Why Intel Needs to Buy Detto Technologies and Give it Away

 3 years ago
source link: https://fuzzyblog.io/blog/story.radio.weblogs.com/2002/06/09/why-intel-needs-to-buy-detto-technologies-and-give-it-away.html
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Why Intel Needs to Buy Detto Technologies and Give it Away

Jun 9, 2002

Why Intel Needs to Buy Detto Technologies and Give it Away Last updated: 6/16/2002; 10:22:15 AM   The FuzzyBlog!

Marketing 101. Consulting 101. PHP Consulting. Random geeky stuff. I Blog Therefore I Am.

Why Intel Needs to Buy Detto Technologies and Give it Away


fuzzygroup: doing the windows update dance. Sigh.
kjartanmannes: dont you wish you could just download all the updates and put them on a cd?
fuzzygroup: Essay coming this week: Why Intel Needs to Buy and Give Away Detto
kjartanmannes: yup
fuzzygroup: new pc + $60 for what should be in the os. stupid.
fuzzygroup: i hate getting new hardware now because of the install process. It's literally a full day for me.
fuzzygroup: back to dinner. bbiab.
kjartanmannes: lol
kjartanmannes: im off to bed
kjartanmannes: mtv movie awards are dine
kjartanmannes: done
fuzzygroup: night. 4 separeate reboots. sigh.
kjartanmannes: have fun!

  Copyright 2002 © The FuzzyStuff  

Posted In: #rant

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