

leon created at7 years ago view count: 3588


Preparing installation files ...
Installing ...
Error: Installation cannot proceed. You may either:
1. Set an X11 display, and restart the install process
2. Use the silent install feature by specifying the -mode silent option

执行 bash install -mode silent 后还是不行。

(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) ##################################################################
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) #
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) # Today's Date:
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Tue Jun 13 23:45:23 CST 2017
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23)
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) System Info
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) OS: Linux 4.4.0-63-generic
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Arch: amd64
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Data Model: 64
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Language: en
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Java Home: /tmp/mathworks_11260/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Java Version: 1.7.0_60
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Java Class Path: /tmp/mathworks_11260/java/config/installagent/pathlist.jar
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) User Name: root
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Current Directory: /root
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) Input arguments:
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) root /root
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) libdir /tmp/mathworks_11260
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) mode silent
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) standalone true
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:23) connectionMode OFFLINE_ONLY
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Starting local product/component search in download directory
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Searching for archives...
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Reading /root/archives
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) When running the installer with an input file, you must accept the license agreement by setting the agreeToLicense option to yes.
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Exiting with status -2
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) 1393 files found in /root/archives
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Reading /root
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) 23 files found in /root
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) Archive search complete.  1416 total files found.
(六月 13, 2017 23:45:25) End - Unsuccessful.

bash install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes 这样就行了。

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