ES6的7个实用技巧 - 一步前端 - SegmentFault

 6 years ago
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7 Hacks for ES6 Developers

Hack #1 交换元素


let a = 'world', b = 'hello'
[a, b] = [b, a]
console.log(a) // -> hello
console.log(b) // -> world

Hack #2 调试


const a = 5, b = 6, c = 7
console.log({ a, b, c });
console.table({a, b, c, m: {name: 'xixi', age: 27}});

Hack #3 单条语句


// 寻找数组中的最大值
const max = (arr) => Math.max(...arr);
max([123, 321, 32]) // outputs: 321
// 计算数组的总和
const sum = (arr) => arr.reduce((a, b) => (a + b), 0)
sum([1, 2, 3, 4]) // output: 10

Hack #4 数组拼接


const one = ['a', 'b', 'c']
const two = ['d', 'e', 'f']
const three = ['g', 'h', 'i']

const result = [...one, ...two, ...three]

Hack #5 制作副本


const obj = { ...oldObj }
const arr = [ ...oldArr ]

拷贝 = 深拷贝 ? 浅拷贝

// 数组元素为简单数据类型非引用类型
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const newArr = [...arr];
// 数组元素为引用类型
const person01 = {name: 'name01', age: 1};
const person02 = {name: 'name01', age: 2};
const person03 = {name: 'name03', age: 3};

const arr = [person01, person02, person03];
const newArr = [...arr];
console.log(newArr[0] === person01);
// true

第二个 demo 就是我想表达的浅拷贝,若有不同意见欢迎讨论~

Hack #6 命名参数???


// 我们尝尝使用的写法
const getStuffNotBad = (id, force, verbose) => {
  ...do stuff
// 当我们调用函数时, 明天再看,尼玛 150是啥,true是啥
getStuffNotBad(150, true, true)

// 看完本文你啥都可以忘记, 希望够记住下面的就可以了
const getStuffAwesome = ({id, name, force, verbose}) => {
  ...do stuff
// 完美
getStuffAwesome({ id: 150, force: true, verbose: true })

Hack #7 Async/Await结合数组解构


const [user, account] = await Promise.all([

彻底掌握 JS 异步处理 Promise 和 Async-Await

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