从 Memory Reordering 说起

 4 years ago
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从 Memory Reordering 说起

从 Memory Reordering 说起

var x, y int
go func() {
    x = 1 // A1
    fmt.Print("y:", y, " ") // A2
go func() {
    y = 1                   // B1
    fmt.Print("x:", x, " ") // B2
y:0 x:1
x:0 y:1
x:1 y:1
y:1 x:1
x:0 y:0
y:0 x:0

这种令人意外的结果被称为内存重排: Memory Reordering



— Xargin




snippet 1
X = 0
for i in range(100):
    X = 1
    print X
snippet 2
X = 1
for i in range(100):
    print X

如果这时候,假设有 Processor 2 同时在执行一条指令:

X = 0

P2 中的指令和 snippet 1 交错执行时,可能产生的结果是:111101111..

P2 中的指令和 snippet 2 交错执行时,可能产生的结果是:11100000…​


int a, b;
int foo()
    a = b + 1;
    b = 0;
    return 1;


mov eax, DWORD PTR b[rip]
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR a[rip], eax    // --> store to a
mov DWORD PTR b[rip], 0      // --> store to b

开启 O2 优化后,输出汇编:

mov eax, DWORD PTR b[rip]
mov DWORD PTR b[rip], 0      // --> store to b
add eax, 1
mov DWORD PTR a[rip], eax    // --> store to a

给 a 和 b 的赋值顺序被修改了,可见 compiler 也是可能会修改赋值的顺序的。


CPU 重排

litmus 验证

cat sb.litmus

X86 SB
{ x=0; y=0; }
 P0          | P1          ;
 MOV [x],$1  | MOV [y],$1  ;
 MOV EAX,[y] | MOV EAX,[x] ;
locations [x;y;]
exists (0:EAX=0 /\ 1:EAX=0)
~ ❯❯❯ bin/litmus7 ./sb.litmus
% Results for ./sb.litmus %
X86 SB

{x=0; y=0;}

 P0          | P1          ;
 MOV [x],$1  | MOV [y],$1  ;
 MOV EAX,[y] | MOV EAX,[x] ;

locations [x; y;]
exists (0:EAX=0 /\ 1:EAX=0)
Generated assembler
	##START _litmus_P0
	movl	$1, -4(%rbx,%rcx,4)
	movl	-4(%rsi,%rcx,4), %eax
	##START _litmus_P1
	movl	$1, -4(%rsi,%rcx,4)
	movl	-4(%rbx,%rcx,4), %eax

Test SB Allowed
Histogram (4 states)
96    *>0:EAX=0; 1:EAX=0; x=1; y=1;
499878:>0:EAX=1; 1:EAX=0; x=1; y=1;
499862:>0:EAX=0; 1:EAX=1; x=1; y=1;
164   :>0:EAX=1; 1:EAX=1; x=1; y=1;

Positive: 96, Negative: 999904
Condition exists (0:EAX=0 /\ 1:EAX=0) is validated
Observation SB Sometimes 96 999904
Time SB 0.11

CPU 架构

cpu arch.png
Figure 1. CPU Architecture
Figure 2. Store Buffer

这里的 Invalidate Queue 实际上稍微有一些简化,真实世界的 CPU 在做 invalidate 操作时还是挺麻烦的:

Figure 3. MESI Protocol
Figure 4. CPU Cache Structure



  • 减少读写等待导致的性能降低

  • 最大化提高 CPU 利用率。


memory barrier

A memory barrier, also known as a membar, memory fence or fence instruction, is a type of barrier instruction that causes a central processing unit (CPU) or compiler to enforce an ordering constraint on memory operations issued before and after the barrier instruction.

— wikipedia

有了 memory barrier,才能实现应用层的各种同步原语。如 atomic,而 atomic 又是各种更上层 lock 的基础。


On x86, it will turn into a lock prefixed assembly instruction, like LOCK XADD. Being a single instruction, it is non-interruptible. As an added "feature", the lock prefix results in a full memory barrier

— Stackoverflow

"…​locked operations serialize all outstanding load and store operations (that is, wait for them to complete)." …​"Locked operations are atomic with respect to all other memory operations and all externally visible events. Only instruction fetch and page table accesses can pass locked instructions. Locked instructions can be used to synchronize data written by one processor and read by another processor." -

— Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual
Chapter 8.1.2.

atomic 应用示例:双buffer

var doublebuffer struct {
    buffer [2]option
    idx    int64


atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&doublebuffer.idx, doublebuffer.idx, 1-doublebuffer.idx)

option 可以是任意的自定义数据结构。



sync.Pool 中的锁

var (
	allPoolsMu Mutex
	allPools   []*Pool

func (p *Pool) pinSlow() *poolLocal {
	defer allPoolsMu.Unlock()
	pid := runtime_procPin()

	if p.local == nil {
		allPools = append(allPools, p)

	return &local[pid]

udp WriteTo 的锁

func (fd *FD) WriteTo(p []byte, sa syscall.Sockaddr) (int, error) {
	if err := fd.writeLock(); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	defer fd.writeUnlock()
	if err := fd.pd.prepareWrite(fd.isFile); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	for {
		err := syscall.Sendto(fd.Sysfd, p, 0, sa)
		if err == syscall.EAGAIN && fd.pd.pollable() {
			if err = fd.pd.waitWrite(fd.isFile); err == nil {
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return len(p), nil

tcp transport 上也有锁!

type Transport struct {
	idleMu     sync.Mutex
	wantIdle   bool                                // user has requested to close all idle conns
	idleConn   map[connectMethodKey][]*persistConn // most recently used at end
	idleConnCh map[connectMethodKey]chan *persistConn
	idleLRU    connLRU

	reqMu       sync.Mutex
	reqCanceler map[*Request]func(error)

	altMu    sync.Mutex   // guards changing altProto only
	altProto atomic.Value // of nil or map[string]RoundTripper, key is URI scheme

	connCountMu          sync.Mutex
	connPerHostCount     map[connectMethodKey]int
	connPerHostAvailable map[connectMethodKey]chan struct{}




  • 压测过不了几千级别的 QPS(丢人!

  • Goroutine 一开始很稳定,超过一定 QPS 之后暴涨

  • 可以通过压测方便地发现问题。

lock contention 的本质问题是需要进入互斥区的 g 需要等待独占 g 退出后才能进入互斥区,并行 → 串行

cache contention

cache contention 那也是 contention,使用 atomic,或者 false sharing 就会导致 cache contention。

atomic 操作可以理解成 “true sharing”。


true sharing

RWMutex 的 RLock:

func (rw *RWMutex) RLock() {
    // ....
	if atomic.AddInt32(&rw.readerCount, 1) < 0 {
		// A writer is pending, wait for it.
		runtime_SemacquireMutex(&rw.readerSem, false)

    // else 获取 RLock 成功
    // ....

true sharing 带来的问题:

sync: RWMutex scales poorly with CPU count

— issue 17973

至今还没有解决这个问题,如果解决了的话,根本不需要 sync.Map 出现了。

false sharing

var semtable [semTabSize]struct {
	root semaRoot
	pad  [cpu.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(semaRoot{})]byte
var timers [timersLen]struct {

	// The padding should eliminate false sharing
	// between timersBucket values.
	pad [cpu.CacheLinePadSize - unsafe.Sizeof(timersBucket{})%cpu.CacheLinePadSize]byte

本来每个核心(在 Go 里的 GPM 中的 P 概念)独享的数据,如果发生 false sharing 了会怎么样?


为什么 Go 官方坚持不在 sync.Map 上增加 Len 方法?

Last updated 2019-06-17 12:57:58 CST

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