Emails from Tim About Font Sizes and Readibility

 3 years ago
source link: https://fuzzyblog.io/blog/story.radio.weblogs.com/2002/06/05/emails-from-tim-about-font-sizes-and-readibility.html
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Emails from Tim About Font Sizes and Readibility

Jun 5, 2002

Emails from Tim About Font Sizes and Readibility Last updated: 6/16/2002; 10:21:42 AM   The FuzzyBlog!

Marketing 101. Consulting 101. PHP Consulting. Random geeky stuff. I Blog Therefore I Am.

Emails from Tim About Font Sizes and Readibility

Mail #1:


You've convinced me to start a weblog, although it will mostly be a family

thing, about my 6 year old son and what he is up to. I'm still debating

between Radio (I like the easy RSS) and Blogger Pro (I like the ease)


P.S. I tried to print out your "16+ tips.." but the type ran over the right

margin, using I.E 5.5.

P.S. A hint for your book. Most bloggers have their type size too low, and

have it fixed absolutely, so it is hard for people who aren't used to

staring at tiny type on a screen all to read it. Your friend noopy

http://www.noopy.org/bloghorn/ is a case in point.

Mail #2:


Sorry, I do seem to have been on a bit of a tear about readability

recently, and your site seems to have borne the brunt of it.

I have Opera 5 with the banner ad installed and use it sometimes, although

I must confess mostly to test out pages I produce. I love the tabs, similar

to the ones in NoteTab. I've used the zoom function on it, but it really

screws up pages sometimes, especially the display of graphics. I also tend

to leave the "use user .css" stuff alone, so that I can test my own the

pages the way the majority of (Opera) users will see them. I haven't seen

the "little author/user mode toggle button" - maybe it is in 6. The real

problem is that I have customized IE so much with add-ons like the Google

toolbar, surfsaver, roboform, etc. that it would be very hard to give them

up, much as I dislike MS. Plus, I want to see pages the way the majority of

users see them.

At least I will download Opera 6 when I get back to my home machine - maybe

it does better with the magnify feature.

Thanks for the notes. Keep on bloggin'. I'm just starting up mine, and I am

reminded what discipline it takes to write something other than email every

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Posted In: #usability #font #css

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