Six Decades of Software Engineering
source link: https://www.infoq.com/presentations/six-decades-software-engineering/?itm_source=infoq&itm_medium=videos_homepage&itm_campaign=videos_row1
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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Six Decades of Software Engineering
Six Decades of Software Engineering

Mary Poppendieck covers some of the early principles behind great software engineering that are as true today as they were a half century ago, and some mistakes made that do need to be repeated.
Mary Poppendieck is a popular writer and speaker, and coauthor of the book Lean Software Development: an Agile Toolkit, which was awarded the Software Development Productivity Award in 2004. She also authored Implementing Lean Software Development, Leading Lean Software Development: Results are Not the Point, and The Lean Mindset: Ask the Right Questions.
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