . diff-hl-magit-pre-refresh)
  (magit-post-refresh . diff-hl-magit-post-refresh))


;; Source: https://github.com/alphapapa/unpackaged.el#smerge-mode
(use-package smerge-mode
  :straight (:type built-in)
  :after magit
  (defhydra smerge-hydra
     :color red
     :hint nil
     :pre (progn
            (setq-local global-hl-line-mode nil)
            (when tree-sitter-hl-mode
              (tree-sitter-hl-mode -1))
     :post (progn
             (setq-local global-hl-line-mode t)))
^Move^       ^Keep^               ^Diff^                 ^Other^
_n_ext       _b_ase               _<_: upper/base        _C_ombine
_p_rev       _u_pper              _=_: upper/lower       _r_esolve
^^           _l_ower              _>_: base/lower        _k_ill current
^^           _a_ll                _R_efine
^^           _RET_: current       _E_diff
    ("n" (lambda () (interactive) (smerge-next) (recenter (round (* 0.2 (window-height))) t)))
    ("p" (lambda () (interactive) (smerge-prev) (recenter (round (* 0.2 (window-height))) t)))
    ("b" smerge-keep-base)
    ("u" smerge-keep-upper)
    ("l" smerge-keep-lower)
    ("a" smerge-keep-all)
    ("RET" smerge-keep-current)
    ("\C-m" smerge-keep-current)
    ("<" smerge-diff-base-upper)
    ("=" smerge-diff-upper-lower)
    (">" smerge-diff-base-lower)
    ("R" smerge-refine)
    ("E" smerge-ediff)
    ("C" smerge-combine-with-next)
    ("r" smerge-resolve)
    ("k" smerge-kill-current)
    ("ZZ" (lambda ()
     "Save and bury buffer" :color blue)
    ("q" nil "cancel" :color blue))
  (magit-diff-visit-file . (lambda ()
                             (when smerge-mode

Git Link

(use-package git-link
  :commands git-link)

Git Timemachine

(use-package git-timemachine
  :commands git-timemachine)

Git Blame (vc-msg)

(use-package vc-msg
  :commands vc-msg-show
  ( :map version-control
    ("b" . vc-msg-show)))

Terminal Emulation


(use-package vterm
  (vterm-max-scrollback 100000)
  ;; match with fk/darken-background
  (vterm-color-default ((t (:background ,fk/dark-color))))
  ( :map vterm-mode-map
    ("C-c C-e" . vterm-copy-mode)
    ("M-m" . nil)
    ("M-u" . nil)
    ("M-j" . nil)
    ("<f1>" . nil)
    ("C-c C-n" . fk/vterm-next-prompt)
    ("C-c C-p" . fk/vterm-previous-prompt)
    :map vterm-copy-mode-map
    ("C-c C-e" . vterm-copy-mode)
    ("C-c C-c" . vterm-copy-mode)
    ("M-n" . fk/vterm-next-prompt)
    ("M-p" . fk/vterm-previous-prompt))
  (vterm-mode . (lambda () (setq-local global-hl-line-mode nil
                                       show-trailing-whitespace nil)))
  (vterm-mode . fk/darken-background)
  (vterm-copy-mode . (lambda ()
                       (face-remap-add-relative 'hl-line :background fk/background-color)
                       (call-interactively 'hl-line-mode)))
  (defvar docker-container-prompt-regexp "^[\\^A-Z]*root@[A-z0-9]*:/[^#]*# ")

  (defface docker-container-prompt-face
    '((t (:foreground "green yellow")))
    "Face for docker container prompt in vterm.")

  ;; NOTE: https://github.com/akermu/emacs-libvterm/pull/430 this PR is needed.
   `((,docker-container-prompt-regexp 0 'docker-container-prompt-face t))

  (defun fk/docker-container-next-prompt ()
    "Move to end of next docker-container prompt in the buffer. According to the
    (search-forward-regexp docker-container-prompt-regexp nil t))

  (defun fk/docker-container-prev-prompt ()
    "Move to end of previous docker-container prompt in the buffer. According to
the `docker-container-prompt-regexp'."
    (beginning-of-line)  ; not to catch same prompt
    (when (search-backward-regexp docker-container-prompt-regexp nil t)
      ;; to go to the end of the prompt
      (search-forward-regexp docker-container-prompt-regexp nil t)))

  (defun fk/vterm-next-prompt ()
    "Move to end of next prompt in the buffer. In addition to
`vterm-next-prompt', this catches docker containers prompts too."
        ((current-line (line-number-at-pos))
         (prompt-by-regexp (save-excursion
                             (when (or (fk/docker-container-next-prompt)
                                       ;; to not return nil at the last prompt
                                       (= (line-number-at-pos) (1- (line-number-at-pos (point-max)))))
         (prompt-by-vterm (save-excursion
                            (call-interactively 'vterm-next-prompt)
         (is-next-docker-prompt (or (< prompt-by-regexp prompt-by-vterm)
                                    (> current-line (line-number-at-pos prompt-by-vterm))
                                    (= current-line (line-number-at-pos prompt-by-vterm)))))
      (call-interactively 'vterm-next-prompt)))

  (defun fk/vterm-previous-prompt ()
    "Move to end of previous prompt in the buffer. In addition to
`vterm-previous-prompt', this catches docker containers prompts too."
        ((current-line (line-number-at-pos))
         (prompt-by-regexp (save-excursion
                             (when (fk/docker-container-prev-prompt)
         (prompt-by-vterm (save-excursion
                            (call-interactively 'vterm-previous-prompt)
         (is-prev-docker-prompt (or (> prompt-by-regexp prompt-by-vterm)
                                    (< current-line (line-number-at-pos prompt-by-vterm))
                                    (= current-line (line-number-at-pos prompt-by-vterm)))))
      (call-interactively 'vterm-previous-prompt))))

Shell Pop

(use-package shell-pop
  (shell-pop-shell-type '("vterm" "*vterm*" (lambda () (vterm))))
  (shell-pop-full-span t)
  (("M-t" . shell-pop)))



(use-package restclient
  :mode ("\\.http\\'" . restclient-mode)
  (restclient-log-request nil)
  ;;(setcdr (assoc "application/json" restclient-content-type-modes) 'json-mode)

Company Restclient

(use-package company-restclient
  :after restclient
  (restclient-mode . (lambda ()
                       (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-restclient))))


(use-package ob-restclient
  :after org
  (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((restclient . t))))

Password Mode

(use-package password-mode
  (restclient-mode . password-mode)
  (org-mode . (lambda ()
                (when (buffer-file-name)
                  (let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory
                                   (directory-file-name buffer-file-name))))
                    (when (or (string-match "rest" filename)
                              (string-match "api" filename))
  (add-to-list 'password-mode-password-prefix-regexs "\"password\":?[[:space:]]+"))
;; TODO: does not work
;; (use-package eaf
;;   :straight
;;   (:host github :repo "manateelazycat/emacs-application-framework" :depth 1 :files ("*")))

Google Translate

(use-package go-translate
  :straight (:host github :repo "lorniu/go-translate")
  (go-translate-local-language "tr")
  (go-translate-target-language "en")
  (go-translate-inputs-function 'go-translate-inputs-current-or-prompt)
  (go-translate-buffer-follow-p t)
  (go-translate-token-current (cons 430675 2721866130)) ; Fix https://github.com/lorniu/go-translate/issues/7
  ( :map text
    :prefix-map google-translate
    :prefix "g"
    ("g" . go-translate-popup-current)
    ("G" . go-translate)
    ("b" . go-translate)
    ("e" . go-translate-echo-area)))

PDF Tools

(use-package pdf-tools
  :mode ("\\.pdf\\'" . pdf-view-mode)
  :magic ("%PDF" . pdf-view-mode)
  (pdf-view-display-size 'fit-page)
  ( :map pdf-view-mode-map
    ("O" . pdf-occur)
    ("d" . pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode)
    ("s a" . pdf-view-auto-slice-minor-mode)
    ("t" . (lambda (beg end) (interactive "r") (go-translate))))
  (pdf-view-mode . pdf-links-minor-mode)
  (pdf-view-mode . pdf-isearch-minor-mode)
  (pdf-view-mode . pdf-outline-minor-mode)
  (pdf-view-mode . pdf-history-minor-mode)
  (with-eval-after-load 'pdf-links
    (define-key pdf-links-minor-mode-map (kbd "f") 'pdf-links-action-perform)))


(use-package interleave
  :commands interleave-mode
  (interleave-disable-narrowing t))

PDF Continuous Scroll Mode

(use-package pdf-continuous-scroll-mode
  :straight (:host github :repo "dalanicolai/pdf-continuous-scroll-mode.el")
  ;; M-x pdf-view-fit-width-to-window and disable olivetti before run this
  :commands pdf-continuous-scroll-mode)

Emacs Screencast

(use-package gif-screencast
  :straight (:host gitlab :repo "ambrevar/emacs-gif-screencast")
  ( :map gif-screencast-mode-map
    ("<f8>". gif-screencast-toggle-pause)
    ("<f9>". gif-screencast-stop)))



(use-package slack
  :commands slack-start
  (slack-buffer-function 'switch-to-buffer)
  (slack-buffer-emojify t)
  (slack-prefer-current-team t)
  (slack-alert-icon (fk/expand-static-file-name "slack/icon.png"))
  (slack-preview-face ((t (:inherit (fixed-pitch shadow org-block) :extend nil))))
  (slack-message-buffer-mode . (lambda () (setq-local truncate-lines nil)))
  (slack-message-buffer-mode . (lambda () (setq-local olivetti-body-width 80)))
   :name "hipo"
   :default t
   :token (auth-source-pick-first-password :host "slack")
   :full-and-display-names t)

  (defun fk/alert-with-sound (orig-func &rest args)
    "Play sound with alert."
    (apply orig-func args)
    (when (eq (plist-get (cdr args) :category) 'slack)
      (let* ((sound-file (fk/expand-static-file-name "slack/sound.mp3"))
             (command (concat "ffplay -volume 20 -nodisp -nostats -hide_banner " sound-file)))
        (when (file-exists-p sound-file)
          (fk/async-process command)))))

  (advice-add 'alert :around 'fk/alert-with-sound))


(use-package emojify
  :commands emojify-mode)

;; (use-package company-emoji
;;   :after slack
;;   :config
;;   (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-emoji))


(use-package alert
  :commands alert
  (alert-default-style 'libnotify))

Helm Slack

(use-package helm-slack
  :straight (:host github :repo "yuya373/helm-slack")
  :after slack)


(use-package plantuml-mode
  :mode "\\.plantuml\\'"
  (plantuml-jar-path (concat no-littering-etc-directory "plantuml.jar"))
  (plantuml-default-exec-mode 'jar)
  (plantuml-indent-level 4)
  (with-eval-after-load "org"
    (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("plantuml" . plantuml))
    (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((plantuml . t)))
    (setq org-plantuml-jar-path plantuml-jar-path)))

Highlight Code Blocks

(use-package shr-tag-pre-highlight
  :after shr
  (add-to-list 'shr-external-rendering-functions '(pre . shr-tag-pre-highlight)))

XWWP (Xwidget Webkit Enhancement)

(use-package xwidget
  :straight (:type built-in)
  :commands xwidget-webkit-browse-url)

(use-package xwwp
  :commands (xwwp xwwp-browse-url-other-window)
  ( :map xwidget-webkit-mode-map
    ("f" . xwwp-follow-link)))


(use-package screenshot
  :straight (:host github :repo "tecosaur/screenshot")
  :commands screenshot
  (screenshot-max-width 300)
  (screenshot-buffer-creation . (lambda () (hl-line-mode -1))))

Emacs Everywhere

(use-package emacs-everywhere
  :straight (:host github :repo "tecosaur/emacs-everywhere")
  :commands emacs-everywhere
  ( :map emacs-everywhere-mode-map
    ("C-x C-c" . emacs-everywhere-abort))
  (emacs-everywhere-mode . (lambda () (require 'turkish) (turkish-mode)))
  ;; Banish mouse to prevent focusing to company's childframe
  (emacs-everywhere-mode . (lambda () (set-mouse-position (selected-frame) 0 0)))
  ;; I disabled insert selection because it inserts from clipboard if there is
  ;; no selection.
  (advice-add 'emacs-everywhere-insert-selection :override 'ignore))

Pomidor (Pomodoro)

(use-package pomidor
  :commands pomidor
  (pomidor-breaks-before-long 3)
  (pomidor-sound-tick nil)
  (pomidor-sound-tack nil)
  (pomidor-save-session-file (expand-file-name "pomidor-session.json" no-littering-var-directory))
  (pomidor-work-face ((t (:inherit success :width ultra-condensed))))
  (pomidor-overwork-face ((t (:inherit warning :width ultra-condensed))))
  (pomidor-break-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face :width ultra-condensed))))
  (pomidor-skip-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :width ultra-condensed))))
  (kill-emacs . fk/pomidor-save-session)
  (defun fk/pomidor-save-session ()
    "Call `pomidor-save-session' if pomidor is active, without asking yes or no."
    (when (and (featurep 'pomidor) (get-buffer pomidor-buffer-name))
      (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'y-or-n-p) (lambda (_) t)))

  ;; Use a dedicated perspective for pomidor
  (advice-add 'pomidor :before (lambda () (persp-switch "pomidor")))
  (advice-add 'pomidor-quit :after (lambda () (persp-kill  "pomidor"))))

File Modes


(use-package markdown-mode
  :mode "\\.md\\'"
  :custom (markdown-header-scaling t)
  ( :map markdown-mode-map
    ("M-n" . markdown-next-visible-heading)
    ("M-p" . markdown-previous-visible-heading)
    ("C-M-j" . markdown-follow-thing-at-point))
  (markdown-mode . emojify-mode))
(use-package fish-mode
  :mode "\\.fish\\'")



(use-package dockerfile-mode
  :mode "Dockerfile\\'")

Docker Compose

(use-package docker-compose-mode
  :mode "docker-compose\\'")
(use-package yaml-mode
  :mode "\\.yaml\\'"
  (yaml-mode . highlight-indent-guides-mode)
  (yaml-mode . display-line-numbers-mode))

requirements.txt (pip)

(use-package pip-requirements
  :mode (("\\.pip\\'" . pip-requirements-mode)
         ("requirements[^z-a]*\\.txt\\'" . pip-requirements-mode)
         ("requirements\\.in" . pip-requirements-mode)))



(use-package gitignore-mode
  :mode "/\\.gitignore\\'")

Csv mode

(use-package csv-mode
  :mode "\\.csv\\'"
  (csv-invisibility-default nil)
  (csv-mode . csv-align-mode))

Play Free Software Song

(defun fk/play-free-software-song ()
  "Play Richard Stallman's free software song."
   "youtube-dl -f 251 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw' -o - | ffplay -nodisp -autoexit -i -" nil 0))

;;(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'play-free-software-song)

Selectric Mode

(use-package selectric-mode
  :commands selectric-mode)


;; TODO: find mp3 file does not work with straight
(use-package fireplace
  :straight (:files ("*"))  ; Fix fireplace.mp3 not found issue
  :commands fireplace
  (fireplace-sound-on t))


(use-package pacmacs
  :commands pacmacs)
(use-package 2048-game
  :commands 2048-game)

Artist Mode

(use-package artist
  :straight (:type built-in)
  :commands artist-mode
  ( :map artist-mode-map
    ("C-c C-c" . 'artist-select-operation)))

Rubik’s Cube

(use-package rubik
  :commands rubik)

Packages I almost never use but want to keep

Turkish Mode

(use-package turkish
  :commands turkish-mode turkish-correct-region turkish-asciify-region
  ( :map text
    ("a" . turkish-asciify-region))
  (turkish-mode . fk/company-turkish-mode)
  (defun fk/company-grab-word-turkish (orig-func)
    "Convert the word company grabbed to Turkish with `turkish-mode' before
processing it."
    (let ((word (funcall orig-func)))
        (insert word)

  (define-minor-mode fk/company-turkish-mode
    "Suggest candidates by the turkish version of the word."
    :global t
    (if fk/company-turkish-mode
          (require 'turkish)
          (fk/company-wordfreq-mode 1)
          (setq ispell-local-dictionary-backup ispell-local-dictionary)
          (setq ispell-local-dictionary "turkish")
          (advice-add 'company-grab-word :around 'fk/company-grab-word-turkish))
      (fk/company-wordfreq-mode -1)
      (setq ispell-local-dictionary ispell-local-dictionary-backup)
      (advice-remove 'company-grab-word 'fk/company-grab-word-turkish))))


(use-package minimap
  :commands minimap-mode)

Helm System Packages

(use-package helm-system-packages
  :commands helm-system-packages)


(use-package dimmer
  :commands dimmer-mode
  (dimmer-fraction 0.5)
  ;; I tried to fix lsp-ui-doc but it seems did not work
  (defun fk/dimmer-lsp-ui-doc-p ()
    "Return non-nil if current buffer is a lsp-ui-doc buffer."
    (string-prefix-p " *lsp-ui-doc-" (buffer-name)))

  (defun fk/dimmer-configure-lsp-ui-doc ()
    "Convenience setting for lsp-ui-doc users.
This predicate prevents dimming the buffer you are editing when
lsp-ui-doc pops up a documentation."
     'dimmer-prevent-dimming-predicates 'dimmer-lsp-ui-doc-p))



(use-package focus
  :commands focus-mode
  (add-to-list 'focus-mode-to-thing '(python-mode . paragraph)))

Command Log Mode

(use-package command-log-mode
  :commands command-log-mode)


(use-package keypression
  :commands keypression-mode
  (keypression-cast-command-name t)
  (keypression-combine-same-keystrokes t)
  ;;(keypression-use-child-frame t) ; broken
  (keypression-font-face-attribute '(:width normal :height 150 :weight bold)))

Literate Calc Mode

(use-package literate-calc-mode
  :commands literate-calc-minor-mode)

Some Other Emacs Configurations

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK