Superpowers of Kotlin delegation – Kotlin Academy
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Nov 20, 2017
Superpowers of Kotlin delegation
I was asked to make a presentation about advanced Kotlin features on popular Russian conference — DevFest Siberia, that took place in September 2017. I prepared a presentation about my huge passion — Class and Property delegation. I started with the story to show why this subject is so important to me, and then I described whole subject from the basics to advanced custom property delegates. Everything during 40 minutes! I just got the message that this presentation is finally on YouTube :D Enjoy ;)
You can also check the slides with transcription — they are available on my
DevFest Siberia: Superpowers of Kotlin delegation by Marcin Moskala
Delegation is one of the most inconspicuous Kotlin features. Property delegation is still pretty new feature in the…
Honestly, I am really proud of this presentation because it was my first performance on a conference with such a big scale. I was really excited, because this presentation was on the biggest stage and at really good time (it was the only English presentation at that time). In order to do my best, I was practicing this material like crazy — over and over again. Effect was fully rewarding — except of stressful beginning, I presented everything just how I planned. Enjoy :)
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About the author
Marcin Moskała (@marcinmoskala) is a trainer and consultant, currently concentrating on giving Kotlin in Android and advanced Kotlin workshops(fill out the form, so we can talk about your needs). He is also a speaker, author of articles and a book about Android development in Kotlin.
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