GitHub - kunalb/poet: An emacs theme that's well suited for modes using...
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A light emacs theme that's well suited for prose: particularly org-mode and markdown-mode; or any mode that works well with variable-pitch
The main idea behind this was to make Emacs more friendly for writing prose instead of code. Highlights include mixing monospace and variable pitch text in markdown and org-modes, making it convenient to write prose and code together. For example,
Set up
- Installation:
- Melpa: Make sure melpa is in your package archives list, and M-x
package-install melpa
- Manual: Download the theme to your
which defaults to~/emacs.d
- Melpa: Make sure melpa is in your package archives list, and M-x
- Variable-pitch-mode: Adding variable pitch mode to text modes will help in rendering mixed fonts every time you edit markdown, org-mode, etc.
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(variable-pitch-mode 1))
- Custom fonts: Choose your fonts/font sizes before loading the theme with
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 130)
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "Fira Code")
(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "Georgia")
- Additional useful modes: Some modes I like to enable/disable
(olivetti-mode 1) ;; Centers text in the buffer
(flyspell-mode 1)) ;; Catch Spelling mistakes
(typo-mode 1)) ;; Good for symbols like em-dash
(blink-cursor-mode 0) ;; Reduce visual noise
(linum-mode 0) ;; No line numbers for prose
(setq org-bullets-bullet-list
'("◉" "○"))
(org-bullets 1)
This is still a very early version of the theme, and there are several caveats:
- Exclusively aimed at graphical emacs
- Not very widely tested
Next Steps
(No fixed timelines for these, depends on my time and motivation)
- Publish v1 to Melpa.
- Add more screenshots showing off different modes (particularly markdown)
- Add support for customizing font faces
- Document support for additional modes.
- Evaluate & test github flavoured markdown in markdown-mode.
- Publish v2 to Melpa
- Create a poet-dark mode with a yellow/white/dark gray scheme.
- Publish v3 to Melpa.
More Screenshots
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