ServiceMax Core 21.1: The Ins and Outs of Our New Release

 3 years ago
source link: https://fsd.servicemax.com/2021/04/22/servicemax-core-21-1-the-ins-and-outs-of-our-new-release/
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ServiceMax Core 21.1: The Ins and Outs of Our New Release

In the digital era we live in, change is constant. Particularly the current crisis is forcing service organizations worldwide to reassess how they operate and speed up their digital transformation journey to become more data-driven, agile, and resilient. And whereas technology is an important aspect of the digital transformation, it starts at the people level. Technology by itself doesn’t necessarily make a business process better; it is how people are using and adopting it that matters. So, you want to make sure you connect to your users and provide them with user-friendly and flexible tools that evolve with you.

We Listened to You

ServiceMax Core 21.1 boosts the user experience for dispatchers, field technicians, administrators, and our customers’ customers to help them become more efficient and do their work faster. We are adding new features and enhancements to our Core field service management platform that give our users more flexibility in how they tackle their daily jobs and will make them whisper, “Oh I love this.”

Below find some of the 21.1 Release Highlights. Join one of our Customer Webinars on May 11 at 15:00 CEST or 10 am PDT to take a deeper dive into ServiceMax Core 21.1.

Service Board: Multi-Assign for Events


Dispatchers can quickly add multiple resources to non-work-order-related events like trainings.

Service Board: Resource List Filter


Dispatchers can quickly create custom resource list views that allow them to mix and match resources based on attributes like skill and geography.

Installed Base: Asset Threshold Indicators


Asset Threshold Indicators are visual cues that allow product experts to easily identify data points outside of a defined threshold, allowing for accelerated decision-making.

Field Change Orders: New Delivery Methods


New output options provide users with more flexibility.

ServiceMax Go: Notification Center


Using the notification center, technicians can now easily view and interact with all notifications they received over the last 30 days.

Zinc: Photo Text Scan via OCR


Save time by using Zinc’s photo text scanning to take text from a photo in Zinc and copy it to your clip board.

Zinc: Interactive Hotline Bots


Hotline Staffers save time by leveraging interactive bots to attempt to resolve and route requestor issues.

ServiceMax Engage: Asset Spotlight


Asset Spotlight allows users to get insights across their assets so they can better understand the status of their equipment.

Don’t Forget—Register for the Core 21.1 Release webinar here if you are EMEA-based or here if you are US-based.

ABOUT Katharina Streater

Katharina StreaterAs senior product marketing manager at ServiceMax, Katharina Streater drives the scheduling, contractor management, and analytics capabilities of the ServiceMax platform. Passionate about technology, Katharina has extensive knowledge in analytics, AI, and held several marketing positions over 14 years at OpenText, a leader in Enterprise Information Management solutions. A native of Germany, she deepens the international character of the ServiceMax product marketing team.

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