Elite Easygrow Lean to 2x4 | Low Price at Greenhouses Direct

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.greenhousesdirect.co.uk/products/elite-easygrow-2x4-lean-to-greenhouse/c-24/p-26276
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The Elite EasyGrow lean to is a great plant house – the door gives good interior access to the space designed for your plants and it only needs a 6ft wall height to accommodate it. 
If you don’t have room for a greenhouse, you’ll have room for the Elite EasyGrow.

British made greenhouse with a 10 year guarantee

The Elite EasyGrow lean to comes equipped with a quality British made, plain aluminium frame and many other features which are detailed in the accordions below.

Upgrade options

Elite Colour Options
elite colour options

The Elite EasyGrow comes in a wide range of colours, as well as a natural aluminium finish. Colours are applied at the manufacturing stage using a powder coating process. This creates a hard wearing and lustrous finish, which is chip resistant, maintenance free, and designed to last the lifetime of your greenhouse.

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