Add Social Login to Ionic Apps

 3 years ago
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Add Social Login to Ionic Apps ― Scotch.io We're live-coding on Twitch! Join us!

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Apple announced a Sign in with Apple service at its WWDC developer conference in June 2019. If you're familiar with social login with Google or Facebook, it's very similar. Most of these identity services use OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC), and Apple's implementation is similar.

Today I'd like to show you how to develop a mobile application with Ionic, add OIDC authentication, retrieve the user's information, and add social login (aka federated identity) with Apple and Google. I'll even show you how to test it in a phone simulator, as well as on your device.


Create an Ionic App

To begin, you'll need to install the Ionic CLI.

npm i -g @ionic/[email protected]

Then, use ionic start to create a new Angular app with tabs. You might notice this command also specifies Capacitor. Using Capacitor is the recommended way to run Ionic apps on mobile devices from 2020 onward.

ionic start ionic-social tabs --type angular --capacitor
cd ionic-social

Run ionic serve and make sure you can see the app in your browser.


Add Authentication with OpenID Connect

The easiest way to add OIDC authentication to an Ionic app is with OktaDev Schematics. Before I show you how to do that, you'll need to create an Okta developer account and register your app to get a client ID. Head on over to developer.okta.com/signup if you'd like to do this in your browser.

If you prefer the command line, install the Okta CLI. Run okta register to sign up for a new account.

Log in to your Okta Developer account or use okta apps create. If you use your browser, go to Applications > Add Application.

On the Create New Application page, select Native. Name your app Ionic Social, and configure it as follows:

  • Login redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8100/callback
    • com.okta.dev-133337:/callback (where dev-133337.okta.com is your Okta Org URL)
  • Logout redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8100/logout
    • com.okta.dev-133337:/logout
  • Grant type allowed:
    • [x] Authorization Code
    • [x] Refresh Token
  • Click Done

If you're using the command line, you'll have to use your browser to adjust the redirect URIs. Your app's settings should look similar to the screenshot below.


Run the following command to add a sign-in feature to your Ionic + Capacitor app.

ng add @oktadev/[email protected] --platform=capacitor

Running this command will prompt you for an issuer and client ID. If you used your browser to create an app, the client ID is displayed on your screen. You can find the issuer in your Okta dashboard at API > Authorization Servers. It usually looks something like https://dev-133337.okta.com/oauth2/default.

If you used the CLI, you should have this information in your terminal. You can run okta apps to see your apps and okta apps config --app=<appName> to get your app's info.

This process will install several dependencies and a plethora of files to handle OIDC authentication.

✅️ Added 'ionic-appauth' into dependencies
✅️ Added '@ionic-native/secure-storage' into dependencies
✅️ Added 'cordova-plugin-secure-storage-echo' into dependencies
✅️ Added 'cordova-plugin-advanced-http' into dependencies
✅️ Added 'cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller' into dependencies
✅️ Added '@ionic-native/http' into dependencies
🔍 Installing packages...
CREATE src/app/auth/auth-guard.service.ts (988 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/auth-http.service.ts (826 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/auth.module.ts (760 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/auth.service.ts (2316 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/ng-http.service.ts (1347 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/user-info.model.ts (188 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/auth-callback/auth-callback.module.ts (574 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/auth-callback/auth-callback.page.ts (1018 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/end-session/end-session.module.ts (564 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/end-session/end-session.page.ts (479 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/factories/browser.factory.ts (290 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/factories/http.factory.ts (379 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/factories/index.ts (102 bytes)
CREATE src/app/auth/factories/storage.factory.ts (318 bytes)
CREATE src/app/login/login.module.ts (538 bytes)
CREATE src/app/login/login.page.html (187 bytes)
CREATE src/app/login/login.page.scss (0 bytes)
CREATE src/app/login/login.page.spec.ts (936 bytes)
CREATE src/app/login/login.page.ts (750 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (899 bytes)
UPDATE package.json (1929 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app-routing.module.ts (660 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.component.spec.ts (1308 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/app.component.ts (674 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/tab1/tab1.page.html (2237 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/tab1/tab1.page.spec.ts (928 bytes)
UPDATE src/app/tab1/tab1.page.ts (1216 bytes)
✔ Packages installed successfully.

You can see all the files that OktaDev Schematic adds in its GitHub project.

NOTE: OIDC Login for Ionic is made possible thanks to the excellent Ionic AppAuth project and its examples. This integration is not Okta-specific and should work with any identity provider that supports PKCE for browser and mobile apps.

Run ionic serve and open http://localhost:8100 in a new incognito window.


Click Login to sign in to your Okta developer account.


You'll be redirected back to your app.


Click Get User Details to fetch the user's information using the following code in src/app/tab1/tab1.page.ts.

public async getUserInfo(): Promise<void> {
  this.userInfo = await this.authService.getUserInfo<IUserInfo>();

It's rendered in src/app/tab1/tab1.html.ts:

<ion-card *ngIf="userInfo">
    User Info
    {{userInfo | json}}

One of the neat things you can do with your Okta developer account is add additional identity providers. This means you can add Apple as an identity source and easily add Sign in with Apple to your Ionic app!

Configure Sign in with Apple

To begin, you must have an Apple developer account. You'll need to create an App ID, a Services ID, and a private key.

Create an App ID on Apple

Log in to developer.apple.com and go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. Select Identifiers on the left and click the blue + icon. Select App IDs and Continue. Select App and Continue. Enter a description and bundle ID. I used Ionic Social and com.okta.developer.ionic-social.

Scroll down and select Sign in with Apple, click Continue, and then Register.

Create a Services ID on Apple

To create a Services ID (with allowed redirect URIs), go to Identifiers > blue + icon Services IDs > Continue. I used Okta for the description and com.okta.developer.ionic for the identifier. Click Continue, then Register.

Select the identifier that you just created.

Select the Sign in with Apple checkbox, and then click Configure to define the domain your app is running on and the redirect URLs used during the OAuth flow.

Enter the domain name where your app runs in the Domains and Subdomains box (e.g., dev-133337.okta.com). In the Return URLs box, enter your Okta tenant's /authorize/callback URL, for example https://dev-133337.okta.com/oauth2/v1/authorize/callback.

Click Next, Done, Continue, and then Save.

Create a Private Key for Client Authentication

On the Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles page, select Keys, and then Create a key.

Give your key a name (e.g., AppleLoginKey), select Sign in with Apple, and click Configure.

Select your App ID from the Primary App ID drop-down box and click Save. Apple will generate a new private key.

Click Continue, Register, and then Download.

Click Done, and then on the Keys page, click the key that you just created and make a note of the Key ID. You need it in the next section.

Make a note of your Team ID in the upper-right corner of your Apple developer dashboard (just below your account name).

TIP: See Okta's developer docs for Sign in with Apple if these steps don't work.

Add Apple as an Identity Provider in Okta

Open your Okta developer console in a new tab and navigate to Users > Social & Identity Providers > Add Identity Provider > Add Apple.

  • Name: Apple
  • Client ID: com.okta.developer.ionic // Services ID from Apple
  • Client Secret Signing Key: upload the .p8 file you downloaded
  • Key ID and Team ID: available in your last tab
  • Scopes: defaults (name, email, openid) are fine

Click Add Identity Provider. Click the arrow next to your new IdP, and you'll see its ID.


Copy this ID and open src/app/auth/auth.service.ts in a text editor. Add auth_extras as a property to authConfig and add your Apple IdP's ID as an idp property.

const authConfig: any = {
  usePkce: true,
  auth_extras: {
    idp: '<your-apple-idp-id>'

Restart your Ionic app and open http://localhost:8100 in a private window. Click Login and you'll be redirected to Apple to sign in.


Log in, and you should be redirected back to your app.

NOTE: If you receive an error about Missing fields: 'firstName','lastName', you'll need to remove the app from your Apple ID. On Mac, go to System Preferences > Apple ID > Password & Security > Apps Using Your Apple ID > Edit. Go to Ionic Social and click Stop Using Apple ID. This error happens because Apple sends the name only the very first time you log in.

Click Get User Details, and your info will be fetched from Apple via Okta.


It's pretty cool that you can add Sign in with Apple via Okta, don't you think?!

But what if you want to allow people to sign up for an account and you want to manage your users? The good news is you can configure Okta as your main login screen with buttons to sign in with Apple, Google, and many other identity providers.

TIP: To see how to enable user registration, see Tutorial: User Login and Registration in Ionic > Add User Registration.

What about Okta's Angular SDK and Sign-In Widget?

Okta provides an Angular SDK as well as the Sign-In Widget. I've encountered quite a few developers that want to have an in-app login screen without popping a browser.

The Sign-In Widget seems like a good solution for this. However, in a Capacitor app, capacitor://localhost is sent as an origin header, and Okta only allows http and https as schemas. This means the CORS request for the ./well-known/openid-configuration metadata fails.

I thought the Capacitor Community's HTTP module would fix this, but it does not. I'm currently trying to convince Okta to allow capacitor:// as a schema for trusted origins.

In the meantime, you can customize the Okta-hosted version of the Sign-In Widget. To do this, you need to create a custom domain.

Create a Custom Domain and TLS Certificate with Cloudflare

To use a custom domain with Okta, you need to have access to its DNS settings and create a TLS certificate.

Cloudflare makes this easy. Sign up for Cloudflare if you don't have an account.

Log in to Cloudflare and select +Add Site. It's best if you point a whole domain at Cloudflare. For example, I used mattraible.com. The free plan is good enough for this tutorial.

After transferring your domain, you'll need to create an origin CA certificate.

  1. Click the SSL/TLS app
  2. Click the Origin Server tab
  3. Click Create Certificate to open the Origin Certificate Installation window
  4. Select Let Cloudflare generate a private key and a CSR
  5. Change Certificate Validity to 1 year (Okta will reject the certificates with a 15-year expiration)
  6. Click Next

Copy the Origin Certificate to a tls.cert file on your hard drive. Copy the Private key to private.key.

In Okta, go to Customization > Domain Name > Edit > Get Started. Enter a subdomain name (e.g., id.mattraible.com) and click Next. You'll be prompted to verify domain ownership. Add the specified TXT record on Cloudflare via the DNS > +** Add record** option.

Click Verify > Next on Okta.

For the Certificate field, copy/paste the contents of tls.cert.

On a Mac, you can use cat tls.cert | pbcopy in a terminal to copy the file to your clipboard.

Put the contents of private.key in the Private key box. Click Next.

You'll be prompted to add a CNAME record. Add this to your Cloudflare DNS. Click Finish.

NOTE: When I first tried this, I found that my home network caches DNS entries, and I was unable to get to id.mattraible.com for days. However, if I connected with my phone, I was able to load it. I grabbed the IP address when I was connected to my phone and added an entry to my hosts file as a workaround.

Wait until https://<id.domain.name> resolves in your browser before continuing.

Configure a Custom Domain for Your Authorization Server

The OpenID Connect specification requires a ./well-known/openid-configuration endpoint with metadata about your app's endpoints. You should be able to see yours at https://<id.domain.name>/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration. You might notice that it has your Okta dev-* domain, rather than your custom domain name.


You need to update your authorization server to use your custom domain to fix this. Log in to your Okta account and go to API > Authorization Servers > default > Edit. Change the Issuer to use Custom URL.


Try /openid-configuration again; it should have your custom domain now.

Configure Apple to Allow Your Custom Domain

Since you've added a new domain, you've created another possible redirect URL. Log in to your Apple developer account and go to the Service ID you created. Edit your service and configure Sign in with Apple. Add a new Website URL with your domain and authorize callback.

  • Domains: <id.domain.name>
  • Return URLs: https://<id.domain.name>/oauth2/v1/authorize/callback

You can see the values I used below.


Click Done, Continue, and Save.

Configure Ionic to use Your Custom Domain

Open src/app/auth/auth.service.ts in your Ionic app and change the configuration to use your custom domain. Remove auth_extras too.

const issuer = 'https://<id.domain.name>/oauth2/default';
const authConfig: any = {
  identity_client: clientId,
  identity_server: issuer,
  redirect_url: redirectUri,
  end_session_redirect_url: logoutRedirectUri,
  usePkce: true

Now you can customize the Okta-hosted Sign-In Widget.

Add Sign in with Apple to the Hosted Sign-In Widget

In Okta, go to Customization > Sign-in Page. Make sure you're using the latest version, then modify the HTML on the right. Find the line with var config and add the following after it, where <apple-idp-id> can be found at Users > Social & Identity Providers > (>) before Apple.

config.idps = [
  {type: 'APPLE', id: '<apple-idp-id>'}
config.idpDisplay = "PRIMARY";

Scroll up and click Save and Publish.

Navigate to your custom id.domain.name, and you should see a Sign in with Apple button.


Add Social Login with Google

If you want to add Sign in with Google, you can do it with very similar steps. Rather than repeat all the steps verbatim here, I invite you to check out Okta's Google Social Login Guide.

Tip: You'll need to add http://localhost:8100 as a JavaScript origin to sign in with Google via your browser in development.

After you've registered Google as an identity provider, update your sign-in page's code.

config.idps = [
  {type: 'APPLE', id: '<apple-idp-id>'},
  {type: 'GOOGLE', id: '<google-idp-id>'},

Click Save and Publish. Now you should be able to sign in with Apple or Google. How cool is that?! 😎


Run Your Ionic App in iOS Simulator

To build your app and run it on iOS Simulator, run the following commands:

ionic build --prod
npx cap add ios
npx cap open ios

Add your custom scheme to ios/App/App/Info.plist:


In Xcode, go to App > Signing & Capabilities and select your team. Then, click the ▶ button in the top left and deploy to an iPhone X. Click the Login button, and you should see options to sign in with Apple, Google, or your Okta credentials.


NOTE: If you want to debug your Ionic app in Simulator, you can use Safari to debug Simulator in its Develop menu.

Sign in with Apple and then click the button to get your user details. You should see everything working.


Google should work too!


Deploy Ionic App to iOS Phone

If you have an iPhone, you should be able to deploy your Ionic app to it. Plug your iPhone in via USB, and it should show up as a target in Xcode. You should see an App > Your Phone Name at the top. Click ▶ to deploy to your (unlocked) phone.

I dig the Sign in with Apple experience on my iPhone 11! iOS takes over without a redirect and makes it seamless.


For me, Face ID is even part of the flow! 😃


Learn More about Ionic and Social Login

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to add Sign in with Apple (and Google) to your Ionic apps. The thing I dig about Okta's setup is that I can use the same identity provider for all my apps that use my authorization server. That means I only have to configure external IdPs once, and all my apps can take advantage of it.

You can find all the code for this example on GitHub in the @oktadeveloper/okta-ionic-social-login-example repository.

If things didn't work in this tutorial for some reason, please consult Okta's official documentation for adding Apple and Google.

In addition to Apple and Google, we also support signing in with Azure AD, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. There's even support for Okta-to-Okta.

Some other resources you might like:

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