Ah, I love Linux : ProgrammerHumor

 6 years ago
source link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/7dtvgp/ah_i_love_linux/
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Posted by5 years ago

Ah, I love Linux

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level 1
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
level 1

Forgot to mention, the autocorrect thing is called TheFuck. You can install it using pip. The default command is fuck, but as you can see, I made some aliases for entertainment purposes. :p

EDIT: A lot of people ask me about the theme/icons/wallpaper/shell/etc. For more information about my setup, check my post on /r/unixporn.

level 2

I read that as

You can install it using php.

and i was like

level 1
· 5 yr. ago

What terminal is that?

level 2
· 5 yr. ago · edited 5 yr. ago

the shell is Oh-my-Zsh with the agnoster theme

going of the fact that the DE is gnome i think that's the default gnome-terminal.


level 2

GNOME terminal with Arc gtk theme and a profile that makes it transparent. The fancy directory stuff is powerline.

level 2

Oh my zsh, but I like fishshell more. Give more power out of the box. Also run fish_config on a fish cli

level 1

Btw I use Arch

level 2

I deleted my windows partition when trying to set up Arch. Fun experience.

level 1

what distro are you using? sorry I'm a newb

level 2

Probably Ubuntu 17.10

level 1

Fun with aliases

level 2
· 5 yr. ago

I just recently learned the joy of aliases and defining your own bash functions. Checking my error logs has never been easier.

level 1

I feel like those are my exact words any time I try installing things

“Damnit” *tries a different command “Fuck” *tries a different flag “Shit.” *realizes the mess I created

level 2

Yep. That's why it's so much fun to use this. It just feels so satisfying.

level 1

love gitkraken

level 2

Gitkraken ftw

level 2

Why gitkraken over github desktop? (help a newb cs student out.)

level 1

Not super experienced, but could you tell me what flavor of Linux you're running?

level 2

Ubuntu 17.10 (GNOME desktop environment)

level 1

Why is v.reddit.com so fucking awful to use on mobile clients?

level 2

Because Reddit servers gimp the quality for a bunch of the mobile apps.

Who knows why.

level 2

Official Reddit app?

level 1

I'm not even in this sub and I got a post notification what's going on?

level 2

The official Reddit app being shit, that's what's going on.

But seriously, download a better client. If you use Android, get Sync or Relay (there are tons of other good options, but I really like these two). If you use iOS, get Apollo (pretty much the only good iOS client imo).

level 1
· 5 yr. ago

But why using dpkg when apt was capable of installing deb files for at least a year now?

level 1

what is the point?

level 2

the command they typed was not valid, and theyhave aliases.

so when theytype fuck, dammit, etc, it tries to autocorrect until the command is valid (from my understanding)

level 1

I've always found anything with a GUI in ubuntu to be too unstable to use, and have therefore used fedora for quite some time. But DAMMMMNNNN does that look pretty. Is this what 17.10 has brought us?

level 2

Yeah, all versions till 17.10 used Ubuntu's own desktop environment (unity). It was pretty shit. There were (official) versions with GNOME, KDE, Budgie and some other desktop environments though, so I just used those (I mostly used Ubuntu GNOME and Kubuntu). 17.10 finally uses GNOME instead of unity, which is really nice imo.

I did some small tweaking, but it's really easy. Just install the GNOME tweak tool, find a fancy GTK theme (I use one called Arc), find some fancy icons (I use Numix circle), a fancy wallpaper and you're mostly done. I also made a gnome-terminal profile that makes the terminal transparent and with green text (because I'm l33t) and I installed powerline (the fancy path colored arrow stuff in the terminal).

You might want to try Ubuntu again, it's pretty good now it finally uses GNOME. If you prefer Fedora, you can obviously just install GNOME on that too, I just prefer Debian-based distro's.

level 2

Linux is great and I'm really happy with Openbox and my personal shortcut keys. But in general Linux Desktop Environments are an embarrassment. I recently set up Mate for my wife and it has more than its share of problems. Not as bad as Windows 8 or Windows 10 but not nearly as good as Windows 2K or Windows XP.

level 1
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
level 1

Is the dammit package another version of the fuck package?

level 2

I just added it as an alias in .bashrc.

level 1

Ink e are the best

level 1

I will never not laugh at "instal"

level 1

haha, I was about to say "you should use fuck"

level 1
Comment deleted by user · 5 yr. ago
level 1

What is that OS? Where can I find that visual style and apply it ?

level 2

I posted a more detailed explanation in some other comments. It's Ubuntu 17.10 (running the GNOME desktop environment) with a theme, icons and some minor tweaks.

level 1
· 5 yr. ago

Try doing the same with slackware

level 1

Ah, I see you are running Ubuntu 17.10

level 1

Noob here, why 'instal' has only one l?

level 2

I mistyped it on purpose. The "fuck" command autocorrects it. "shit" and "dammit" are just aliases (different commands to do the same thing).

level 1

Love your theme, what is it?

level 2

The gtk theme is Arc, icons are Numix circle, fancy terminal path stuff is powerline.

level 1
· 5 yr. ago

how to get this > > > kinda of prettiness in commandline?

level 2

It's called powerline. For all the theme into and stuff like that, check my /r/unixporn post.

level 1
Comment removed by moderator · 5 yr. ago
level 1

How did you get your linux to look like this?

level 2

I already explained it a bit more in another comment, but I basically just downloaded Ubuntu 17.10 (so it comes with GNOME by default), added a fancy theme, icon pack and wallpaper and installed powerline for the fancy path stuff in the terminal.

You don't even need to use the command line a lot for this (although it's generally a bit easier for installing programs on Linux). It's pretty easy to do (I did it in less than a day), but it looks really cool imo.

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