Covid-19 - Good News, Bad News or the Weekend?

 3 years ago
source link: https://fuzzyblog.io/blog/covidnearme.org/2020/04/07/covid-19-good-news-bad-news-or-the-weekend.html
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Covid-19 - Good News, Bad News or the Weekend?

Apr 7, 2020

I noticed an interesting thing yesterday – the number of COVID-19 cases fell in New York and I was curious (the number on the right is the number of new cases). Here's what I saw:


What I was curious about was whether this was a reporting issue due to, perhaps, less testing on Sundays or an actual improvement in things. What I realized was that the lack of a day indicator i.e. "Monday" versus 2020/04/06 made this hard. A quick tweak to my DateCommon library and we get this display:


While there isn't a ton of data to draw a conclusion from, I can see that we have now seen, for two weeks running, fewer cases on Monday and then an increase on Tuesday. So, unfortunately, I don't think we're seeing an improvement. And this is backed up by Roy Britt's article on Medium (published just 3 days ago).

Posted In: #covidnearme.org #covid

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