Convergence of Chaos Engineering and Revolutionized Technology Techniques
source link: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/chaos-engineering-convergence-technologies/?itm_source=infoq&itm_medium=videos_homepage&itm_campaign=videos_row2
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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Convergence of Chaos Engineering and Revolutionized Technology Techniques
Convergence of Chaos Engineering and Revolutionized Technology Techniques
Yury Niño Roa explores how emerging paradigms can use Chaos Engineering to manage the pains in the path toward providing a solution, showing how Chaos Engineering can benefit from AI.
Yury Niño Roa is a Site Reliability Engineer at ADL Digital Labs, Solutions Architect and Chaos Engineering Advocate. Loves building software applications, reading blogs, writing articles, solving hard performance and resilience issues and teaching software concepts.
About the conference
Chaos Conf is a single-track conference for the Chaos Engineering community to come together, hear talks from Chaos practitioners, share their learnings, and take chaos engineering back to their organizations.
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